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About Yuniko

  • Rank
    Evil Shark
    Evil Shark
  • Birthday 10/07/1985

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    Yuni, Yulee, Kaylee, Eri, BEEsh, Nefertari
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  1. Lol y yo quería comprar la suppressed en vez de farmearla pero supongo que no me la querrán vender u.u
  2. Pero eran muchas cosas, más que nada techs, y no quería hacerlo por partes xD No solo serviría para pasar cosas a otra cuenta, también si queremos regalar a alguien algún ítem, que se le pueda mandar sin que tengan que estar online. Sé que en el menú de team hay in opción para mandar item, pero creo que no está funcionando, lo intenté una vez y solo se queda en "sending item" o algo así. Estaría genial si se puede hacer eso 🤗
  3. Something like a mail? Not the chat/letters mail, but for items. I find it hard and struggle to pass some items to other account without the help of someone else... I tried it once by dual client and I messed up and both my characters logged out and everything I had left on the floor... well... you know. It was a noob mistake but... it happens... if you dont know how to manage dual client-ing. Of course it could come with some fee, be it meseta or pds/dts, or anything else.
  4. Devil's horns as shield. There's already a Halo one, why not a devil one? And it goes well with the devils wing or tail mags and demonic fork 😍🤩
  5. Yuniko


    Nevermind this post
  6. Rico's parasol? How much ? And 2x v502
  7. Rico's parasol 12pds Pm when online
  8. Hi, I just wanted to share this and maybe someone already said it but I really don't want to browse through 200+ pages... Not sure if this can be done and it's not something like really helpful cause the game still works great without it... Would be nice to have an option in the menu to "switch character" instead of logging out all the way to start screen. It only saves a bit of time, haha.
  9. Yes! This worked! And every window opens alright. Thanks a lot!
  10. I've installed everything, the font used to be ok before updating to the new repository of soly. I'm using Windows 7. (If that's what you asked, or Virtual fullscreen from launcher) I'll try what you said and update you on the issue thanks.
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