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Jerry Torres

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About Jerry Torres

  • Rank
    La Dimenian
    La Dimenian
  • Birthday May 20

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  • Hunter's Name
    n@tsu, hinata+, ichigo-ku, hoclatk, darkangel

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  1. Hello guys. i wanna buy 4 if you have somes, pm me. thanks and have nice day
  2. Stats 0 0 40 85, pm me with the offerts n.n and have a nice day
  3. S> banana cannon. 0 0 40 85 send me a pm if you are interesting nwn and good day

  4. TTF 2P 1 PB, 11:10 - Scout pso (Link SS., fonewn) & jerry torres (blackar, RAmarl)
  5. Chrom orb's x4 Rage de Glace 0 0 45 40 50 (fail i say that are feu but, its rage de glace xD) Excalibur 0 0 40 0 70 Hundred Soul's 10 0 40 0 80 Lindcray 100 100 0 0 70 Sword of ultima 0 0 0 40 40 SJS 0 0 0 65 Master Sword 0 0 45 40 70 (i think) XD PM me with the offer If you are interested in any item. thank for you time and have good day
  6. if you have one for sale, send me a pm pls, and ty for you time
  7. MS o o 40 35 70 and AN 60 hit
  8. pm if you want trade, thanks
  9. stats 0 0 40 35 45, send me pm with offer's? thanks
  10. UR 40 hit+exca(no hit)+99pds
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