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Ultima Veteran
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Status Updates posted by Mimi

  1. Talvez no lo sepan, no lo parezca o ni se lo imaginen. Pero la mayoría del tiempo, cuando estoy sola, todo me aterra...

  2. Tell someone you love them today. Because tomorrow is not promised. To my ultima's family and my friends I LOVE YOU!!!! ❤

    1. Virec


      I know we all love you aswell ❤️  

  3. Tengo desordenado el cabello, la vida y el corazón...

  4. The biggest lesson i learned this year is to not force anything; conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes. It is what it is...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDEN


      I agree.. I forced a fart the other day and ended up prairie dogging and I regret it deeply.

    3. nnorton44


      @EDEN is this factual XD

    4. Trigunman


      @EDEN too much information, hilarious none the less, but yea, TMI...  :onion-head65:

  5. The strongest one bleed in silence. Have no one applauding their growth. Have no one watching their healing process. They bloom in silence...

  6. The world is gonna judge you no matter what you do, so live your life the way you want to.

  7. To that one soul reading this. I know you're tired, you're fed up, you're close to breaking but there's strength within you, even when you feel weak. Keep Fighting...

    1. Lone Ranger

      Lone Ranger

      feels like I have been running on empty for the last 20 miles

    2. Trigunman


      Preach it sistah. :onion-head11:

      Whatever does not kill you will only make you stronger.

  8. Todo lo que hayas hecho con amor y sinceridad regresa a ti con mayor proporción. No importa como paguen los demás, la recompensa siempre viene y no llena tu ego, llena tu corazón!

  9. Un abrazo para todas las personas que últimamente no se han sentido bien, un "tu puedes" para quienes piensan desistir, un "cuenta conmigo" para aquellos que se sientan perdidos, un café y una charla para quienes no encuentran un sentido y se levantan cada día. Porque tú y yo tenemos algo en común; Nunca vamos a rendirnos...

    1. Kira Note

      Kira Note

      Es lo más hermoso que he visto en toda mi vida. XD

  10. Un día como hoy... hace 14 años me registre al foro :v

  11. Un sourire coûte moins cher que l’électricité, mais donne autant de lumière...

    1. bobshlibidich


      Ca coûte plus cher de dentiste.

  12. Una vez alguien me dijo: "Eres una mujer muy fría"... Yo le contesté: "No es que sea fría, mi calor no se lo doy a cualquiera".

    1. serverus


      solo a la pozoles?

  13. What others think of me is their choice, what i think of myself is my choice...

    1. Kotta


      And yours must matter to you above anything else.

    2. Gor3


      Disregard anything anyone says about you, only opinion that matters about yourself is yours :)

  14. Y aun, entre tantas almas, es una locura que la tuya me siga pareciendo la más hermosa...

    1. Larva


      Letra de cacion?

    2. Mimi


      No, son cosas que pongo mientras espero a hacer quest ^^

    3. Mimi


      cuando quiero poner alguna letra ps mejor pongo la cancion aca x3

  15. Y técnicamente soy la viva representación de todo lo que odio.

  16. Ya no fuerzo las cosas. Lo que fluye, fluye. Lo que falla, falló. Solo tengo espacio y energía para las cosas que son para mi.

  17. Yo ya no vivo...simplemente aguanto...

    1. serverus


      q aguantas?


    2. Mimi


      ando enfermita corazón

    3. serverus


      tomate algo mujer para de sufrir xd sone bien de comercial lol

  18. You cannot judge me for the way i chose to deal with my pain...

    1. Trigunman


      We all suffer and deal with pain, whether we learn from it, grow from it or even overcome it altogether.  Whatever does not kill us, only makes us stronger.  Without pain, we would never learn when to stop, to guard ourselves, to learn to protect ourselves or to be wary of what brings pain to others.  No one wants pain or to suffer, but it is an important fact of life we all must learn to deal with and understand.


      Bottom line, there also is only one just judge in this earth...  None of us mere mortals are HIM and one day, He will judge us all righteously.

  19. Your next season is going to cause some people to wish they had treated you better...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mimi


      quien sabe xD, no creo que importe tampoco o si  :v? quien conoce la informacion tiene el poder(?), Sera este el fin de la Mimi buena(?), asdasdf (?), ( Espacio Reservado Para Publicidad ).

    3. steelfirehawk


      When I forgive my enemies they don't have to pay for the way they treat me, but I hope they will get better one day instead of preying on broken down tired souls.

    4. Rivaul
  20. Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inabilty to see your worth...

    1. nnorton44


      This is true historically the greatest innovators of our time were dismissed by others only to go on and do amazing things...

  21. como te quieren aqui manuel xD

  22. has not set their status

  23. I Love u <3

    1. Mimi


      Yuki me quieres matar ? u_u

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