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Everything posted by TripleR

  1. Check sound settings in the launcher, you are able to turn SFX down now, not sure if it will solve the problem but should help
  2. try running as admin? that clears stuff up sometimes
  3. Rollin' in a BM, sendin' PM's to GM's gonna buy me a DM.... Wut!!

  4. Help me get the foolish weapons I need to make heavenly techs and I'll hook you up with one ice sword soul edge devils beam They are pretty awesome untill you hit end game
  5. I can sell you 195 mind mag for 20 pds
  6. Buying various mag cells, some I want many of so pm me with what you have and number of them as well liberta kit x a lot d-photon core x2 Ultima/yahoo engine? After cells only not mags
  7. And it don't matter now what happens I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT!!!

    1. Midori


      Is that the Sonic theme from the first Sonic Adventure?

    2. TripleR


      Not sure, but it is definitely the theme to Max Attack S :)

  8. Preferably all at once but no less than 20 at a time for 1 pd. I will actually pay more than that if you can get me over 100 in one shot, 120 I'll do 8 pds total. PM me
  9. Incredible valor! Respectable muscles!

  10. S> 195 mind ashura 15 pds

  11. If I remember right it is the one for lucky tickets that you exchange for type weapons in beaks cafe
  12. I would like to get 2 god techs and red sword
  13. Midori it seems like you would be THE person to have along on those quests. I get so lost sometimes, aside from just being curious what they are saying
  14. Best of luck man it was fun playing with you Come back once in a while!
  15. Well that would at least explain the evolutions I got. Evolved from 2 varunas 1 vritria. Also means I just ruined another set of baby mags. Ugh
  16. Guildcard: Several Character Several Date/Time: This morning around 0925 Atlantic time, not sure which time yesterday, around 1430 lets say Description: I am not getting proper mag evolutions. 3 mags have issue, 1 evolved into mitra although it was fed by a force at level 35, another evolved into mitra fed by a hunter at level 35, and skyly hunter produced an ashvinau at level 35. All of these are incorrect. Comments: Usually I would just try to make due but these mitra are of no use to me whatsoever. Also there was a day in between in which if there was an unseen issue with the mags it should have become apparent next time I logged on. I would really like it if these could be fixed
  17. That is still the same effect any good ranged MT hell weapon has. Also the places where it isn't as good are often also the same places force magic isn't as effective either. I am not arguing which hell weapons are best just that there are already items out there that can clear a room before most people can even get to the monsters. I am really only throwing out ideas that I think could be interesting for forces. I don't think Ra techs really need boosts, mostly just gi and simple techs, which is fairly close to what you also have in mind.
  18. I stole all the Rs and needed something to do with them... Razumikhin is a character in Crime & Punishment, one of my favorite books. He is the stable rock of reason in Raskolnikovs' torrent of chaos. Also, Razum is russian is reason, Raskol is chaos. Sweet isn't it?
  19. @fyrewolf About magic being too powerful, by that same reasoning we shouldn't have things like typeSH/shot with hell. In most places that is more effective than any of the dark weapons, which are already very strong. While I don't like the idea of magic being super op. I think there are areas that could be improved upon if they haven't been done already. I don't mean making a bunch of super powerful force weapons. I think some places are not meant to solo, plain and simple. Although I will readily admit I don't know a whole lot about this, I recently used someone saber for doing the gizonde trick on my ramarl. The difference in speed of casting was so much greater because of the animation that I constantly shot off too early and couldn't do it effectively. Animation speeds can make a big difference, seeing as there may not be another way to increase force casting speed. It is something that could be explored for making items in the future. Also, due to the nature of how this works it would never be an across the board bonus. It is going to speed some up but possibly slow others down as well, so in the end I feel it would still be rather balanced while giving forces a boost. I am not sure what all is possible, but maybe I will start running some tests to get an idea. Even take say the different elemental wands, now if instead of wants if each was the type of weapon that gave the best overall casting speeed that matched it's boosts. I think that would be very helpful. I am not saying we remake the wands, but just an example of what I think could be possible. As far as megid goes it may not be possible to fix, I still think it is just funny that my 30 hit hell rifle is more effective than a level 30 megid can be. Not only higher success rate but also a faster rate of fire.
  20. What I like the most here, is something to boost the actual megid success rate. It is funny to see a force using a hell weapon, because in reality it is much more effective, as well as faster. I've also mentioned before as to why we don't have a cent/battle type unit for casting. I hear that is doesn't work though unfortunately. Does matching tech animations to the boosted tech for increased speed ever get taken into consideration?
  21. Actually I don't say that with regards to trusting the person, just that if you see the failed trade come up there is probably an issue with items. Therefor, this kind of thing could be more likely to happen. Not garunteed, I have had it happen and not happen
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