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Everything posted by Whoopin

  1. Whoopin


    ¿En busca de compañeros de equipo PRO que utilizan la comunicación de voz adecuado para la coordinación PRO? Únete al equipo de PRO y podemos hacerlo realidad juntos! Únicos requisitos son que se inscribe servidor Teamspeak dooby cuando está cazando y no ser desagradable. Vamos a sobresalir en juegos Modo Desafío y estar bien preparados para sacar el máximo provecho de los acontecimientos especiales. Obtener un micrófono, Teamspeak descarga, y el juego con nosotros estilo PRO. Aprender Inglés, enseñar español, hacer amigos y divertirse! Dirección del servidor: crimson.typefrag.com: 4595
  2. Whoopin


    Lookin for some PRO teammates that use proper voice communication for PRO coordination? Join the PRO team and we can make it happen together! Only requirements are that you join the Ultima Ventrilo server when youre hunting and not be obnoxious. We will excel at Challenge Mode games and be well prepared to make the most out of special events. Get a microphone, download Ventrilo, and game with us PRO style. Server Address: psopro.typefrag.com:5560
  3. HEKATERINE glad pesky mio is gone - serverus im here noob - HEKATERINE thats what made it funnay

  4. Whoopin

    B>Mind Mag

    He bought two, only have an Ila with 17/0/4/179 twins. 10 pds
  5. Whoopin

    B>Mind Mag

    Ive got a 200 Kumara 15/0/0/185 with Twins. Im online now.
  6. Fast and fair trade, would recommend A+.
  7. Screenshots in the spoiler for you to review. Im online now.
  8. Im interested in your Arrest Laser 50% Hit I have two of your wishes:
  9. Stats seem inferior to an easy to find Aura Field. Would like to see the Ultima stats if they are different.
  10. I tried to do that but it seemed to only give me options for predefined statements. After fiddling around with it I got it with: Create a Conversation Topic Hobby Then started typing. Alright! Thanks Lee.
  11. Again thanks choko!! Now paying $40 to fix the /lobby->Full Lobby>Freeze bug. Would also be nice to have some hotkeys for /lobby and /bank bound to keyboard for toggle.
  12. I would like to know too, completed it in ULT and got nothin.
  13. Tested, confirmed, and donated! Thanks a lot for the turbo fix.
  14. What is a Blood Sword? Would be nice if some wealthy rare collector completed a database with all these Ultima item stats.
  15. I started playing it again to speed up my reading of Japanese before moving to Japan. And now that Im going back to the states in a year, Im using it to perfect Spanish.
  16. Bump for bug fix justice! Ill donate $60 to the server the day this is fixed.
  17. When you kill a flying monster above a void like a Zu, is its drop lost or does it appear at the monster spawn? Which items cause a marqee? Heaven Punisher, Red Ring, Kroes Sweater, Wedding Dress? Can male characters wear Kroes Sweater or Wedding Dress? And what are the stat changes on both because PSOWorld stats are crap? Is Divine Punishment affected by the weapons Nature/ABeast/Machine/Dark percentages?
  18. Increase the maximum level to 222. Grant +1 to each stat for levels beyond 200, and increase the stat maximum by 22 for ATP, DFP, MND, EVP. Grant +1 ATA at level 211 and 222 for a total of +2. Just require the same experience needed for level 199 to 200. Have to do the increase of +22/+2 as to not mess up completed character material usuage. Could even add in the droprate bonus, every 5 levels: 201 +.1% 206 +.2% 211 +.3% 216 +.4% 222 +.5% How would the droprate change affect other players? Would it be only for the person getting the killshot or everyone in the party? Either way players would have fun with their level 200-222 completed characters.
  19. I have 100 Mind and 50 Def mats 4 to 1.
  20. KORE KARA MO YOROSHIKU NE, VINCEKUN sadly Vince is gone, just gave me some stuff back, major bummer.
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