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    Sinow Gold

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    Muffins (RAmarl), Esther (FOmarl), Tenrou (FOmar)

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  1. Update to the quest. While the server is still unable to properly run remapping and have proper items drop, the quest has been lightly touched up in the following ways in Version 1.3: - A few warp panels were added: Floor 27 was given preceding warp panels to prevent potential soft locking should there be a DC (Each appear upon portion clears), and floor 28 was given a floor panel that returns back to the top section from the mid section (These appear upon room clear.) - Removed alternating fog on floor 26, and replaced it with darkness that is controlled by central floor panel. - Very slightly trimmed the monster count. Took one Gibbles from floor 30 and placed it on floor 26. The Monster count to the quest now is the following: 120 Del Lily (-0) 180 Ill Gill (-0) 80 Delbiter (-0) 70 Recobox (-1) 75 Gibbles (-3) 80 Gi Gue (-5) 85 Mericarol (-1) 50 Merikle (-3) 50 Mericus (-1) 60 Epsilon (-6)
  2. Hello, Larva: If you are actually looking to make changes, I'm probably say a few things that I know you may not like but need to hear. HH is not the only thing that drives who comes in and out of the server. It's a lot more than that and there is no sweeping it under the carpet either. It's both HH and Events that both do it solely because of how they operate. You see, your server does NOT operate on a whim, meaning that people won't bother (in most cases) to just log in and play in often intervals at any given point of the year. Instead, players of your server, for the most part, will only play in those given time slots. Now bear in mind that most that do play in these time slots are established players or players that at least have a foot in the door to hunt. The FOMO nature of this server is extremely detrimental, and the way that it has lingered for so long more or less set the stage for what you see going on in present day. You need a lot more than a simple nudge of the HH system if you are looking to encourage a way to bring a higher interest among people. I know that it's been this way for so long and that trying to make big changes to 'revolutionize' things is often met with the fact that the vets already have all the wealth and the gear. Since that rock won't budge, trying to fill in the void that brings more general attraction is your next best alternative. Not saying it lightly here: HH doesn't need to be rebalanced, it needs to be destroyed. The main reason I can see it even existing is because time gated gear is stressful to hunt and it's there to try and mitigate problems. Well, you see, the problem here is that the time gated gear is a bigger problem that rests right behind HH itself. If you want to make a change for the better, you need to kill it at its roots. Look over the drop charts and see which items can use nudging around. Fill it out with the custom gear with reasonable, but also difficult rates. Something akin to a slant uber and/or up to uber tier. Putting them on a permanent list will need to have them be harder to access in general as you don't want to make the mistake Destiny Server did. They made all the vanilla drops standardized with some being easier BUT also made a lot of their uber customs easier to obtain for some bizarre reason. Doing what's stated above, you can vanish HH, and look to try and come up with some kind of community driven goal that supplies boosts when reached. Make the players WORK for the boosts rather than just spice boosts without any effort. I'm sure the Events here can be looked at and adjusted to be more interesting than periodic FOMO slots. Your proposed change won't change anything BECAUSE the best times to log on for hunts is STILL when HH is happening. Sure, my suggestion to you will require more work, but with how much weight this server has in terms of issues that birthed the creation of this thread, the effort I feel should be made for people that genuinely enjoy playing here. If you seriously won't take any other suggestion or proposal to what you are showing, then any change would be better than none. