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Everything posted by Larva

  1. LMOA haha yeah very random ... >.> Hello , welcome to the server hope you enjoy ur stay here with all the crazy people that is around in this small communiyt. have fun.
  2. I have read every post from this topic. yeah even the ones from Pin LOL .. I know the server is very low in population and donations right now. And i feel this is my fault, because i been absent very absent this weeks, and is not the first time that we are in this situation, when im get absent always happens this. A true fact is that other aspects and decitions helped to be down the hill. For example , GM's we only have one GM right now because they quit , they dont handle the presure. we need to improve thing like de DAM Rollbacks a better fast response to the player. i will try to be more active but my daily life dont help me much on this. well now to the topic right. about HH i think we did what it was needed to be done in the time. And now we are on diferent time so we have to do something now. HH will be back . I think two time a week will be good BUT with diferent schedule (speaking srever time) one day will be in the morning this will help thouse who plays with a really different server time. and the other day will be as it was before around 3pm. i will make a compleate topic about it with the schedule. about the LK. dont even want to get back to this. to many prons and cons and we will never get a majority opinion. about the exp x3 this is a open topic but not for now. Lets see what happen in the server after activing HH.
  3. so is this topic solved? or not?
  4. Larva

    Lame Bug

    is this problem solved ?
  5. LOL any how any of the GM's please change the lobby song.
  6. the mistery button is the coolest thing of the website.
  7. Welcome to the server, as you can see we have a good community here, and lot of crazy ppl around. you will probably meat godric one of the crazyes ones along chuk lol.. have fun. and enjoy the server!
  8. Larva


    uchala se nota que eh andado perdido estos dias. hoy mismo te solucionamos esto man. sorry por la espera.
  9. Welcome to the server.. and what Zeph says. xD
  10. it ia diferent. i will compile the table so ppl get a more acurate list.
  11. well the increase of inventory to 40, i don't think we will be able to make it possible, but the max amount of items such trimate and such that it's possible to make , but 20 is too much in my opinion i would say 15 is ok.
  12. Larva

    PSO2 Skin Client

    also another bad side of the skin is that it will remove our beatiful title screen. hmm but i can fix that later by editing the download file.. ill do it later.
  13. haciendo rollback estara listo pronto.
  14. WTf .. this is weird this bug dont seam to fit.. when this happen the character gor reset. not only the lost of items.
  15. Larva

    PSO2 Skin Client

    just a remainder . this is heavy skin , so if you lag sometimes in PSO then you will lag even more
  16. what was the original stats of it ?
  17. Larva

    PSO2 Skin Client

    THIS POST IS ORIGINAL FROM @K_I_R_E_E_K SKIN CREDITS : ECHELON PSO2 Inspirat A project to transform PSO BB into PSO2. Several aspects will be edited, including sounds, loading screens, title screen, hud, menus,..... Overview: If you want to participate in the mod contact echelon at univer-ps, he can give you resources such as textures if you want. Files changed: DOWNLOADS http://www.univers-p... ... ?l=870&t=d /!\ Please backup the original files, this download will replace sounds, loading screen, title screen,..... Individual downloads: PSO 2 hud: http://www.mediafire...xhl5f6j9ymrph22 Gothic Lobby 11: http://www.mediafire...l3lm74pw30o83oo Ideas and opinions are welcome. Keep in mind the title screen made avaiable here is similar to the one i made, but instead of "BlueBurst" it says "2", if you want the title screen with "blueburst" instead then visit this: http://www.univers-p... ... 4#skin_862 I have translated the text to english and reuploaded the exe with the files, if anyone knows a good hosting service then let me know. As my personal opinion, best PSOBB hud i have ever seen, obviously most of the work comes from PSO2, but the adaptation was made perfectly and this was actually the only hud that made me change from my previous one. Believe me, few huds reach the quality presented here.
  18. Parche en español 2.8 , actualizado, disculpen tanto la tardanza para sacar este parche pero no queria que hubiera errores y por eso decidi hacerlo yo mismo y como no goso de mucho tiempo libre pues por eso me tarde. Bueno ya esta el parche listo para descargar, es lo mismo que el parche de ingles solo que en español.
  19. bien venido. espero y te diviertas mucho. te recomiendo que en te pongas un avatar en el foro.. talvez una firma. asi la gente te enpiesa a ubicar.
  20. es falsa alarma, si dejas que el antivirus borre el archivo no podras jugar,.. dile a tu antivirus que no se asuste todo esta bien. intenta poner en la excluciones de tu antivirus la carpeta completa del juego.
  21. el rollback ya esta en proseso , por favor no uses el personaje hasta nuevo aviso. que sera en unas cuantas horas.
  22. felicidades man. muy buen skin
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