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About Sylph777

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    Love is the Light that crush the darkness of our lives <3
  • Birthday 09/21/1984

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    Sylph LV200 (Hucaseal) Takumi LV200 (Hucast) Angelica LV200 (Hunewearl) Masaki LV200 (Racast)
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    Kingdom of Heaven
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    Yahushua The Lord and King of all, Spirituality ( all kind, i'm not stuck with only my personnal beliefs ), Philosophy, My Family and Friends, PSO (obviously..), Gaming, Music, Animés, Youtube, Food, Nature, Outdoor Activities, Singing, Reading, Traveling, Sharing and Discussing about life and love and many other things that i can't think about for now :p

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  1. For many years, i wanted to take advantage of everything the world offered me... Then, i tasted pleasures, but without satisfaction, i had so many illusions. But i really did find what i wanted, only in The One who brought me everything. This world has given me nothing, it can take nothing away from me. Why want to cling to all these vanities ? Many people spend their time building the present here, as if they were going to live eternally on earth.. But all my life, i want to spend it for My Maker who gave me everything. You spend your time running after money and material, after women ( or men ), the glory and gratitude of people, you waste your time in vanity and distraction but are you even aware that you will bring nothing with you after your death ? Vanities of the vanities ! Why waste your time accumulating treasures knowing that everything can burn in the blink of an eye ? Why run after pleasures and seek glory here below ? Do you think you will keep your reputation in the other side ? What memories will be kept of you in the darkness outside ? There will be no glory in the future century for all those who have built their lives without the right foundations ( which is a life based on obedience to God and His prescriptions ). Where is rest for the sinners ? The rebels will be a subject of horror and contempt for the saints in Eternity.. Makes no mistakes, your deeds will follow you forever and you will be punished or rewarded according to it. You have no power and no influence over the hour of your death. There is no man that have power over the spirit to retain the spirit. You can say to your soul: << I have many years of joy before me, i will rest, eat, drink and rejoice >> but the Lord says: << Foolish one, this night your soul will be taken away, and the things which you hast prepared, whose shall they be, for Me or satan? >>. If you die tomorrow, you will have to face eternity, are you sure to know where you will go ? Will you leave with your conscience in peace ? You can say that there is no life after death, but are you quite sure ? What do you say about the countless testimonies of Near Death Eexperiences ? Do you know that science have now proved that there is a conscious life after death ? What about people who went to hell and heaven through visions ? Are they all liars and deceivers to you ? And more importantly, the Word of God asserts that you are a liar because it says that the Lord has put in the heart of every man the thought of eternity and afterlife..  You can silence your conscience but all these things testify against you, you will have no excuse if you reject this Word and it will condemn you on the Day of Judgment. The Divine Justice is that if you die with Jésus and your are clean before God, the angels will come and seek your soul and bring it into the joyful presence of the King, but if you die in your sins, demons will snatch your soul and drag it into hell, in this frightful place where you will pay for your sins eternally.. and if that is going to happen, i don't think you will still claim that you don't fear death.. Your soul is eternal and infinitely precious, it's worth more than everything that exists on earth, don't dirt it and don't mistreat it with the vices of this world.. change your way of considering it and feed it with healthy and noble things, worthy of values. Don't you realize that true wealth is not money or any pleasures but love, justice, truth, compassion, patience, humility, tenderness, benevolence, holiness, goodness and all that makes you conformable to the perfection incarnated : Jésus-Christ ! Living your life, enjoying it, having fun and laughing, all of that doesn't give satisfaction, it is only a world of illusion.. You can continue to run after the wind but ultimately, death will catch you and your heart will remain empty and dissatisfied because it needs the love of Jésus to feel alive. Now, if you seek something else, something greater, a meaning to your Life, a true Friend who listens to you and leads you because you would like to start all over again.. if you feel deceived, you had enough of this miserable life, you are afraid to be alone and abandoned, your conscience is charged by all your sins, you think of the evil you have done, your heart is too heavy and you are crushed but if you turn around, everything can change, Jesus has come to forgive you and He is ready to forget everything ! He is your only chance, he would like to help you and save you. He wants to give you what you have always sought, He have for you a future and hopes, do not miss your chance, come and meet Him, you will never regret this decision. If you fear death, come to The One who has conquered death and you will become immortal because He has the power to give eternal life to all those who love and fear Him ! If you miss this chance in your life, you are condemned and you will inevitably go to hell.. Without Him there is no peace and no salvation for your soul, no forgiveness of your sins, no ways to be recognized righteous and no possibilities of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Good people will not inherit the Glory above, only forgiven people redeemed and washed by the Blood of the Lamb will do ! Even if you had all the treasures that this world can give, you could NEVER win your eternity. All those things would not bring you gladness and you would never know about the love that God has for you. That would not be enough to pay the Love of the Cross where Jesus died for you. You cannot buy a single drop of that blood that He shed to save you... What does life here below mean ? 30 years ? 50 years ? 70 years ? 100 years for the most robust and after that ? On the scale of eternity, this represents a second, a very short moment, a breath.. Why want to lose and sacrifice your soul for a so short time ? For so little things, for these ephemeral joys, for these success of an instant, you are ready to spend eternity in torments.. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul ? How many of us have sold their souls ? How many have even signed with their blood, a pact with the enemy ? The Lord will say that the soul of all flesh is in His blood, and when you signed with your blood, you sold your soul, but Christ can redeem it, for He signed with His priceless Blood to redeem you ! 2000 years ago, He came, He saw the misery of humanity, the abominations, the sins that made us miserable in the eyes of Our Creator.. Yeshua of Nazarreth came to pay the price by His blood, He died for us, He died with us !  He was broken for our sins, crushed for our transgressions, abandoned and despised by all men, treated like a thief and a murderer.. He who was sinless and perfect became sin for us simply because He loved you so much. Then know that even if you have sold your soul, Christ can redeem it because all men had been sold to sins but He has the power and ability to save every man. It is written that the enemy has been defeated by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. Come forth from these lies, get out of death and darkness and invoke the Lord, invoke Jesus, invoke the only sufficient Savior, the one who comes in your distress and your brokenness. Accept The Son of God in your heart and inherit eternal life, then you will rejoice in everlasting felicity ! I beg you to cease to waste your time in vanities and begin to work for your salvation because everything here below is ephemeral and will perish but the Lord offers you eternal life if you turn away from your sins and repent.. and this word is certain : all the sufferings and even a whole lifetime of pains of this century could never be compared for a single second, has the glory and beauty of Heaven !

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