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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2019 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone, I am looking for a way to get my hands on the actual model files for the enemies, and player characters etc. I want to do a little side project that is recreating parts of the game in UE4, but not really skilled at building any models. If anyone knows how to extract them or point me to a site that has them, that would be great! Thanks.
    2 points
  2. Thanks everyone for the responses, I will check out those links. This should make everything a lot easier. I just finished my course for Video Game Design and Development, and it taught me the basics for creating low poly models, but nothing too advanced. I was trying to figure out how to add armor parts to a model that I have for testing purposes.
    2 points
  3. You might actually want to contact @wilhuf (discord tag Wilhuf#9805, hopefully he doesn't mind me posting it here). He made this https://www.phantasmal.world/#/viewer and seems like what you need (to an extent?)... Github repo here https://github.com/DaanVandenBosch/phantasmal-world
    2 points
  4. New to blue burst, but I’ve beaten episode 1 on GameCube
    1 point
  5. Hello everyone YAS 9M 5 dark 71 hit Baranz launcher blank 40 hit Praven blank Excalibur 25 a.beast Rambling may 0/35/50/0 45 hit Rambling may 0/0/0/50 40 hit Samba maracas blank DF flied with some stats Heaven striker 0/0/25/35 Asteron striker blank Macho blade All these for sale, pm me for offer please I buy : chromatic orb or crismon sword with hit, or any other sword make good damage... Thanks
    1 point
  6. I have heard this somewhere before.....
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Hi Enewm, I took a lot of time to read and it was very interesting. Anyway... Do you have discord? 😂 No, seriously... I don't know if it's a self challenge for you to have 100 member in each team, but The most important thing and the minimum is to know a minimum the members you recruit, and have a good time together. If you do not know them, they do not know you, it's like you're normal PSO players, but ... In a team. Useless in my opinion, moreover, let them join a team they would like and where they will be helped, because currently you let them join a team and they will be lost, because without lying it is impossible to take care of as many members, and I imagine no other member is helping because nobody knows each other. Do what you want, but that's my opinion. Good community and having a good time together, or cancer community & 0 fun? 🤔
    1 point
  9. They should be in your data folder. Everything is held client side. Also you might want to contact @orgodemir. If I remember correctly he was working on something like this earlier, but I could be wrong.
    1 point
  10. Welcome! Having just finished failing to kill my party with a 300 gnolls vs. 100 kobolds + a few NPCs + party, it's always nice to see someone else who likes D&D around.
    1 point
  11. Name: uluhuru Age: 31 Preferred contact method: forum pm Hobbies: Drawing, D&D, etc Picture: Hey, what's that behind you? *runs away* A little more about your self: I'm an engineering student and very tired. But I'm thrilled to bits to play PSO again. I didn't have the chance to play Blue Burst on the official servers so I've only played offline on GC.
    1 point
  12. Not sure why you made several teams. Are you aware you can have more than 100 members? F8 list does only show the last 100 logged users.
    1 point
  13. It occurs to me I don't think I ever actually posted here? Doesn't matter; if I did, whatever I said wasn't the truth anyway. I'mma fix that. Name: Tony Age: 35 Pref. Contact Method: Forum PM, in-game, don't care. I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. o3o Hobbies: All-things video game—strongly favoring PSO, Warframe, & RPGs from the 1980s-1990s. I also have been studying various holy texts from about 10 different religions around the world for like 25 years I guess? I don't even know anymore. It's just a thing I'm fascinated by, and spend a great deal of time delving into, learning about ancient cultures and the like. Guess I could have just said theological anthropologist? Oh, also, I've written like 13 novels. The QWERTYs keyboard is the only instrument I know how to play. Stuff about me: Sorry, I'm about to become a total downer for a while here. I started playing on this server a few years ago because I was hungry for some PSO, after playing Warframe for many years and wanting to play the game that started my online game obsession. That was I think about two years ago? As of last year, my father passed away from a combination of Multiple Sclerosis, a brain tumor, late-onset type-2 adult diabetes, and pretty much everything else life wanted to throw at my father. I had been his caretaker for the final 11 years of his life, giving up my own life in the process to be there for his needs due to our financial instability. It was during those years I took care of him that I undertook the conquest to write books—to give life to stories that had been floating around in my