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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Well.. this is going a bit to far... "AntiHack.dll" it doesn't matter the name of the library could be whatever "soly_rules.dll" ... I never played on scht but what i have heard of this antihack stuff is that it closes programs where it finds strings related to hacking and things like that... and as it has been said before is easily bypass-able putting such an effort on something that will just bloat the game and not give it any security (let's be honest there)... I think is a no go. Also Auroboro, I have been helping here in Ultima but I also have been working with nero with the public tethealla server software and I am pretty sure he does not lack of knowledge nor intelligence.
    4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Found Soul Booster on Viridia from Gibbles ultimate of course
    3 points
  4. I'd like to request this topic be pinned/sticky. So far this is the best means I have found of fully unlocking the controller keys to give you access to any combination. It takes a 360 controller (or theoretically any other controller) and sends keyboard commands through the buttons pressed. Ergo the Xbox 360 symbol could be mapped to keyboard button zero, which you have telepipe set to. Ergo your home button is now your teleport home button. However, there are a few drawbacks. 1. PGP (Pinnacle Game Profiler) has a 20-day free trial, the full version costs $20 for a lifetime license. I'm sure that wont bother the more nefarious of the games though. 2. This is a 'combat design'. By that I mean, obviously you won't be able to do things like carry on a full conversation with the keyboard. It also has minimal functionality when in the ship. You can walk, however scrolling up/down menus will not be easy, if at all possible with the default configuration I've provided. However, with some tweaks I (or someone else) could probably design a setup that works while inside the ship at the cost of only a few keys in a 'combat' scenario. 3. PGP gets a little special ed sometimes and the game crashes if you open the game after PGP. Open PGP THEN the game when possible (as best I can tell anyway). Tldr; The D-pad up/down are mapped to things like keys 1 and 3 to be able to cast spells. Thus they cannot act like a traditional up/down key press for menu navigation. If I end up making a second 'all purpose' setup, or if someone donates a config file with that info, I'll modify the original post or include it in the follow post for easy reference. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The settings used were as follows for anyone who wishes to manually recreate and customize their own setup. Game profile is set to "psobb.exe". *Hook is installed. Checked: Do not start the game executable file when profile is launched **Block game from reading the controller with native support NOT checked: Launch as persistent profile Apply profile to other executable files in the same location *(From what I recall of my limited programming. A hook often intercepts keystrokes before they get to the program. And in this case, replaces them with your desired key. Do not be alarmed if your anti-virus flags something because of this). **This means that if you shutdown PGP, the game will automatically revert to using its natural controller setup. It is somewhat buggy and I had to fully shutdown PGP so that it did not automatically reactivate and override the native game controls ***VERY IMPORTANT, When assigning keyboard keys to your buttons, after doing so; Left click > Set DirectX Override > Game Read (current status) > Allow Read. It will NOT work without this over ride enabled for EACH KEY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two natural ways to set this up. 1. Have one Pinnacle PSOBB profile. Ergo your left trigger will ALWAYS be attached to (random example) Keyboard button 1. For each class you then just put whatever spell/skill you want in slot 1 for that left trigger. Pros: Only one PGP profile is needed Cons: If you do decide to use keyboard, things may be in an odd to reach or control situation 2. Setup all of your game characters as normal, then create a PGP profile to match that individual character. Pros: Can easily switch in/out from keyboard to controller and vice versa Cons: Takes much longer to setup http://archives.dcemulation.org/www.psobb.com/www.psobb.com/downloads/images/keyboard.gif This keyboard information should be quite useful to anyone wishing to create a custom keyboard mapping for a controller. (Files not currently attached or linked, to be added at a later date. I may try to get PGP to add them to their profile auto downloader.)
    2 points
  5. I would say no if has no hit ...I mean, on such a weapon hit is the most desirable stat, you will rely on the paralysis (and speed i guess) to do damage, missing a shot is no good xD
    2 points
  6. The anti-hack is indeed easily bypassed, it's also pretty intrusive to the players as it reads in other processes and closes programs it thinks are related to hacking. Personally I was always thinking of making more use of "social control" to spot hackers with the help of the community. Making certain information public about accounts, game rooms, inventories etc so people who suspect someone can easily find evidence and report them.
    2 points
  7. I think this doesn't belong to these forums.. and probably no one will answer you. Also, affecting other person's computers (in any way?) is actually a crime (someone might have done to you, but that doesn't give you the right to do the same). I shall lock this.
    2 points
  8. It seems no one has done this yet so I'll try to do it. How'd you come up with your PSO names for your characters? Everyone has a different story and reason, and it would be nice to know how some of you guys made up your own names.
    1 point
  9. While I do appreciate your interest in this matter I don't think we will ever implement something like that, there isn't any work on it either and as saith said and I'm sure you understand any security improvements won't be shared publicly (most probably). But we do work to improve the security and stability of the server.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Good work, but I'm sure there must be free alternatives to this program. I've seen a couple of open-source drivers for game pads floating on the net that can easily be tweaked with little programming knowledge. I will add this guide to the useful links topic but to get it pinned I feel it needs a bit more player interaction. There are already so many pinned topics that we try to only pin down the most relevant ones.
    1 point
  13. for one, please do not mention other servers on this forum, as it is against the rules. secondly there are more hackers over on that server than you think. thirdly for those hackers the dll is no showstopper, it is easily bypassed, for the users it means constant crashes, lockups, the game deciding to close programs on your computer etc. there are back end protections here that are way more efficient. these will not be talked about to maintain their effectiveness and hopefully a gm will lock this topic and edit your post to remove that servers name. This is not a subject that should be open for discussion. Larva alone is the one who decides if he will add that. If you care about Ultima's security then drop the subject.
