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Grimoire Greys

Ultima Veteran
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Status Replies posted by Grimoire Greys

  1. im still drained from the STA hunt... godamn this is like torture D: only on pgf run 40 or so, the motivation isnt real.

  2. Happy Birthday Cal!

  3. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. I'd just like to let you all know that you're all beautiful people and I'm glad to have discovered this place. It may just be a game, but I've got love for you all. Peace.

  4. S>RRmin and ADR and srank J cutter special ARREST

  5. I feel like making a random character and just filling an entire bank with all the blank sabers I get from bosses like falz, olga, and shamby

  6. i need some one to help me get a honeycomb with a red id to help me fun ttf :x

  7. http://tinypic.com/r/jhvjtv/9 Gotta get back to art, I've been slacking :v
  8. http://tinypic.com/r/jhvjtv/9 Gotta get back to art, I've been slacking :v
  9. S> 80 hit type me mechs demon special, buying dm.

  10. girl freind is geting the internt turned off so i wont be on guys if i get a job ill pay to have it turnd back on and get a new 50inch screen tv

  11. The amount of condescension on this server is amazing. I love having people with all the best gear tell me how easy it is to solo stuff. Listening to that is my favorite part of event times.

  12. B>v101 , pm me plz

  13. B>rr/DF/DM/STA/GlideV.00

  14. B> Glide Divine V.00

  15. B> Glide Divine V.00

  16. 18 Runs of STA so far and nothing drop but it's ok I ain't giving up if it's going be 100-200+ runs to get it then I do it

  17. So hyped for Shin Megami Tensei 4 Final

  18. alright friendos, no more procrastinating i need to hunt a spread needle. gonna need an id, and some muscle if anyone wants to join.

  19. Why the FUCK is there a "D" in fridge,but not in "Refrigerator"?

  20. In honor of it being my birthday today, I will be accepting items on my want list as gifts. ^.^

  21. So I log on one of my account,,,,I had this low lvl racast 124 ,and doing cca...this guy Zipp came in start talking trash,,,saying he don't want to carry me thru cca.that I'm to low of a lc

  22. さぁ・・・遊びましょうか

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