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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by Lemon

  1. It should be that you can go to 209.8 plus any bonuses from Armour and Shield. I'll do some testing in the asm when I get some time if you'd like. (Or you can, ATA is stored at [0CA9C4F4]+02D4 in little endian as a uint16_t.)
  2. That's not what I said. Yes You know exactly what I meant by that comment. RR can raise ata above the 'max'.
  3. This is wrong. The game prematurely displays the number as gold since it matches the max stat. i.e. The games stores your ata as an integer 2094. When it goes to display the number it truncates the last value and sees 209. Since 209 matches the 209 of a truncated 2098, it displays as gold despite not being 'max'. It shouldn't really matter in the scheme of things, but having a gold number in your menu is not a guarantee that your stat is maxed (kinda like how RR will make a number gold despite it not being maxed since RR allows going over the base limit) You can read a bit about it in this thread, specifically this post.
  4. The game recognizes the .4 ata when doing calculations, but not when displaying numbers. Thus you'll still end up with the gold number if you don't have it.
  5. Lemon

    Terror's Ultima PSO

    Why does this include the exe? You do realize how sketchy that appears right?
  6. 1) Are you using any custom skins\textures? If so, disable them and see if that fixes it. 2) Try downloading the bottom 2 skins from this page (Lee's "Anti CCA Fog" and "IBOUGHTMYPCFROMWALMART Patch"). They are designed to improve performance for some machines. 3) If all else fails, reinstall the game.
  7. There is an easier version under VR that has less monsters.
  8. Are you taking custom orders right now? I need a 0/170/30/0 Pitri for Grape. I have the cell if you need one.
  9. As far as I know, the only monsters scaled differently in solo vs multiplayer are ultimate final bosses, which are scaled up in solo to promote team hunts. When you select Solo mode however, it will spawn less monsters per room. That is where it's scaled for solo play. This is a huge deal. A large portion of items that are amazing at the stage you are at aren't even worth the bank space later in the game. A lot of players will see you taking their 'hand me downs' as a service to them rather than to you. Beware scalpers though, I've seen people charge for dumb stuff like resta lvl 30, which isn't worth anything. Get this higher. Your mag is free stats. If you have materials, use them. You can always reset them later on once you get to the stage of the game where maxing stats matters. If you need meseta to do so, just ask around. Many people will give it for free, and GMs sometimes run events where they give out full stacks for free. Freeze traps are one of the strongest weapons in the game. I'd defiantly recommend binding these to the back palette or to 0-9 keys. Learning how to trap shoot (shoot a trap as you place it) is an extremely useful skill to have on cast. If you don't know how, I can log and show you. But use your traps, they are very very useful.
  10. When was the last time you updated the game? Your items may not be named what they are. If this isn't the solution, do a full reinstall. Stats and Item bonuses are handled by the client. Since we don't have the source for the client, we have no power over any bugs it might have.
  11. The rules needed to play are pretty simple. It can get really complicated really fast though when you start diving into layering and priority and such. I think it's one of those games best learned by watching\doing. I recommend going to a game story that runs tournaments and asking them to teach you. Chances are they'll have free 'Welcome Decks' that they'll give you too.
  12. Anyone else play Magic The Gathering here? If so, what deck(s) are you running? I play Modern mostly and bounce between Suicide Bloo, Thopter Sword, and Swan Hunt.
  13. My feet are unreasonably cold today.

  14. If it's going past 3 min it's probably not working. This sounds like something @Soly would be better at answering. I have limited experience with connection issues.
  15. Connecting can sometimes take a while (longest I've had to wait was 3 min). That being said, make sure that Windows Defender is not messing with the game. I'm pretty sure that comes pre-installed on win7.
  16. Lemon


    It is one of those movies best watched with snarky friend commentary.
  17. I'll start the silent auction at 40dts.
  18. Lemon


    It is surprisingly good. 6/10
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