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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2011 in all areas

  1. Awesome event, a very good idea, I love this event even when Im not able to participate on it. What I love most about this event is watching people complaining about it, I think it is a superb idea to add sjs and PoM, to bad they will always be crybabies. But since people want sjs and PoM, lets give the people what they want Larva but lets make them bleed for them. How? Easy, lets do it like in the second PGF event I was able to participate, drop rate= less than 1%,Olga far stronger than he usual is, just 72 hours, I remember that Olga was strong enough that his second form took at least 40 minutes, still I was able to get 2 PGF by my own. Or even better, remember the time when you Larva made the mobs stronger I think tiwce than usual and people where crying about how hard it was to beat the mobs? they even make a video about this, but the truth was that it wasnt that hard, serverus and I, were able to beat a ttf in less than 40 minutes with this conditions, when the other guys werent able to beat a single Delbiter. Well my point is, combined this to conditions and add sjs on dark falz ultimate and see what the people do Larva, maybe this will gve them a lesson. This was an EPIC event and you guys with your moan and cries ruined it.
    4 points
  2. Stop whining the drop is stil active until monday you still got plenty of time to hunt one, so quit wasting your time whininh about this and hunt one
    3 points
  3. NO i did not remove them , just increase the drop . harder is more fun. just keep trying
    2 points
  4. Well, I won't play PSO for the rest of august, so I can prepare for my exams I have to redo. Obviously PSO and exams are a bad combination so I've forbidden myself to play until the exams are over. However I'll try to daily check the forums (and maybe say hi on TS, but you won't see me much ingame for a while, perhaps some trades can't wait xD). Wish me luck and see ya laterz ^^
    1 point
  5. Ultima and Big lip Radio is happy to announce this improve event the event is based in one particular monster. In this Event we are going to raise the apparition of one RARE monster. Rare monster = Rare drop. you will find the monster in a specific Location. Remember the drops item vary depending the Dificulty of your party and your Character ID. Also this event will have exp x5 during the whole event and drops x2 Monster Name: Dorphon Eclair Monster Location: Episode 4 DATE: Event Start: Saturday 13 of Aug 2011 Event Ends: Monday 15 of Aug 2011 SERVER TIME ----- Spanish: En este evento vamos a Subir la aparición de un monstruo Raro, monstruo raro = ítem raro. encontraran el monstruo en una especifica locación. recuerden el ítem varia dependiendo la dificultad del party y el ID de tu character Tambien, contara con Exp x5 y drops x2 durante todo el evento. Nombre del Moustruo: Dorphon Eclair Locación: Episode 4 Fecha: Evento inica: Sabado 13 de Aug 2011 Evento termina: Lunes 15 de Aug 2011 Drops where choosed by the staff of Big lip Radio. \ Los Drops fueron Seleccionados por el staff de Big Lip Radio. This post has been promoted to an article
    1 point
    1 point
  7. Lobera Lobera era la espada del rey Fernando III el Santo, hoy en día conservada como reliquia en la Catedral de Sevilla, de donde cada año es sacada en procesión para conmemorar la reconquista de Sevilla en 1248 por dicho rey. Era el símbolo de poder de Fernando III, y así aparecerá en muchos grabados, con espada y orbe en mano, en vez del tradicional cetro. Es una espada de hoja plana y dos filos, que mide 0,854 m de largo y 0,053 m por la parte más ancha, disminuyendo, casi insensiblemente, hasta terminar en punta redonda. La Espada del Perú Fabricada en Lima en 1825 y regalada por la Municipalidad de esta comuna a Simón Bolívar en 1825, como un obsequio por las batallas libradas en Junín y Ayacucho, que consolidaron la independencia del país y de América. Es el recuerdo histórico de las guerras de Independencia más notable de América del Sur, por su alto valor como joya artística e histórica. La totalidad de su vaina es de oro macizo de 18 quilates, en el que sobresalen ornamentos de piedras preciosas así como elegantes y variados dibujos, entre ellos el Escudo de Armas del Perú, el busto del Genio de la Libertad y dos pirámides truncadas, entre otros. La Espada de Tomoyuki Yamashita. Tomoyuki Yamashita fue un general del Ejército Imperial Japonés durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se dio a conocer durante la guerra tras la conquista de las colonias británicas de Malasia y Singapur, ganándose el apodo de "El Tigre de Malasia." Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Yamashita fue juzgado por crímenes de guerra relacionados con la Masacre de Manila y muchas otras atrocidades en Filipinas y Singapur. Fue un controvertido juicio que terminó con una sentencia de muerte para Tomoyuki Yamashita. El caso cambio las reglas de Estados Unidos en lo que respecta a la responsabilidad de mando para los delitos de guerra, llevándose a cabo la creación de una ley conocida como la Norma Yamashita. Durante su carrera militar, Tomoyuki Yamashita tenía una espada fabricada por el famoso fabricante de Kanenaga Fujiwara entre 1640 y 1680. La espada Samurai fue entregado por el general Yamashita, junto con su ejército, el 2 de septiembre de 1945. Fue tomada por el general MacArthur y depositada en el museo militar de West Point donde permanece hasta hoy en día.
    1 point
  8. O.o I'm scared of larva now. Good luck with the exams chuk.
    1 point
  9. DAMMMM ... a whole month ,, mmm to bad , but u dont return ill hunt you and rip your head off. and then i make sushi .. with special ingredient ,, chucks head btw good luck with the exams.
    1 point
  10. NOOOOOOOOO D: good luck chuk!!
    1 point
  11. Thats bad chucky but Good luck with your exams =P.
    1 point
  12. Its fair because at that time those lucky guys didnt complain about the drops or the event, but suddenly a crybaby appears and start whining about this event, those crybabies make Larva take the decision to take out the sjs of this event, but then he decided to make it just harder, there is a BIG difference between 0% and almost 0%. So it is fair because crybabies tried to ruined this event, Larva was about to take out the sjs, but you want it you got it, but with a little punishment so next time dont start whining
    0 points
  13. the best its a general rollback then restart the event its the fair thing u.u its not fair some people get like 3 or more molavs and sjs then suddenly up the drops? thats not fair.... and the other people gona stay looking for somthing that not gona drop.
    0 points
  14. I agree with Biza they got sjs easy and a bunch. well what i really want to know is if you think its fair atleast explain why its fair to let this happen
    0 points
  15. thats not fair increase drop of sjs? thats really not fair hw about the poeople that get em at the moment 1 kill and got it its not fair for the other people that are hunting one u.u-
    0 points
  16. well if thats the case they need to do a rollback and take away those sjs cause its not fair to those who got short ended
    -1 points
  17. you still didnt explain why its fair ¬¬ and i know why.... cause you know what u will sound like
    -1 points
  18. Worst event xD ruined our own economy lol
    -2 points
  19. lets ruin the trade market with PoM's and SJS's xD Yaaaay 2nd best sword in game
    -3 points
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