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final pacman

Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by final pacman

  1. illl buy one of the single stat ones i can meet in game now or later
  2. ill get the soul banish the slicer of vengence
  3. ultimate - ep4 - blueful - dorphan - alis resolve ultimate ep2 - skyly - epsilon - centurion/battle
  4. awesome lets do it "pumped"
  5. ill buy the panzar faust 70/0/30/0
  6. i got these lucks and some hp mats
  7. on one of my accounts finalpacman every time i click an item i dc and the item disappears dont know what to do. reaching out to the gm's /developers to hopefully fix this i lost 3 items but its fine i dont care. let me know what we can do to fix this
  8. title: i am offering to pay pd, or ps, or dt or combo of both. i am not sure the going rate but let me know the price
  9. ill buy your material grinders and photon crystals
  10. personal messaged you. about the price on an item. let me know if you can get back to me
  11. ep 2 - baranz - oran = photon booster
  12. i ahve dream cast mind mag with 195 mind let me know
  13. my quick question is what are secret tickets used for i have had them stocked up for a while now and wondering if there is any use. i have item ticket to and i know that one is for momokas shop . are they both used for that. i am curious, i look forward to hearing back from you
  14. Girasole +20 [25/0/45/35|0] I also have a sov that's like 0/0/35/50. if those are good enough pm me
  15. I have wedding dress for sale and Excalibur with 10 machine. let me know if you are interested I can meet up whenever
  16. interested in def and luck materials I cann meet you in came
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