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Everything posted by ultrajerky

  1. I would most def donate my tots to a toy, but alas i sold all my tots to the circus.
  2. You little waxy assholes, i love you all <6

  3. Ty for tidings of birthday joy cute fools! but now i must go, my planet needs me! <33333333333444444444555555566622222<<<<<<4

  4. Spote is a silly shit, stop being silly.. you shit :\/)

    1. KarmaTheFoney


      A silly shit like Spote cannot simply stop being a silly shit, you silly shit

    2. ultrajerky


      Gosh if a shit sure as silly as you can say this shit, it must mean this silly shit sure must be silly.

  5. Happy Bday makaroni

  6. Starlerd are you a mutha fuckin starboy?

    1. Starlord


      *Jean Claude vandame voice* 

      Do not challenge me punk.

    2. McLaughlin86
  7. Happy Burpday my favorite badmens soiluh

  8. D: my df went missing then came back, you ingrates don't understand my distress. i am beyond trigonometry!
  9. a guyrasoe is worth much more than 30 pds, talkin 10-20 Dt's
  10. Just don't go with the games idea of a beginner character, "humar" humars arent good. I think ramar is a good start imo, they are easy to use and ridiculously good with all the gear. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter, as all characters are pretty simple to use.
  11. Away with your adorable wiggly ear avatar. stop making me look at it... away with you child

    1. SelahIsASpot
    2. ultrajerky


      you better listen here fella....

  12. I got one for 15 pds, no hit
  13. This event is adorable, you are adorable.
  14. S>Hitless reapers 15 pds :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ipolyr


      I appreciate that. How do I give you a thumbs up or w/e, as well?

    3. ultrajerky


      oh you dont have to lel, but you just click the green up arrow

    4. R-78


      omg I clicked

  15. S>Post 10 dt's

    1. Zoomcat7


      poof o sanic tem, i actually wouldn't mind buying this but I'm broke :(

    2. ultrajerky
    3. rafelulas


      still have it?, how much is in pds?

  16. somedays i cant look at myself in the mirror, but today..... i still cant look at myself in the mirror. but at least i found a 35 hit edgy bro Who wants it? im sticking my head in the magical rotation toaster tomorrow
  17. S> Poof of sonic 10 Dt's S> hitless Reapers 15 pds each

  18. Listen here Soilah

  19. S> proof of sonic team 10 dt's S>50 pds for 7 Dt's

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