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Stark 1

Ultima Veteran
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Status Replies posted by Stark 1

  1. I was running with a huney yesterday name no` she was cool and a pro with the df....I wish I was good just like her,,if you one here no' let's do some more CCA/rt this afternoon.

  2. Spot is very important!

  3. I wonder what sort of noobish luck I have that I've avoided getting hit with lost levels/items this whole time.

  4. why do people keep playing with me on these trades? I'm trying to move some inventory and make this money D:

  5. S> 20/0/0/20/80 charge yas9k

  6. If trap visions were removed from the game, would anyone even care?

  7. Oh man I just hate that when I told people I will relog and come back so I won't dc in the middle of the run but then they started xD oh man lol. Oh well it happen I guess

  8. When Spot dies, I get her stuff.

  9. I deal with dumb people and a-holes day-in and day-out (customers)... they don't even know how stupid and annoying they are. One day, when they go to heaven, they'll be waiting at the gates to be let in. and they'll be told "I'm sorry, I just can't let you in: God HATES dips**ts like you - fk off!" That will be their Karma.

  10. forbidden love!

  11. :3 :3 :3

  12. If anyone has a Slicer of Vengence with good stats, I'll put up a 80h charged yas 9k for it. I'll be more inclined to trade if it has mech on it.

  13. Best guns for HUcaseal? Asteron Striker, Charged Raygun, Charged Vulcans, Arrest Raygun. Which is better for hucaseal Last Swan or Dual Birds? I wonder if I'm forgetting anything.

  14. track is done, finals are over, and am graduated :)

  15. Best guns for HUcaseal? Asteron Striker, Charged Raygun, Charged Vulcans, Arrest Raygun. Which is better for hucaseal Last Swan or Dual Birds? I wonder if I'm forgetting anything.

  16. NOOOOOO! I was careless in my inventory and accidentally USED A SINGLE EVADE MAT! *dun dun drama* Now I have +1 to evasion and now my max stat planned is ruined. D:


  18. Sorry I haven't been around much, Church and I are making some progress with the unreal engine. Maybe someday we can make that HD reboot of PSO you all dream about ;)

  19. Keeping your teammates not-dead is a bigger full-time job than I thought. Who knew being a Force could take so much out of you? x.x

  20. So i keep missing Happy Hour. And theres no way in hell i can find a MKB without it and HOURS of searching. So does anyone have one for sale? With hit on it of course..

  21. Keeping your teammates not-dead is a bigger full-time job than I thought. Who knew being a Force could take so much out of you? x.x

  22. Keeping your teammates not-dead is a bigger full-time job than I thought. Who knew being a Force could take so much out of you? x.x

  23. Keeping your teammates not-dead is a bigger full-time job than I thought. Who knew being a Force could take so much out of you? x.x

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