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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2016 in Posts

  1. Hemos enpesado a traducir quest al español. para la comunidad del habla hispana, enpesamos con las mas importantes que son las de el modo historia. cualquier bug que encuentren en las quest favor de avisarnos. Episodio 1 Una persona. Magnitud del Metal - Traducida Agregada Afirmando su derecho - Traducida Agregada El valor del dinero - Traducida Agregada Practica de batalla - Traducida Agregada El periodismo - Traducida Agregada Timador de amarillo - Traducida Agregada Estudio atuctonomo - Traducida Agregada El bosque triste. - Traducida Agregada Grand Squall - Traducida Agregada Comida adictiva. - Traducida Agregada La novia perdida -Traducida Agregada Lagrimas de cascada - Traducida Agregada Entrega secreta. - Traducida Agregada El alma del Herrero. - Traducida Agregada Carta de leonel. - Traducida Agregada Criado de los Graves. - Traducida Agregada Conoce tu corazón. - Traducida Agregada Doctor Ostos. - Traducida Agregada quest19 "el cazador retirado"Traducida Agregada - Traduccion por @R.A.V.S.O Normal mode Ep 1. Evento Ataque Maximo - Traducida Agregada <b>Las Maracas perdidas - Traducida Agregada quest142 AOL CUP MAX ATACK - Traducida Agregada quest144 Max atack 4th fase A - Traducida Agregada quest145 Max Atack 4th fase B - Traducida Agregada quest146 Max Atack 4th Fase C - Traducida Agregada quest220 Regalo del principal - Traducida Agregada quest143 AOL Cup Base atardecida - Traducida Agregada quest125 Dia Blanco (withe day) - Traducida Agregada <b> Normal mode Ep 1. Exterminación Pesadilla sin fin # 1 - Traducida Agregada <b>Pesadilla sin fin # 2 - Traducida Agregada <b>Pesadilla sin fin # 3 - Traducida Agregada <b>Pesadilla sin fin # 4 - Traducida Agregada <b>Operacion Limpieza #1 - Traducida Agregada <b>Operacion Limpieza #2 - Traducida Agregada <b>Operacion Limpieza #3 - Traducida Agregada <b>Operacion Limpieza #4 - Traducida Agregada quest117 El precio de hoy - Traducida Agregada Normal mode Ep 1. VR Hacia el futuro - Traducida Agregada <b>Prueba del laberinto - Traducida Agregada <b> Normal mode Ep 1. Recuperación Fragmento de Memoria - Traducida Agregada <b>Garaon el traidor - Traducida Agregada <b>La Heatsword perdida - Traducida Agregada <b>La Ice Sword - Traducida Agregada <b>La Soul Blade - Traducida Agregada <b>La Hell Palasch - Traducida Agregada <b>Festival Rappy - Traducida Agregada </font> Ep1 Goverment. Quest:1-1 Planeta Ragol - Traducida Agregada Quest:1-2 Bosque Torrencial - Traducida Agregada Quest:1-3 Guarida subterranea - Traducida Agregada Quest:2-1 Caverna infernal - Traducida Agregada Quest:2-2 Profundamente dentro - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:2-3 La mutacion - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:2-4 La sombra del canal - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:3-1 La instalacion - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:3-2 Maquinas de ataque - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:3-3 Sala de control - Traducida Agregada Quest:4-1 Las ruinas perdidas - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:4-2 Reliquias enterradas - No Traducida Quest:4-3 Heroe & Hija - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:4-4 La tumba agitada - Traducida - Traducida Agregada Quest:4-5 El legado oscuro - Traducida -Traducida Agregada Ep2 Solo Side Trono del corazón - Traducida Agregada Ep1 ULTIMA quest199 Forest Ofensive.(FO) - Traducida Agregada quest148 mines Ofensive - Traducida Agregada ep2 Torre quest223 torre este - Traducida Agregada quest224 Torre oeste - Traducida Agregada Ep2 Ext quest233 Mundo Fantasmal #1 - Traducida Agregada quest234 Mundo Fantasmal #2 - Traducida Agregada quest235 Mundo Fantasmal #3 - Traducida Agregada quest235 Mundo Fantasmal #4 - Traducida Agregada Ep2 EVENT quest201_dream messenger - Traducida Agregada quest207_halloween - Traducida Agregada quest232_party_on_the_beatch - Traducida Agregada quest239_beach laughter - Traducida Agregada quest240_christmas - Traducida Agregada Ep2 VR quest203_reach for the dream_esp - Traducida Agregada Ep2 Shop quest204 Gallons shop - Traducida Agregada Ep2 ULTIMA quest250 GAl Da val's Darkness quest251 Atake Maximo S editare esta lista conforme las actualizaciones de las quest. <p> Quest que faltan por traducir.. los que quieran contribuir a la causa aqui dejo los archivos de las quest que faltan. gracias. Faltantes ep1 one person.rar
    1 point
  2. One of the prettiest shield yes, it look like a heart : http://www.pso-world.com/images/items/BB-SAFETY_HEART-ACTION-1.jpg
    1 point
  3. Nice. I just tried this the other day as a humar+ramar combo, was tough not knowing the spawns, but we lazily made it through in like 1hr3min. Didn't get to see what was in that box because they shot it early and then the item despawned haha. Of all the badge types, the crystal and the leather are the only ones for which I can't find their vanilla use; is it just an unused one? Good job R-78, it was really fun and I'm looking forward to part 2!