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola, Larva: Si realmente estás buscando hacer cambios, probablemente te diga algunas cosas que sé que pueden no gustarte pero que necesitas escuchar. HH no es lo único que impulsa quién entra y sale del servidor. Es mucho más que eso y tampoco se puede esconder debajo de la alfombra. Son tanto HH como Eventos los que lo hacen únicamente por su forma de operar. Verás, tu servidor NO funciona por capricho, lo que significa que la gente no se molestará (en la mayoría de los casos) en entrar y jugar en intervalos frecuentes en un momento dado del año. En su lugar, los jugadores de su servidor, en su mayor parte, sólo jugarán en esas franjas horarias determinadas. Ahora ten en cuenta que la mayoría de los que juegan en estas franjas horarias son jugadores establecidos o jugadores que al menos tienen un pie en la puerta para cazar. La naturaleza FOMO de este servidor es muy perjudicial, y la forma en que se ha prolongado durante tanto tiempo más o menos preparó el escenario para lo que se ve pasando en la actualidad. Se necesita mucho más que un simple empujón al sistema de HH si lo que se pretende es fomentar una forma de suscitar un mayor interés entre la gente. Ahora bien, sé que ha sido así durante mucho tiempo y que intentar hacer grandes cambios para "revolucionar" las cosas a menudo se topa con el hecho de que los veteranos ya tienen toda la riqueza y el equipo. Como esa roca no se moverá, intentar llenar el vacío con más atracción general es la siguiente mejor alternativa. No lo digo a la ligera: HH no necesita ser reequilibrado, necesita ser destruido. La principal razón por la que veo que existe es porque el equipo con límite de tiempo es estresante de cazar y está ahí para intentar mitigar los problemas. El problema es que el equipo con límite de tiempo es un problema mayor que se encuentra justo detrás del propio HH. Si quieres hacer un cambio a mejor, necesitas matarlo de raíz. Revisa las tablas de drop y mira qué objetos se pueden mejorar. Rellénalo con el equipo personalizado con tasas razonables, pero también difíciles. Algo parecido a un nivel uber inclinado y/o hasta uber. Si los pones en una lista permanente, será más difícil acceder a ellos en general, ya que no querrás cometer el error que cometió Destiny Server. Hicieron todos los drops vainilla estandarizados con algunos más fáciles PERO también hicieron muchos de sus customs uber más fáciles de obtener por alguna extraña razón. Haciendo lo que se ha dicho antes, puedes desaparecer HH, y tratar de llegar a algún tipo de objetivo impulsado por la comunidad que proporcione mejoras cuando se alcance. Haz que los jugadores TRABAJEN por los potenciadores, en lugar de limitarse a conseguirlos sin ningún esfuerzo. Estoy seguro de que los eventos pueden revisarse y ajustarse para que sean más interesantes que las franjas horarias periódicas de FOMO. El cambio que propones no cambiará nada PORQUE las mejores horas para iniciar sesión en las cacerías siguen siendo cuando hay HH. Claro, mi sugerencia requerirá más trabajo, pero con el peso que este servidor tiene en términos de problemas que dieron lugar a la creación de este hilo, el esfuerzo que creo que se debe hacer para las personas que realmente disfrutan jugando aquí. Si en serio no vais a aceptar ninguna otra sugerencia o propuesta a lo que estáis mostrando, entonces cualquier cambio sería mejor que ninguno.
  3. Wow, this took no time at all. Congratz! (Where's the video :eyes:) But yeah, the issue has been addressed and I've spoken to Soly. It may not be immediate, but a fix will be on the way. Also, the changelog was updated
  4. Okay so this is definitely Server Side with this confirmation. Staff that can handle drops should be able to fix this. As I said, I cannot do anything with drops through quest creation when it comes to what an enemy drops from the raw tables. The reason this is happening I believe to be tied to the server not recognizing the monster dropping the items. Epsilon is a Sinow Zoa outside of Tower as they both share the same ID. Del Lily outside of Tower is a Poison Lily which then the server thinks can have the rare variant which is masked by the Del Lily enemy. ^ As seen here. Sinow Zoa drops Secure Feet. Sinow Zoa share Epsilon ID so in Tower, they become Epsilon and still drop what is thought to be a Zoa. Same goes for the Del Lily.
  5. My guess is that this is something server side. I cannot influence what monsters drop and should default to their respective tables. Mil Lily is a Temple enemy in ep2 and none of the Towers use either Temple slot to overwrite with the tower maps. They're Mountain, Seaside and Seaside Night maps which get overwritten for Tower. Del Lillies do share their skin ID with other Lillies though. Something beyond my doing is probably at play here. My question would be if this is occurring in other tower quests? If so, then something may have been poked recently. So yeah! Can't really help you here.
