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  3. Lil groovy one for yall


  4. I would still need PD's for buying them, and I have already gotten 4 PD's and converted them to AddSlots for a Guard Wave I farmed myself, it's just slow and tedious getting PD's. Thank you for the suggestion though... 🙂
  5. Yesterday
  6. Best way is to buy/farm addslots yourself, Red lillies Episode 2 red ID. or you can just buy 5-10 add slots for 1pd each from other players
  7. I had the same question in mind, but I searched to see if anyone had already made a topic on it first. I am farming PD's for AddSlots myself, since I have terrible luck with the shop not giving 4 slot early armors, and I don't think the veterans want 1-5 PD junk for precious PD's, so I didn't bother with the selling stuff. I'm new to the server, and I also came from a different server from long ago, I saw someone streaming PSOBB and I joined here.
  8. I already knew about looping OGG's, I did so on another server I played on long ago, unfortunately, the computer that had all my OGG's had a HDD failure, it was old and sadly prone to such, and I have no talent for multistreaming OGG's, but at least I am great at loop sequencing. Since then, I have also picked up arrange for music in a style similar to NES, SNES, GB, & Mega Drive/Genesis, but as a hybrid format, meaning all working together, I might make looping OGG's from my recent work and the best of my old work in those arranges. I might post a link to them in another thread here if it turns out well, which it should. I wasn't sure if they allowed custom OGG's here, but I'm glad to know they do. ❤️
  9. Last week
  10. hello to everyone Im selling this item TJS 50/0/0/60/80 HIT i can accept other items or dts or pds
  11. flowgm

    PD Shop

    hi. how much stellar shard in pds?
  12. This is an Ephinea ship, if I'm not mistaken. You seem to be on the wrong site, my dude. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Ever since my computer updated drivers a few weeks ago, I am constantly getting disconnected after a few minutes. Message received is: No. 100 There's no connection available. Please check your cable 02:US/Fodra:01-01 The disconnects do not have at any other game site or web site. Any idea how to fix?
  14. I might have a alis resolve I have check
  15. Kotta

    Manly Anime Fights

    While not exactly a manly anime fight, this was too epic to let It pass
  16. Congrats to @KarmaTheFoney for winning the giveaway. I will be out of town Thursday-Monday, in case you can't claim your prize before then. Otherwise just shoot me a message on Discord whenever you're available. (I forgot to mute the background noise so enjoy the basketball commentary xD)
  17. I am looking for how to find the Alis' Resolve sheild. I do not see it in the drop tables or the guide to the special Ultima events. Does anyone know where to get this item? Thanks
  18. Earlier
  19. SeeU


    😮 why for free ? i saw someone sell it 13 pds
  20. CapT kIDD


    i give u one for free
  21. you're very welcome!! I'm glad you like the time and effort I put into making these music packs for us in the community. I'm glad you like it! Also, it's finished and posted to this very forum, I mentioned you in the comment of the post. Hope you like it!
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