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Everything posted by Trigunman

  1. *sigh*  I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...  Accursed lower back pain.  25 years of sitting my derriere' in a chair is now compressing my lowest spinal disk and now I can't even sit without pain.  :onion-head25:

    To all my friends and acquaintances here, sadly I won't be logging in as much anymore and certainly won't be doing any 3-4 hour marathon runs.  Keep me in your prayers and that my back heals up soon...




    1. Lemon


      I'm sorry to hear about this.  Hopefully it heals right up and we'll see you again soon.

    2. Grimoire Greys

      Grimoire Greys

      The age is creeping up on ye, as it is me. I hope you feel better after taking a break, dood.

  2. That's a shame... I had wondered what had become of this, it's too bad this concept has serious security issues. Getting another account is easy, but it's still a pain to swap accounts, at least dual log-in is one way to deal with it.
  3. I've posted this before, but it's worth the copy and paste IMHO... Ahhh, on behalf of the server, welcome to Ultima, ReconYourFace! Allow me to lead you to links here that are introductory reading for any newcomer: Keyboard Controls Layout Overlay - Section ID Calculator - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/tool-box/calculators/section-id/ Ultima Weapons, Armors and Items Wiki - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/wiki/items/ Ultima Drop Table - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/drop-tables/ Commonly used Ultima abbreviations - Mags - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/forum/80-mags/ In-game Commands - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/tool-box/commands/ Ultima Server Character Viewer - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/tool-box/character-viewer/ Magatama Mag Calculator/Planner program (courtesy of Aether89) - https://github.com/Aether89/Magatama/releases Quests - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/forum/81-quests/ Special Quest Rewards tables - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/special-quests/ Max Stats Calculator - https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/tool-box/calculators/max-stats/ Max Stats Guide - Ranger Class Guides - Oh and don't forget PSO-world.com, there's tons of info there available on quests, mags and so forth there too: http://www.pso-world.com/links-pso.php Hope this helps, enjoy your time here and good journey!
  4. Trigunman


    I'll take it. I'll have to get with you later on tonight about getting the DTs though, thanks! *UPDATE* You have mail sir!
  5. I agree, alot of the BGM for PSOBB was well done, it easily sits in the audio mix for me most of the time, there's only a few times I'll ever have to whip out the /vol command. Ahhh, no need to apologize Peppons, just looking for understanding, not sympathy, besides... What happened then was a long time ago, you'd be amazed though with what you can tolerate over a very long period of time. Some good suggestions Sylph, I'll check those out sometime when I need something else to listen to other that my own music archives.
  6. Very smart way to un-para'ed, poison is much easier to treat too with Anti lvl 1 or higher. As others have stated, recovery items such as Antiparalysis, a Sol Atomizer or Anti level 4 tech or higher will be your only cure. You can read about the different status effects, their cures and who's resistant to them in great detail here: http://www.pscave.com/pso/condition.shtml
  7. Considering I'm a person who has lived with 90% hearing damage in my left ear along with tinnitus from the age of 13, one thing I've learned from that experience is that hearing what's truly important, becomes all that more paramount, in life and by association, gaming. Besides, thanks to the tinnitus, I listen to music ALL THE TIME to drown it out.(and make my own on guitar/bass ^_^)
  8. With sounds of the monsters in the game being very important keys to success, especially when you have no line of sight of them, I actually prefer NO music. Being alert of clues of one's surroundings is always paramount to survival.
  9. THIS! I did this alot at low level while soloing, might as well enjoy the game's story line starting out IMHO! It will also help unlock other quests and also very useful side quests to create monster weapons, add hit to them and so forth later in the game. TTF and RT runs are purely for gaining EXP and in other cases, hunting certain items at considerably higher levels IMHO,(at very hard and ultimate difficulties) as you gain levels rather slow then, especially after you hit level 160. (you drop down to 2x exp rate)
  10. Hail and well met! Holla if you need some help man, I'll take you anywhere you wanna go in this game!
  11. Hail and well met! Enjoy your stay here!
  12. You have mail sir, can't import your file into AutoCAD...
  13. Ahhh yea, I've done some rather basic solid modeling, with some "presentation" projects at work in the past, namely water way weirs and dams, but nothing on the level of what some game designers or game programmers do. (intricate full-bodied player models) Yea, I'm not going to lie, AutoCAD is not an easy program to learn, it's why I went to school for 2.5 years to learn it and it keeps evolving all the time. (thanks Autodesk!) But if it's something basic, as perhaps you're alluding to, maaaaaybe I can do it? I'll admit it's been a while too, I primarily deal with 2d drawings and designs, I'd seriously have to dust off my skills to do something in 3D again...
  14. Pthalo, I'm a Draftsman by trade, basically a technical artist, so I'm not so much of a artistic artist anymore I guess... Although my nieces do their best to draw my artistic side out of me from time to time drawing things for them. I seem to always have been good at recreating anything I see freehand, a human copier machine, haha! I work in a program called AutoCAD, a computer aided-drafting and design program these days, so all my work is via computer. I'm very technical and precise with my drawing, as that is what my job demands doing professionally engineered construction drawings for major municipal and commercial contractors. I've even done a few logo recreations, effectively raster to vector conversions and so forth in my free time for my own purposes or for others along with some solid modeling in 3-D. Back in the day, I've taken art classes in high school so I got to mess with everything from paint & brushes, oil pastels, calligraphy, pencils and so forth. In Vo-Tech, we still learned some board drafting by hand,(just before it went completely to computers) so I got alot of experience in hand drawing by pencil there too with straight edges, triangles, stenciling, electric erasers and so forth, so I'm best with a pencil I guess.
  15. Holy carp! If that's your awful artwork, bring on some more! Pretty good stuff bro! Ahhh you guys inspire me sometimes to pick up the pencil again, sadly my line of work burns me out from wanting to do any kind of artwork anymore...
  16. Centurion/Technique EP1 - Ultimate - Nano Dragon - Redria ID (Caves)
  17. No special on it correct, Patrick? Any ballpark on price, DTs or PDs?
  18. Trap/Search EP1 - Ultimate - Baranz - Greenill ID (via Max Attack 4th)
  19. Until Soly can get on your case Fae, try to contact some of your old friends here if possible to check their chat logs for your character's GC#, that will help you (and Soly) immensely in getting your account back. How long ago has it been since you last logged in?
  20. What is your price on a Lindcray good sir? Which form of payment do you prefer as well, DTs or PDs?
  21. Hey man, you need to come hunt with me so I can get you a Flowens 3084 sword, then you won't be complaining about her being a lousy HU ever again. *edit* OHHH... And get your hands on a cent/power unit, thank me later!
  22. Holla if you need some help in this quest today, I'll be around after 12pm CST. If I don't see you then, good luck, I know some of these later .gov quests are quite challenging, especially the ones that were timed from what I remember.
  23. Heh, it's just what I do here man, for a long time it seems... Being a mentor to the newcomers, it's my way of "paying back to the server", it's all good and thanks.
  24. Oh, as far as your first questions regarding quests, Single player or multi, I'd do both. The single player quests will unlock some very useful quests for creating monster weapons, adding hit to them and creating certain weapons. The multiplayer quests like Towards the Future in EP1 and Respective Tomorrow in EP2 are all effectively boss speed run quests, thus giving you quite a bit of EXP each run from the bosses. Honestly regarding any further advice at this point is rather moot as I don't know what character you're using and at level 13, you're still pretty low level to use any mid to high level gear that I would even recommend. Let us know what class or classes you're playing, hit about level 50 or so and then maybe me or others can chime in to help you out. Hope this helps, good luck and good hunting!
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