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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2017 in Posts

  1. Welcome to my shop. My PD- DT Ratio is 6.6 if there is something labeled in DTS or PD, you may trade either-or. EX: Arrest Needle 30 DTS 30x6.6=198 PDS (acceptable!) If you have any offers, just give me a pm. You will have a faster reply if you PM and NOT COMMENT. NO HOLDS Will NOT trade before receiving DTS ------------Shop is currently closed----------------- Things that I am after PDS, DTS, REP good comments on trade, the little things
    3 points
  2. Before the doc will help you, first you must help him in both the "Secret Delivery" and "Doc's Secret Plan" quests. Only after you do his dirty work and he owes you a favor will he actually help you convert monster parts. Until then, you are just some hunter scrub whom he has never met before and has no idea who you are or why your puny inferior intellect would have the audacity to ask him to do such a thing for free.
    3 points
  3. dw just chilling with my flying squirrel on my shoulder
    2 points
  4. This blew mind when I watched someone on YouTube when I was first having issues with it XD
    1 point
  5. Have you completed up to 4-1 of the government quests (available from principal's office in multiplayer mode)? Doc's Secret Plan is a Ruins quest, so you need to have 4-1 unlocked for ruins quests to show up in oneplayer mode.
    1 point
  6. oh mate u made me feel so sad i dunno if gona cry i just lose my cat earlier and its same looking she were with me for more than 15 years she had cloudy eyes and she got blind in about one month, i just took care about her, i really wanted to sleep my pet but she still could get extra love and care from me and she really enjoy it so i didn't kill my kitten but eventually you can't choose who live and who die
    1 point
  7. I am bored so I will also comment on this trade thread.
    1 point
  8. Alright, if there is any other issue, comment on the quest's topic.
    1 point
  9. Issue has been fixed. Please report me if you still get any crash in HOD2.
    1 point
  10. R-78 to the bird : "Your TripleR is cute !"
    1 point
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