head since adolescence. There's one thing I'd like to point out right now before I go any further: I am currently a recovering drug addict. No, I'm not being humorous and talking about PSO—I'm talking hard drugs, opiate painkillers, that I was addicted to for the last 13 years. I suffer from Crohn's Disease, something that became more severe after a pretty life-changing time when I served in the US Air Force when I had just turned 18 years old. I was prescribed these life-destroying pills by a doctor, when I was very young, and so I simply assumed "surely they wouldn't prescribe something dangerous." Yeah, I was wrong. My reasons are theological for why I quit, and this isn't the place to really get into that: it suffices me to say, however, that it was the study of holy texts that finally gave me the courage needed to go cold turkey off of them. Something I was advised against, because it can actually kill you. But I refuse to buy into the $1,000 rehab clinics for prescription rehabilitation. I've gotten over the three-day hurdle, which is the worst part. I suffered through what is essentially low-key seizures, fevers, chills, hallucinations, fever dreams, full-body convulsions and the inability to swallow at some rare times. Why am I telling you all this? Because PSO is the thing that's kept me sane. Life drove me to the brink, because I lacked proper self-control where it mattered most, in the end. With the loss of my father, which was my purpose for living for a decade, I felt horrendously lost. So I did what most people do in that situation: I sought things from my childhood, that I experienced back when things made sense and wasn't haunted by inner-demons every day. It's helped beyond words to simply play this game again, especially on a server I happen to quite like. The event pacing has kept me playing pretty consistently, rather than getting everything I want, getting bored and quitting. To that end, this server is the best for me and my preferences of how I want to experience PSO. Of course, I don't really want to get to level 200 for the 11th time, and the bonus exp multiplier is a wonderful change of pace. I'm still not one much for CCA Gal grinding, though. I do like to get excited when I finally level up now and again. ;p OK I think I vomited my heart out enough here. Here's a picture of my wife and I's cats. Rudy's the odd-eyed (one green, one blue) tuxedo, Rosa is the cinnamon bun Maine Coon. Alongside PSO, and my faith, and of course my supportive wife, I still could have never broken free of the chains of addiction without these kitties. They bring endless joy to me. o3o
    1 point
  14. Name: Hi im Kettor oops nuh, Lipelis! Age: 26 Preferred contact method: PM and chatbox Hobbies: Electronic Music (DJ Stingray, Aphex Twin, Autechre etc), Photoshop, Animation (Porco Rosso, Samurai Shamploo, Berserk, Lastman 🇫🇷), Tennis, A few games (Hotline Miami 1&2, Enter the Gungeon, Super Smash Bros., Zelda OOT&Majoras, Soul Calibur II and Smash... Btw did I mention Smash? Like SUPER SMASH ULTIMATE) Picture: Marc Antony and Pussyfoot ♥ A little more about your self: My lil bro @Liarus aka Guardian suggested me this server (thanks to him) since I spent countless hours offline on GameCube so the online aspect of PSO still feel mesmerizing to me even after almost a year on Ultima. The community is warmfull and feel like a family (100ish active players is kinda niche) Then I’ll take a part of this post to give a shout out to @drdingus, Rare-drop @yeyy, Flanana @smolderingtoast, Muerti @Usagi, @RedSniper, @SelahIsASpot and @mudkipzjm from DankFlowMob (kinda RIP but still xD) Aqua/Oneshot, RIPBenny as well that helped me when I played as Duela. I cant forget @Lucapy which is one of the most helpfull player that I know over here, you rock Luca! From now on you can see me as Lipelis doodling around on forum and ingame with all my french fellas from UPS (YuYu @ChaTon, Noodle @JupiterDeMars, @R-78, @Noopy, @Kosmo, @3Psy, Emile, Maestro, @Lynroy la liste est longue je vais pas tous les faire mais des bisous à tous!) And a lil bonus clap for our UK @starscreme/Fuzzy/Buzzy (come back whenever you want, we miss you 👏) Cheers Ultima!
    1 point
  15. Emewn Discord server was created to act as a bridge between these teams linking together our near 800 teammates from all the teams. Please feel free to join the Discord server linked below if you belong to any of the following teams: Team: Emewn (100 members) Team: Terror (100 members) Team: Onok (100 members) Team: BlackPaper (100 members) Team: .hack//G.U. (100 members) Team: Ultima (100 members) Team: .hack (100 members) Team: SASQUATCH (99 members) Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PuvGjej The point is to make it easier for players to organize groups to play, commune, and have fun. And to have a space in which players can access their own voice chat room for the in-game room they've created. My hope is that these teams make new and old users feel like they're a part of something, and have others to reach out to when they go online. Keep it respectable, and may the manliness be with you.
    0 points
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