    1 point
  14. Not quite the case mate, my account seems ta be havin bugs, as of late. Soly-Sama knows though, I think.
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the server (also moved this topic to the right section)
    1 point
  16. Ive got the technical of it all figured out, I just can't figure out right now what would be the most effective play/controller style. OK. I have three semi-default configurations based on a standard 360 controller. *Thinks*, for those inquiring minds who want to know, if you choose a 360 controller for PC gaming I highly recommend a wired one. PCs/Games have a tendency to not like the wireless version. Other controllers should be compatible, but as I dont have any on hand to test with/setup, I cannot confirm which do and which don't. My current setups: I tried to keep things like right bumper as the ctrl/toggle and X/A/B the same as the left/down/right to avoid confusion. Compatible, works great (as much as it can, not accounting for chat) while in the ship and in menus. Easy to scroll up/down..etc. Standard. Gives more buttons than compatible for combat scenarios. However, still keeps the dpad up/down intact for menu rotation. Combat. Basically it only walks while in the ship, but once you get into the 'game', you have aprox 17 buttons for spells/skills. (Basically all of what is on your keyboard) Multi. Still in the design phase, I am trying to set it up the left bumper to rotate between compatible and combat. It started to feel like a hammer to the skull, hence why I decided to let you guys decide what is the most ideal configuration. There are also other programs like Xpadder and Joy to Key that do extremely similar functions, this particular program just happens to be what I am most familiar with and find to be (mostly) user friendly. What I need from you (the community) are ideas for controller setups. Think in terms of applying any existing keyboard command to any controller button. Infact, even think in 3D!!! I can assign a button (such as the 360 symbol or the left bumper) to rotate between schemes. Which means you could have 2 (or more) controller configs. The first left trigger = keyboard button 1, right trigger = 2. Tap bumper and now left trigger = 3, right trigger = 4. Available keys on a standard 360 controller. X (left), A (down), B (right), Y (up), start, select, Xbox symbol, bumper left, bumper right, trigger left, trigger right, joystick left (clicks down of course), joystick right, dpad up/down/left/right. PGP also has a lovely feature where it will show me a visual of the layout once I am done without all the other controls in the way for easy previewing. So if I get say 25 designs, itll be easy to flip through some pictures so people can figure out what controller setup they want. http://s16.postimg.org/9afl4zk0l/PSOBB_360_Controller.png LET THE DESIGNS BEGIN!
    1 point
  17. Personally I use this one : http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-XInput-Wrapper-for-DS3-and-Play-com-USB-Dual-DS2-Controller it's for a PS3 controller though but it works perfectly. Not sure you can emulate a keyboard with it but it's written in C# so you can alter the code if you're feeling ambitious
    1 point
  18. me and my buddy first c/battle found skyly weather quest
    1 point
  19. The master raven has a much higher damage output. It would be too strong if it was combo unlocked. Last swan is one of the weakest handguns in terms of raw power, but its attack rate makes up for it. Last swan used to be combo-locked too long time ago. These weapons work as intended.
    1 point
  20. let the cent battles come!
    1 point
  21. Name is 'Someone' Because imagine finding a rare item in game, then on the banner it shows 'GM Cyanide: Someone has found a Heavens Punisher' Get people confused
    1 point
  22. Not the most... interesting thing in the world but it's something. The new Aurobum.. -____- 18 in Total....
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Thank you Evie for being my awesome waifu :3
    1 point
  25. The only one I see being butthurt here is you Auroboro. Nero did not insult you when he told you ultima is doing things a different way and that such an antihack.dll is not the route they are taking. Seeing his post and then sending him a very insulting pm like that, is the very definition of butthurt. Ultima has its own way of doing things to stop hacking and it's not going to be discussed here publicly, so there's nothing more to this topic really.
    0 points
  26. I believe i told you not to private message me auroboro, especially after i rejected your application to the team because of your argumentative attitude and the fact that most people on the team despise you. so why did you pm me this drek? i asked you not to try and ruin the security of the server, it is not your responsibility, discussion or business. don't be jelly of my swag bro. you'll never be PRO lol and gms down my throats? is that why chuk reiterated part of what i said?
    0 points
  27. hey, it's not my fault he's not educated on any server files regarding other servers. Or my fault he chooses to start drama because he cant handle the comparison of other servers technology when this server has a lot of components from other servers implemented into it to make it better. My argument wasn't necessarily towards it being a AntiHack.dll file more than it was just an idea to implement new ways to catch cheaters/hackers. I honestly dont care if the server doesn't have an AntiHack.dll file because AntiHack.dll does not work with Tethaella because it was implemented for schthack's server design (which was started from scratch, not from Tethaella). The point is, in case nero is still too busy being butthurt about schthack's superior internal server design (not that Tethaella is bad in any way), is that there are multiple ways we can implement ideas brought up by the community that can help detect such activity.
    -1 points
  28. I figured there may be someone on here who is more tech savvy than me. What I would like to do is to have a PC defense that attacks anyone who tries to (virtually) force access into my computer. I am talking about RATs and other similar attacks (if you don't know what I mean by RAT, you can count yourself as not being tech savvy enough to answer my question). I've seen unknown processes/services run in taskmanager, and programs sometimes open themselves (although my anti-virus software swears I'm not infected). I of course would like to simply jab a knife into their throat, as we all know those hacking shit-stains deserve, but obviously I can't do stuff like that, so the next best thing is to bomb them to hell by infecting their system with an especially malicious virus -- possibly something that will damage the HDD or motherboard of anyone who tries to access my PC. Possible?
    -2 points
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