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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by Yannv

  1. Buying the following stuff:

    Flower Bouquet
    Letter of Appreciation

    (most of those items you can get by doing specific quests)

    Scape Doll (buying lots of them)
    L&K38 Combat with high %s (hit not needed)

    PM me.

  2. .


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ricardof14


      Many thanks R-78. I hope he understands that. If he does not want negativation .. do not deny others. And as for me now know that I should not create conversations in the posts of HH alert.

    3. Yannv
    4. Saber +7

      Saber +7

      Lmao they made a rule about down votes... Don’t have them if you don’t want them. Retarded rule. There’s a reason these fools get down voted. 

  3. Buying the following stuff:

    Scape Doll (buying a lot of them)

    L&K38 Combat with high %s (hit not needed)

    PM me.

    1. Yannv


      Bought C/Legs already.

    2. Yannv


      Bought Amplifier of Anti and Amplifier of Gibarta. Thanks @RocketTots.

      EDIT: Got Amplifier of Yellow Too.

  4. Event has come to an end and this thread served its purpose. No official drop tables were released, meaning rates remained unknown. I hope this topic has helped the community. I kindly ask a GM to close this.
  5. OK, I'm assuming it is Chaos Sorcerer who drops it.
  6. .

    1. Saber +7
    2. R-78


      I'll give you Yellow Merge and Dragon Scale

    3. DiosGX


      Had a change of heart last minute. They'd been sitting around for 2 years and I felt bad taking 3pd for basically a dust bunny. ;p

      Thanks for the PDs.

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