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Everything posted by marcisawesome

  1. exactly!!!! someone finely gets it

  2. They all got shot!!!

  3. I got a cent/ability just find me in game zombiekin
  4. that is a really hard find man your going to need alot more then that for it
  5. We will never get that damn ring at this rate By marcisawesome420 at 2011-03-01 200 finally
  6. what do u want for the 45 hit vivi dizz?
  7. Hello Im Marc wasnt that obvious
  8. Zombiekin Humar Lvl 200 skyly double cannon 50hit
  9. I think that those are quite fair in my opinion.
  10. http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1236 thats it man
  11. ill take your s reds arms for a cent and some pds
  12. how many pds for the monkey king bar? and ill take most likely
  13. Bank screwed me so i need a new one.
  14. compleatly un related but we totally need a command that tells u what id a room is
  15. yeah agreed maybe the pds would work but thats it
  16. if u already have a black ring with that person u cant get another and it will do that
  17. im intrested in ur Solfernio my trade list is in my sig
  18. I am a burning building bringing everyone inside to the ground!

  19. dont have anything on your wishlist but i got 18 pds and my tradelist
  20. intrested in one of those FTD
  21. mkb and pol and 0ed excal 25 mac Double cannon 45 beast and 40 hit my red mech just got ate by my common bank
  22. ok how about smartlink , excal, and star amp for it. If i had an idea of what you need could probably make a more suitible offer. Or FTD i wouldnt mind either just need better shield
  23. how about 10 pds a star amp and something idk what you need
  24. what do you want for one of those red rings
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