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About Sylph777

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    Love is the Light that crush the darkness of our lives <3
  • Birthday 09/21/1984

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    Sylph LV200 (Hucaseal) Takumi LV200 (Hucast) Angelica LV200 (Hunewearl) Masaki LV200 (Racast)
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    Kingdom of Heaven
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    Yahushua The Lord and King of all, Spirituality ( all kind, i'm not stuck with only my personnal beliefs ), Philosophy, My Family and Friends, PSO (obviously..), Gaming, Music, Animés, Youtube, Food, Nature, Outdoor Activities, Singing, Reading, Traveling, Sharing and Discussing about life and love and many other things that i can't think about for now :p

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  1. How can a woman know if a man is true and good ? She should just look at how the man consider his father and his mother. A right man loves and honors his parents. You tell a woman you've just met that you love her but you never tell your mother that you love her ? Hyppocrite, are you serious ? Don't you think there's a problem ? The ways of a man who is rebellious to his father cannot be right. The beginning of integrity is to respect and honor those who gave you life ( despite their faults ). Then, a true man is the man of only ONE woman, he will never cheat and he will never see someone else than his love, it is the wickeds and the perverse who do that. I know that the decadent modern society has taught us that there is nothing wrong and no harmful consequences to know several partners and to do what we want/feel only to satisfy our carnal desires but love is the contrary of that.. Love is not synonymous with pleasure but with forgiveness, sacrifice, service, concessions and understanding. True love often causes more pain than pleasure, but the satisfaction and strength that emanates from it is infinitely more powerful than carnal love. There are terrible impact and consequences ( on others but also on ourselves ) to commit adultery, play with the feelings of others and practice all kinds of immorality and sexual depravity. Women are absolutely not meat or sexual objects that can be used as you please and then throw them away when you are satisfied.. it is unbridled sexuality and pornography that taught you to look at women as objects of lust to satisfy your pulsions, you must change your views and relearn everything my friend.. A man who refuses to marry the woman he claims to love, does not really love her in reality... this man is just a coward who refuses to engage because the mere fact of considering the refusal shows that his heart is in uncertainty and fears, but perfect love BANNISH fears ! A true man keeps himself clean and pure for the woman he loves, he is not going to masturbate and watch porn simply because his wife doesn't want to make love one night... true love is PATIENT ! A real man listens to his wife when she speaks to him, he protects her, considers her and cherishes her more than anything else, he sees her as his treasure and would voluntary lay down his life for her.. A real man questions himself and acknowledges his mistakes, he is not shamefull to asks his wife for forgiveness if he is wrong. A true man doesn't try to dominate and take over from his wife, he doesn't try to manipulate her emotionally and mentally to change her according to his perverse desires.. Mr proud, you are nobody to pretend to be able to change your wife, only God can change the hearts... You should start yourself by changing and showing the good example daily, then maybe you could touch your wife by your behavior..

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    2. Sylph777


      By freedom , i mean not your freedom of thinking ofc, i meant your freedom of always doing what you want without considering your partner needs :) seem like you have trouble understand me but it's probably my fault i don't express myself clearly. Also God doesn't darken anything, He is light and therefore He rather enlighten everything that is darkenned by our own thoughts and bad thinkings. Peace.

    3. Misombre


      Well it's hard to write down our very thoughts in such a way that we're always understood. That's why talking face to face is often better for this kind of discussion/argument. It has been an issue for me sometime: people thinking that am being agressive or disrespectful because they don't read correctly or I don't write correctly (or we're not even talking about the same thing, this make me laugh, but is kinda sad) ç_ç

      God is light, therefore it doesn't darken. But you are human. Glasses are supposed to be see-through, yet, if you don't clean them correctly or if you wear them incorrectly, your sight will be affected. You as a human, using god in your words, you're the one that might make things darker. Consider it. The same way that love can destroy. This is not love that destroy, this is what people do with it. Also, it's time to sleep o=

    4. Sylph777


      I do perfectly agree with your words :) what you said reach me and it's a lesson of humility. Now, while my sight might be really incorrect about lot of things, that's absolutely certain. I still think i'm correct when i claim that God is against  adultery, fornication, free love and everything that is sexually perverted. In the same order of thing, i don't think i'm wrong by taking Jésus as the perfect model, considering how much His life reflect holiness, purity of heart, moral perfection, uninterested love and ultimate goodness. I love you my friend, peace <3

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