    1 point
  4. a hole dime and trimate set of course it will be a good offer, but for now i cant trade any
    1 point
  5. I don't really think having not donated is such a bragging point... I am sure many if not damn near all of you spend money to buy games, systems and the like. So to say you spend no money on games would just be straight out bullshit. However as it costs money to make games it also costs money to run this server, and it seems to many people forget that. To me when you brag about this, you are basically saying, I do nothing to contribute to keeping the privately ran server that I sink so much of my time into up and running. That's really how it looks, I am not saying everyone should donate a bunch of money to the server(I have, but fuck it that's my choice and if you have a problem go talk to your psychiatrist) but to me it seems it's probably kept alive by a fairly small group of the people who play here. Now there might be things I wish the donations went to that I don't believe they do. I mean maybe there is some legal issue here but the GMs who do these foolish amounts of work to keep this alive should be getting SOMETHING, I am not talking some big amount of money but shit, no help? man some of them put in so much work here. I know this is off topic but if you want to whine about the donation system remember it does serve a purpose, even if you don't totally agree with where that money goes. As far as bitching about prices yeah some of them suck, but you don't HAVE to buy anything, let alone at a outrageous price. I'm not trying to give shit to anyone who does well here without donating, I actually have a lot of respect for that, but if it you think it is some moral high ground remember someone else is paying money for you to even be able to play here. How long do you think it was before this server actually started to pay for itself? Do you think if it didn't it would be what it is now, or even exist?
    1 point
  6. I love how Midori leaves and now we are making me the bad guy again...and for some reason Sabrina, who I always saw as a victim of the system lol. Because I am going around selling things for crazy prices all the time to new players? I rarely ever get on forums, why am I still a topic of conversation for people? I hunt what I NEED, and help my friends get what they need. I never once donated to this server, just take a good look under my account name lol. I worked my ass off for EVERYTHING I have, I can literally think of over a dozen people who not only have more gear than me, more luck, and more DTS and yet I am one of the first names that pops into peoples heads smh. Yes I agree it sucks how the economy is, but placing the blame on a small group of people when the whole server is literally joining in the fun(scamming as you would say) is not fair. The problem is that people see others selling high and see them sell and want in the action. I see a lot of people who complain about prices, always "over pricing" themselves, this really is a gimme a PGF post at this point, cause this subject always comes up when they wanna buy and dont like the price. If you dont like the price, dont buy it and move on. I tried hunting my ass off for Master Sword for 2 years now and it still hasnt dropped for me, I never bought it from anyone cause the year before I join this server they use to sell for 50-70 pds, and now they go for about 40 DTS and i dont like that price, so I will wait until next year and try again.(I eventually got one in a trade, but i will still go for it anyway) Spend less time on forums complaining and hunt the thing for yourself...hunting things you want is still an option you know lol
    1 point
  7. i understand where both sides are coming from but lets be honest u can only farm the item for 4 weeks then u have to wait 300+ days to farm it again isnt it obvious that the prices for said items would be pretty dam high?
    1 point
  8. People throw out the word "scamming" way too often. How is anyone a "scammer" for selling an item that is rare for a price you don't agree with? I thought the people who hold the items determine the price. If theres only 1 Engine up for sale on the entire server,(which is actually very likely, who hunted that crap?) then how can you hold it against the guy that decides to sell it for 30, 40, 50 dts? No one has a say but him. He didn't "scam" anyone. He's being upfront with the price and whoever buys it, got exactly what they wanted. It can only be a scam if there was a set amount that could never change...which there isn't. lololololololo
    1 point
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