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The ultimate PSO newbguide


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By even reading this guide, you failed the first step on how to be a true real NOOB

But anyways, real noobs don't get discouraged that quickly so here we go :

What is a noob?

A noob (newb, newby, ...) is a beginner who basically acts/talks before thinking (if he ever does)
without realizing his own stupidnessness.

How do i recognize a noob?


The average pso noob is easily spotted by his tipical noob behavior(will be elaborated further in the guide).
Most noobs are low level, but there are some noobs in disguise and even some rare lvl 200 specimens.

Noob behavior!

Wanna be a PSO noob? Follow these simple steps to become the king/queen of em :D

  • enter a random room and scream TTF/RT !!!!
  • constantly beg for weapons and stuff even to lower levels
  • always use 1 weapon, never switch (if it has 3 golden stars it is the best !! )
  • do not use magic if you are a FOrce to save TP and never use traps as CAst
  • never check stats or % on a weapon, remember, 3 GOLDEN STARZ IS TEH BEST!!
  • if you don't get what you want, start insulting everybody around you and frustrate everyone (especially yourself)
  • don't listen to advise, you are always right!
  • start at least 8 new characters (preferably with the same ID it is just a color after all) before even getting one to lvl 100+
  • switch teams every day and ask to be ranked everywhere
  • use sonic/tails/nuckles npcs all the frikkin time
  • use every material you find, (extra tip: mind materials are very good for casts)
  • feed your mag all you find, so it gets level 200 fast, THAT IS TEH BEZZT!!!!
  • pick up and bank every red box you find, you never know when those 12 varista's will come in handy^^
  • feel like you are the richest person in the world when you have 5 PDs!!!! (and ask people to buy PGF's with it)
  • buy items you don't know, but just because everyone talks about it (HOW maNny pgfs DO you give mE for 7 PDs????!!)
  • brag about the lvl 200 chars and gear you don't have on other servers
  • call everyone with better items than you a hacker
  • call everyone with less good items than you a noob
  • call everyone with the same items as you a copycat
  • make several forum accounts and give yourself +rep on every post
  • donate for $65 + and quit after a month
  • start a world war when you lose 2PDs due to a bug
  • edit button is for pussy's, always double post
  • ask where episode 3 is, if you can't find it, report that as a bug
  • when your mag hits 100 PB, immediately cast the photon blast. ITS PRETTYYYY!!!

Ok, once you've mastered all these behavior you can proudly call yourself a PSO NOOB 1st class, go brag about it everywhere (and tell it to your momma) :D


PS: This guide is just for fun, don't take it to seriously, and remember, most of us all once are/were newbs :P

© Chuk

Edited by chuk
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This is a great guide ty Chuk, But you maybe should add cock blocking on here i think some would do good to find out they have nub left in their blood lol. Was very funny indeed and on point.

Also trying to trade someone a Dual Bird cause "its super rare" for a L&K38 or sjs lol hahaha xD

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"cock blocking" ?

Hmm, and a test, how noob are you? Sounds fun, I'm gonna make that someday... xD

to add( - brag about your lvl 200 and awesome gear you don't have on other servers)

I mean, WTF manzz, My guide izz PERfect LAIKe it IZ !!

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