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you get 1 million $ but

Dashie IOW

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The average speed of a snail is 0.05 km/h

Which makes 16 day and 16 hours per kilometers. Let's say 17 days.

I currently live in France, and since I would be rich I would move to New Zealand (for the rest of my life supposedly), which makes something like 19178 km to travel (according to my dear friend Google).

So a little 17 day * 19178 km = 326 026 days to get to me. Which makes 893 ans.

Since am immortal, I would buy a very good watch which could last forever and store the number of years left before the snail catch me. It would also serve as an alarm 50 years before he got me, and I would travel to another country with my 19th wife (only I am immortal right ?).

(And btw, if you were not to be immortal, you would only need to move 1800 km from your starting point once in your life to be free for 80 years. A snail is not really a danger, even if it's a cosmic one, as long as it have a snail's speed... nothing to fear at all)

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Did I get it right ?

idk if you can get this stuff right its more about asking people what they will do :3 and sorry i meant to tell you a weeping angel is a monster from the show doctor who and it was basically a monster that could only move when it was not being looked at by any living thing and if it touched you it warp you back in time and let u live up to the time you get warped and you just die of old age and it feeds on the energy that would have been your life x3

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ok i got a new one again you may have seen this from rooster teeth just cause gavin free is a god at making these x3 so you get $1 million but every time you spend money some random part of your bf/gf will get bigger or smaller :3

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Yes I researched the weeping angel thing right after you guys mentioned it XD

And this one is also easy! Since you said "every time {you} spend money..." Then I would just give the million dollars to my gf and have {her} buy me what I need instead. I wouldn't want to change any part of her. I don't have a gf, its just hypothetically :P

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