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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by griffeni

  1. S> s reds arms 15 pds

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starlord



      Joking I could but nah you can have it. I don't actually need it. Get pds fast before someone else does tho lol

    3. R-78


      Same here. Get it, Leezy

    4. Starlord


      Cheering for leezy * DO IT DO IT DO IT!!

      don't make me post the video to motivate you lol

  2. happy birthday sabrina

    1. leezy


      Dm for birthday gift,,maybe goodbye

  3. trading 60 mind mats for 60 power mats

  4. B>50 power mats

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. griffeni


      sure misombre ill buy in a bit im gonna get some food first

    3. Misombre


      Room : Griffeni's up. No password.

    4. Misombre


      I got 20 more power mats if you still need some

  5. happy birthday angle i hope you get vet although i dout it will happen

  6. ings responce when anyone asks her to be the valentine :^) http://puu.sh/n6Clk/b5479c6caf.jpg

    1. TheJoker25


      I think we get it. You love INGA. Put a Red Ring on it if you want it that badly.

    2. Malxerz
    3. ultrajerky


      ING has fans, she is grill. BBQ

  7. me when i try anything and people are better than me :^)

    1. Ardh2005


      I know the feeling!

    2. Malxerz


      But, you aren't ing so...

  8. griffeni

    3 for 1

    i offer you giving me all the items and 20 of your finest dts
  9. S>megid 27 40 pds S>deband 30 3 pds S>jellen 30 2 pds

  10. S>megid 27 45 pds S>deband 30 3 pds S>jellen 30 2 pds


    1. Cyane


      have a nice breezyday

  12. ★man i love stars★

    1. griffeni


       Chris you get a gold star

    2. griffeni


      Wow it doesnt want you to have a gold star i am sorry

    3. McLaughlin86


      s>gold stars for chris 100dts

  13. this month on griff irl http://puu.sh/n0jbN/95dc8bf5fd.jpg

    1. Malxerz


      Nothing but the best for my absolutely best friend

  14. so i went to the doctors a little bit ago and had an ultra sound done on where the lump is bc they where hoping it was just a cist but it was a mass so im going to have a biopsy done soon to find out if its cancerous and im kinda hoping its not because i want to have kids so even if i live if it turns out to be i wont be able to have them

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. killroy909


      woah negetive ^

    3. mudkipzjm


      damn, best wishes to you

    4. Misombre


      Man, you're thinking so hard that you actually don't think enough about what you're saying. Sure there is influence from society, and what ? We've become what we are and we know what we want. The situation you set up (in space) doesn't exist and is anyway stupid. What do you try to demonstrate ? That you're a damn philosopher and we, poor people, don't even know how much we are manipulated. You still have a lot of progress to make if so. You talk about analyzing, b...

  15. so i might have cancer D: im going to the doctors this week to find out though c: so dw about me and ill dw about life

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. griffeni


      thank you leezy and starthat means alot to me that you guys care

    3. MomoBunnie


      I hope its not cancer. Fuk cancer.

    4. InCiDeR


      I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this. There is never an easy way to cope with situations like this. I can't imagine how you feel. Allow yourself to be in the now and allow all feelings and emotions to be present and acknowledged just as they are. Hopefully you will return home with good news. Wish you the best. InCiDeR

  16. i see you there with your suppressed gun and you will sell to the jerkinator or i will handfote you so hard
  17. what do you call a sexy rappy you kill with a zanbeacon bacon wrapped hot wings
  18. i asked a girl at work if she was a miner. she said no why? i told her bc every time i see her she is digging for gold
  19. i was telling some jokes in lobby the other day, no one thought they where punny
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