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Status Updates posted by Pin

  1. Im a verteran in the game and im still gettin it, broke up wit my ex and im still hittin it!!!

    1. Dizzak420


      thats the spirit

  2. im about to eat corned beef hash u.u

  3. Im auctioning a Wedding Dress i hope someone could use a better armor xd

  4. Im here for pgf and pgf i shall have oh and that sexy girl on ultima that recently joined :3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pin
    3. X-type
    4. Pin


      Iwant her like brang dang dang dang!!! -Based god!!!

  5. Im so pretty you cant even touch me!!!

    1. Elision
    2. Zeph


      Careful Pin. I'm not sure Os poked you with his finger.

    3. Pin
  6. imma be back monday to recruit for my team

  7. Is it me or is good secks the cure to alot of shit?

  8. Its a shame when people don't know God and wont even give him a chance...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Sylph777


      and btw i don't care if we us Childrens of God will go through the great tribulation and persecutions, i don't care if i have to died for my faith, i would be more than glad to died for my Saviour, i don't care at all about my life, we are unworthy anyway but Jésus took our shame, our sins, our diseases on the cross, He did everything only for us that didn't deserved anything than hell

    3. Sylph777


      so i don't mind dying for Him, i will reject this mark even if i have to died in atrocious suffering, it will be a proof of my love for Him, Lord Jésus forgive us, we are pitifull, only You can save us

    4. Pin


      Well put

  9. Its a shame when people don't know

  10. Just happy my long lost friend is home.

  11. LOL no combo on lk 38 hehe might aswell put the nail in the coffin!!! lol i got a better idea how about we take off combos on darkweapons. no wait even better no more wedding dresses :D man im smart. I should get a reward

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Choko


      It's not like anything you mentioned would be worse than these weapons were intended to be and were in PSOBB. You talk as if it is an outrageous idea.

    3. Biza


      geez xD

    4. Vazerty
  12. Lost My Nakas Cards in DC please oh please help me why me?

    1. HandlebarsFakis


      i lost a 40 hit SoF to a dc was a sad day

  13. no i dont care for rep just dont like con artist

    1. subbie


      rep++++ and ++++++

  14. Noobs get alot of hecklers and catch flack but being a noob, or as i like to call them "nubs", are the ones that have the most fun on Ultima. Nothing like the times of the come up and hustle when trying to go pro. Was the best gaming experience. Ill remember it forever. i envy hungry Ultima young bucks. lol

    1. makaveli


      was just thinking about this earlier lol


  16. Sometimes i still wanna give people the benifit of the doubt. But the older i get the more i dont have a doubt to give damn people are so phucked up

  17. Soon ill return with a vengence. I have only a few items left on my wishlist. Next im getting the rianov 5 and the guld. then ill knock down the small stuff and lastly the laconium axe, galatine, and the neis claw. My trophy items. oh and a errm damn what the name of that hmm that spread thingy that shoots hearts oh well ill find it all watch. Just aquired the 50 hit Zanba. In your face Godric hehe. and im just getting started.

    1. Pin


      btw the zanba was in the top 3.

    2. Pin


      its some kinda thingy. it shoots like a burning visit id say. or whatever the other name is. oh yea flame visit.

    3. Grimoire Greys
  18. that just pissed me off how they did that add hit thing at a time when i couldnt be on. Some people have jobs and have to work. It aint fare

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RudyArana


      Yeah, them GMs are wild! XD

    3. Larva


      LOL i have 50 pds can i use them?

    4. serverus


      just 8 ppl has 50 pds i dont belive it well sorry but there is not other event like this sorry for u guys XD

  19. They never saught the answers but they think they know the answers. This is the same as students trying to teach the teachers

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sylph777


      happy day heavenly Father, Thank you for giving us Your only Son, Thank you Jésus Lord because you REALLY died for us, help us to love you more than our own life because without You we are absolutely nothing Saviour, may the will of God be fullfiled in your life pin even if it's through the pain and tests, remember that is the only way to grow faster, don't be discouradged by satan, you have already the victory in the name of Jésus, be patient and look for holiness, keep say...

    3. Sylph777


      keep saying the truth without compromise because God hate lies and every kind of sins will not be found in the kingdom of heaven, we have to be holy like God is Holy, stay strong bro peace :)

    4. Pin


      This is confirmation for me man. We have been tutored by the spirit of God. We think alike on different sides of the planet. The same info he taught me hes taught to you. And im sure we both have our own set of info that is given according to our purposes that is also separate. God is complex and amazing! Glory to God!!!

  20. Think about it like this. Running a servers like running a government. If you want the people to lov your country, you, and be happy you gotta make peeps happy. And you cant make em happy shittin on hopes and dreams like uhhhhh!!!!! take that you peons!!! Just you wait you lil poot nuts ill have your soul next muhahahah. ITs more like treat others as you want to be treated.

    1. subbie


      Its not always within the best interest of the public to do what THEY want.

    2. Larva


      wtf pin. you really have me in that concept.. lol like just subbie said.

      did you mom alway give you what you wanted? if not then you throws a tantrum ?

  21. This right here forever ever...

  22. to see shade was online was a shocker i was like yoooo broooo wazaaaaa!!!???

  23. Well lets just wait and see...

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