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Samy Senju

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Everything posted by Samy Senju

  1. I'm Back:D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. beezemanjones
    3. blitsen


      My neck, my back, my Netflix and my snacks !

      HELLO :)

    4. Evie


      ^lol blitsen xD

      and welcome back Sammy :)

  2. R.I.P Pso World xD

    1. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Se paniquean xD, esta en descanso nadamas :3. Hey ya tengo tu mag desde hace 5 dias xD

    2. highbass


      sip asi fue

    3. Biza


      xd no entra

  3. I have sato 5/150/45/0 with twins, pm me
  4. I have FTD and Bringer 50 hit, send me a PM
  5. how much for fatsia and hit?
  6. Para qué las quieres? Hahaha yo tengo una creo, luego te la doy
  7. Estoy vendiendo DF 0 0 50 50 50 interesados mandar PM c:
  8. Being happy, but a happiness based on love.
  9. Guardame la lame 0 0 35 45 si?
  10. Ahorita mismo, deja entro y busco los mags
  11. Ojalá todo esto sea por algo bueno:c

    1. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      No, no me paso nada xD. Es que quiero jugar PSO pero estoy muy ocupada:ccc

    2. Samy Senju
  12. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time or Majora's Mask?:c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylph777


      both are excellent hahaha , ocarina of time is more like an epic adventure while majora's mask is rather a conceptual experience with very much subcontent, the best would be that you could play both of them xD

    3. Samy Senju

      Samy Senju

      Besides, Majora's has a little of sadness while you're playing if you realize

    4. HandlebarsFakis


      majoras mask was better, but ocarina was more popular

  13. How much for this sato? 10/150/40/0 Twins
  14. I´m so busy:c. I need a hug:D

  15. 8 pds por los 3 cent pow? xD
  16. Te la hubiera comprado a 60 antes pero despues de 1 dia de haberla comprado yo, tu ya habias sacado las 2 xD
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