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About Sylph777

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    Love is the Light that crush the darkness of our lives <3
  • Birthday 09/21/1984

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    Sylph LV200 (Hucaseal) Takumi LV200 (Hucast) Angelica LV200 (Hunewearl) Masaki LV200 (Racast)
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    Kingdom of Heaven
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    Yahushua The Lord and King of all, Spirituality ( all kind, i'm not stuck with only my personnal beliefs ), Philosophy, My Family and Friends, PSO (obviously..), Gaming, Music, Animés, Youtube, Food, Nature, Outdoor Activities, Singing, Reading, Traveling, Sharing and Discussing about life and love and many other things that i can't think about for now :p

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  1. Trump will reintroduce the death penalty for pedophiles in the 53 states of USA. He advocates lethal injection and firing squad for cases of abuse and/or rape of minors under the age of 15 and will take tough measures against child pornography as well. It seem like the Lord is bringing His Justice and Light in america through this man, i don't think to make america great again like donal trump and many americans believe.. but to cleanse the horrific dirt and corruption of all these past years.. and this will not be done without a high cost.. It's only the beginning of this judgement but darkness will be put to light and earth will be purified of evil ! I pray that God will bless, protect and use this man to stand up to all of these elite devil worshippers and spread a spirit of repentance over america, otherwise its destruction will be certain and imminent. I hope americans people will not harden theirs hearts and recognize the moment of their divine visitation in this land, which is now!

    1. CCastles93


      Who are we to say who lives or dies? If you truly are a man of god, wouldn't you immediately think of one of the 10 commandments: "Thou shalt not kill."? I respectfully disagree, because killing is wrong PERIOD; even scum of the earth people like pedos shouldn't be put to death. Better yet, put them to good use and have them work hard manual labor towards building new structures for the state until they die on their own. Or use them as human experiments instead of using tissue/animals to further develop our medical knowledge.

    2. Sylph777


      I never said it was right to kill, i didn't give my personnal opinion about his decisions ( only about how i think that God would use him ) but what i can see is that trump is taking alot of decisions rather in favor of Divine justice than the contrary... the commandments "thou shalt not kill" has to be taken in it's context my friend... otherwise God would've never ordered the stoning and murdering of the adulterers, the wizards, the homosexuals, the rebels towards their parents and all that is abominations before Him.. He would not have said that the soul who sin will be the one that will also die ( physically and eternally ), He would not have destroyed sodom and gomorra by fire and He would not have drowned the ancient impish world by the flood... The commandments above spoke mainly of premeditated murder.. of cold-blooded killing someone who did nothing wrong and that the laws of the society did not find death guilty either. We shouldn't forget that it is God who establishes the laws here below ( appart of those very last impish laws because we are at the end of time and that was prophesied to happen just before the second coming of the Messiah ), it is Him who inclines the heart of kings. Absolutely nothing happens without God permitting it because He is the absolute ruler... Now many bad things happen here below but that's not the will of God obviously... He just allow those things to happen for many reasons : our freewill, the spiritual law of reaping what we sows, the difficult lifetime of some people by sickness and sufferings in all kind ( many times those things happen to lead us to God because it's much easier to turn to God when we're broken.. ). His ways are just not our ways, you are a man ( like me ) and you can't tell what is wrong or right by your humans reasonning, noboby can't but Jésus because He is the only One sinless  and the only One worthy to defines what true justice is, we will not be judged by human standards but by the perfect standards of the law of God.

      We do have to realise that God is absolutely HOLY and RIGHTEOUS ( totally different from us ), He hates sin and cannot even see it. Ccastle i don't know about your faith and your relationship with Jésus but i can tell you that the only loving, tolerants and permissive Jésus ( toward what He consider evil ) is a false and worldly Jésus ( absolutely not the Jésus of the bible ). Yes God is love and mercy BUT He is also righteous and pure and He cannot tolerate rebellions and wickedness... proof is the eternal punishments of the sinners, burning in torments and horrors in a lake of fire forever and ever... does that sound nice from your human criteria ? probably not but that's the God of Israël, the God of the Bible ( which i believe to be the true God ). You can, choose to believe in whoever Jésus you want, you can even make your own God but i personnaly choose to believe in the Jésus of the Bible because He changed my life and i did experienced many of the endless parts of this God ( His love, mercy and goodness but also His severity and His justice ). Thank you for your comment and much blessings to you.

    3. CCastles93


      I never said you did. Also, yes, it was God who destroyed sodom and gomorra and the world by flood, not us. I meant it was wrong FOR US to kill. It is not in fact, taken out of context when I quoted "thou shald not kill", because it is a basic human rule for us not to do so written by God himself through Moses. Also what is said in the Old Testament about stoning adulterors, etc. many of these laws  is that they were not intended to be enforced  but rather were promulgated to indicate the moral and social priorities of the law giver. They functioned to express certain ideals of behavior, to denounce actions, such as adultery, as being really bad rather than to define precise penalties for these actions.  From early rabbinical times, the Torah appears to operate with the same assumption. For example, Exodus 21:29–32 addresses a case where if an ox gored another person to death due to negligence on the part of the owner, “the owner also must be put to death,” but the very next verse states that “if payment is demanded of him, he may ransom his life by paying whatever is demanded.” The text literally demanded a person be put to death but assumed the punishment would be substituted for a fine set by the courts. Also, the souls of man, demons, and even the devil himself, won't burn in the lake of fire forever. It's said that you shall perish(die, be destroyed) and that this is the second death. The first being when you die before the second coming of Jesus. When the sinners all burn in the lake of fire, depending on the severity of your sins, determines how long you burn until you eventually perish(die again, but from existence), with the devil and anti-christ burning the longest. In conclusion, I'm speaking of the same Jesus and God as the bible says. And it can't be helped that morality is subjective, and people interpret the bible differently.

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