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Ultima GM
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Everything posted by R-78

  1. Ep I & II Max Attack S and Ep IV Reals of War are good as well
  2. I can sell you some if you are online.
  3. Perfect. You can play the quest with your 3 children.
  4. It was not your shield but your weapon. Requirements don't take your weapon's stats boost into account (since once you equip it, the other weapon is gone and so does the bonus) It used to be a glitch but it was fixed (the Glide divine would turn grey in your inventory but remain equipped)
  5. You are playing with Exp x1? Nice I like that. I usually do as well. Yet that is not a reason, you cannot blame a game for being difficult if you decided not to use your bonuses
  6. So you grind all your chars here with Exp x5 then transfer those levels to Ephinea? Fair enough.... Ultima monsters are buffed, still a lot of server items make them look ridiculous. On one person with Glide Divine V00, Ignition Cloak and Foie Merge: Literally ohko the bartle. On multi mode, with only the Glide, two Foie are enough to kill a Bartle. The weapon is worth like 20 PDs. Yeah you need 10 more levels to play Ultimate here. But honestly, how long would you take to get 80 Lvls on GC without any Exp bonus? Just be patient and someday you'll be sad that they're so weak. And I know what I mean as I used to hunt Heaven Striker by killing Pyro Gorans with confuse traps as I was too weak to solo them.
  7. https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/wiki/item&id=010250
  8. I got a 0/0/100/0 Diska of Braveman, I don't know about the others. We definitely could win a minute though (Had some deaths and Pan arms splitting)
  9. 4P Cal's Clock Challenge (PB) Insetick(RAcast), Shoutgu-(RAcast), Agency(RAmarl), Capa(RAcaseal) 00:29 (remaining)
  10. R-78


    Please next time do not delete your topic content when we solve your problems. It is always good to keep track of what happened.
  11. R-78

    Easter Event 2018

    Quasar Staff's skin has been released, update your game and check it out! Thanks to @Lipelis!
  12. R-78


    I have a 3rd DF I can trade if that helps you. Stats are 100/100/0/0/80.
  13. It should only happen when you die. Are you sure you didn't get hit by some megid or full damage trap (in Temple, Spaceship and Seabed) ?
  14. B>Bomb-chu with 100% total stats

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