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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by Sciaz

  1. can you please say what you have to say in one post, please? And like it has been said, it will take time to do anything about it, so can you stop giving a hard time?
  2. You got me there, Ihavent done olga on ult one person mode. I just had a thought though. You say that foie is your best option. Why not try red scorpio, rage de feu and l&k38? Also try using a wep that has divine punishment?
  3. going with high native hasn't done me wrong yet ^.^ But olga doesn't like it too much, goes absolutely crazy when you hit it with non-tech attacks. LOL
  4. before you go and say I'm wrong about the native thing, just try it. yes, I know olga isn't native, the type is ???
  5. ok, there seems to be alot of misconception... olga doesn't become "invincible". Go in there with a mechgun with good native and it will overcome the pesky damage reduction it has ^.^ I had to learn that one the hard way.
  6. What's your ratio for grinders? I am looking to buy in large volume.
  7. Id be willing to help you if you see me on. Also don't get the wrong idea about units. The ata after units counts as your base ata for purposes of equipping and making items. I remember you too. Hopefully we can play together again in the future.
  8. or the wep doesn't like you XD on a more serious note, pso-world ( where I'm guessing you got the number 210 ) isn't quite accurate for our server with this weapon. the req ata is 220 ^.^ so get a couple more ata and try again. Also if you are not aware, you must have one of them equipped and "use" the other one. Best of luck to you
  9. yay, I dc'd during vol opt ver2. good thing I should get ready for bed anyway. :(

    1. Drga


      Which by the way means stay up on the other computer for an hour so xD

  10. I like that wording "orgy of destruction". I agree, but I think this idea is heading in the right direction, I've seen DF do close to 3k against a monster type that 100% added. So if a high lvl FO like luts can do almost 6k, just cut the boost in half, problem solved? Maybe then my FO will be able to keep up on ult instead of be forced into a support role.
  11. LOL what funnier is the Combat-Forces
  12. can I get the solferino? ^.^
  13. Finally made a red merge ^.^ w00t

  14. Sciaz

    Hello (:

    Welcome to ultima, I hope you enjoy your.stay
  15. people that don't know how to read really do get under my skin sometimes. ^.^

    1. Trigunman


      YEA SCAIZ, you non-reading person j00! ;^D

  16. how much do you want for Flowen Frame?
  17. Name: John Age: 25 Preferred contact method: ingame or forums Hobbies: pso, D&D, almost any rpg game for ps2 or earlier, Anime & J and K dramas Picture: will be editing it in when I'm not "extremely motivated to do nothing". A little more about your self: Back in January 2013 I was a refugee from another server. I enjoy this game I would hope to the fullest. It is almost my obsession. From mags to rares to quests and skins, I know quite a bit. ^.^ ( I don't know if I should be proud of that or not )
  18. Sciaz


    Maybe? I think you'd win in the numbers department though :*( People seem to like the lazy doughnut, and more people know you.... in battle mode ( no dark weps ) I think itd be a good match... well between team captains anyway XD
  19. Nothing like a LOZ reference to remind me we are a bunch of nerds XD And yes I will be that hero, you all can just leave that up to me.
  20. Sciaz

    S> Few Items

    if you do get one that has hit before I do, please let me know.
  21. Sciaz


    If you have indigestion its already too late. Even the doctors can't fix this food "poison"ing
  22. so, about that event that was said to start this week....

  23. Sciaz

    S> Few Items

    do you have mkb sill and does it have hit?
  24. Sciaz


    yes, yes you could.
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