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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2016 in all areas

  1. I know it's not much, but thanks to PorinG, I was able to defeat the final boss on literally my first day of this game. All thanks goes to PorinG, for such a great introduction to Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst.
    4 points
  2. howdy partners, all mags are 15 pd, all mags have twins/dolphin/pilla: 3X Racaseal max stat plan Green Agastya: 5/129/66/0 (c/battle plan+ 3 free slots!) 2 RAcast max stat plan tellusis: 5/160/35/0 tellusis:5/150/45/0 Bopped Gold Agastya: 5/150/45/0-Adopted Cyan(<3) Agastya: 5/150/45/0 Red Agastya:5/150/45/0 White Agastya:5/150/45/0 Kidnapped Green Agastya:5/145/50/0Swiped Green Agastya:5/150/45/0 thanks for lookin! also, for newer players, feel free to pm me and ill show you where to farm pds, or how to mag feed, w/e ya need! happy huntin bbs
    3 points
  3. Gear depends a lot on your taste here's what i use on hunewearl girasole <hp dropper diska of braveman tsumiriki jsword vivienne/dark flow tyrels parasol asteron striker <personal hell maker typeME/mechgun (demon special) charge vulcan lindcray(new wep) SUE'S COAT RED RING for my racast i use this: arrest needle <priority wep frozen shooter <priority wep yazminkov 7000v (hell special) yasminkov9000m(demon or charge special, if you have psycho ravens a demon one would be better) Iron faust/dark meteor guld milla(to recover hp) RED RING/GRATIA(when using yazies i prefer to use gratia) Wedding dress twin blaze < necessary in some occasions
    2 points
  4. S- guren s tp mat s- bringer rifle 0 for pd
    1 point
  5. B> Luck Material 1 PD each. PM me if you have these.
    1 point
  6. For Hunewearls Black King Bar = literally a must have (Epsilons, Belras etc.) Lindcray = best damaging gun you can hope on Huney Last Swan = cheaper than Lindcray and does an excellent job, even without any hit (but 30-40 is still better on it) Daylight Scar = cool weapon with very good damage Vjaya = best crowd control/damage dealer as long as you don't run out of meseta Jizzai/Ultima Reaper = Hell for Lizards and Yowie. Ultima Reaper is very good for crowd control (15 targets). Slicer of Vengeance = better than Diska of Braveman, but ofc more expansive Kroes Sweater = armor adding 10 ATA over max, quite good for Huney have crappy ATA Rambling May = naaaa... seriously too ugly, forget it. It does worth the performances =/
    1 point
  7. If anyone wants a max stat mag that can be made from 5/115/26/0 (tellusis with twins) or 5/76/30/0(tellusis with twins) pm me
    1 point
  8. Anyone have any working Diablo 2 cdkeys? Can trade for some dts
    1 point
  9. Double cannon 30 hit Agastya 175 pw vivienne sin hit Busco armas de ranger humildes tambien jaja
    1 point
  10. I like that better... If I already coded a room description, then I guess a room name should be there too. What do you mean a stat? Probably that's too difficult to incorporate in the UI, if possible at all.
    1 point
  11. to have a command /afk . maybe placing a flag in the character or something showing the character is afk (in lobby only)
    1 point
  12. Hello, I am That Man Over There. While I am new to this version of Phantasy Star Online, I was actually introduced to this game when I managed to find a copy of version 2 for Dreamcast. While I did enjoy the game, I also had trouble with it, since I always felt like I was missing the MMO portion of Phantasy Star. I did try downloading Phantasy Star Online 2...but I couldn't play it with any of the tricks I picked up for confusing regions. Long story short, I'm glad that this exists, and I hope I will have lots of fun.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Lol they both the same barring atp so it's a what do you like the appearance of most sort of thing and like i said ninja stars are just better looking then a yellow and black basic slicer : )
    1 point
  15. I hope everyone enjoyed the gifts I gave out today. Loved playing here on Ultima, it was a great experience for me and I met alot of cool people here along with making some good friends (alot of which dont play anymore). Definitely one kickass server, wanted to give a shout out to the GMs as well as Larva for making all this possible. Ill swing by in the future to say hi and maybe play a few game or something. Until then, take care everyone!
    1 point
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