  6. Okay! Apologies for the content inconvenience. A severe issue was mistakenly slipped into the end product of version 1.0. The quest has been updated to 1.1 and the issue has been resolved. (PSO is interesting though and it cropped the version number. Nothing too significant)
  7. The server bug causing wrong area drops has been squashed. Sorry for the long inconvenience!!! Interesting/Unironic side note before getting into this: I learned/noticed yesterday night (10th November, 2022) that Shiida's Capital of the Unreturned quest narratively takes place in the same general region that this one does. The southern regions of Gal Da Val simply are prone to dangerous anomalies I guess, idk. Anyways...Moving on: The Gloom Spire Quest Details: A party of three (3) were assigned to exterminate monsters that were swarming Gal Da Val Island's southern region. The Lab had suspected that if the rate of monster infestation were to continue growing, they could become a problem to other parties assigned to investigate other targeted zones of the island. Along with this party of three, the Lab had sent a specialized Cast with them to assist with the extermination assignment. The mission was projected to be cleared within the hour; and the party was projected to return within that same hour or the following hour at the very most. However, there was no word or communication between the dispatched party over the span of several hours. Not a single member of that party returned the Lab either which rose concerns. Natasha Milarose directed several teams to band up and form a rescue search operation. The southern regions of Gal Da Val were vastly scanned on foot, by carriers and by radar. Hours go by and no reported findings made their way back to the Lab to the frustration and dismay of The Directrice. More time passes and one search team that traveled down to the deep south came upon a discovery that was reported immediately on sight. A tall ominous tower that was seemingly swallowed by the wilderness was reported within the deep, dense forest trenches. The origins of this tower are unknown and remained unsettlingly so. With this new information, Natasha posted up an urgent search mission where only experienced and equipped personnel could take the job. A crew member of the search team making this discovery planted a teleporter signal in the mouth of this tower before search teams made their way back to the Lab by the day's end. Will you take the job and help search for the missing party? Quest Mechanics: This quest will vary in length depending on the difficulty chosen: Normal Mode = You have access to only 1 Tower before quest completion. Hard Mode = You have access to only 1 Tower before quest completion (Just like Normal Mode Difficulty). Very Hard Mode = You have access to 2 Towers before quest completion. Ultimate Mode = You have access to the entire quest. --> You get +50,000 Meseta for each party member you find (Ultimate Mode Only). Meseta Rewards: Normal = 8,000 Hard = 15,000 Very Hard = 40,000 Ultimate = 200,000 (Base Rate) ------------------------------------- Creator: Amaranthine (Esther) Quest Version Number = 1.3 - This quest has a timer at a prompted start without a quest fail condition. Added Meseta Rewards for Ultimate Mode, on the other hand, "do" have fail conditions in regards to the timer (Which counts up). - This quest has a prompted console style initiation. However, only one (1) player needs to engage the console to start the quest for the party regardless of what map they are in (Even during bursting animation screens). When a player is occupying the console, no other player can access it unless the engaging player declines the quest initiation. This means that you DO NOT need to all gather to start the quest run like traditional console initiated quests. Anywho! That should be everything I need to say about this. Will edit the page should versions update due to things such as potential bug fixes.
  8. That was an incredible run video. One of the most entertaining and engrossing things I've seen with this game in a very long time. Loved it.
  9. Uhhhh, so a 100h Cvulc. Right, so this gets a lot more complicated since there are a lot more variables to work with. The first of which being that you're looking for a common so you're off the range of Pattern 5 and need to be in certain areas. Secondly, you need to be hard focusing enemies that have weapon set drops. Thirdly, you are looking at a likely mixed assortment of enemies with varying DAR. If we were to assume you were running a quest with no boosts that had nothing but Claws in it...lol. So Claws have a 30% DAR. If you were running on Purplenum, you'd get the best Mech wep rate at 13%. Then you need to have it drop with hit% which is a hairline short under 5% within three rolls which totals out to 14.2625% in Ep1 which is where you'd find Claws anyway. Three rolls for Hit% chance cuz three different % areas are available to weapons (0/0/50/50|50 for example). Assuming you land the slot for hit, you still need it to hit 90% untekk which is only available in Pattern 4 which is appicable in any section of Ruins as 1, 2 and 3 are all home to Pattern 4. 90% in the Hit% slot is a 1/10000 roll. 100h is impossible to drop as 90h is the cap. Which means the item HAS to drop as an untekked item to tekk it to 100%. The Untekk chance on weapons is best in Ruins 2 and 3 at 30% unless this server has the 82% jank. THEN there are 40 Special Attacks. You need the weapon to hit the Charge Special. With all that in mind, let's look at ALL the munbers to go through: 30% DAR on Claws to drop something provided they don't drop a tool which all enemies can. If not a tool (Mate, Fluid, etc), they have weapons as set drops. 13% for Mechgun drop on Purplenum. 14.2625% for the weapon to have Hit% on it. 0.0001% for the Hit% to be 90%. 30% for the weapon to be Untekked. 0.025% for the weapon to be a Charge Special specifically. So now that we have all the numbers, let us plug all that garbage above into a multiplication string! After turning everything into proper decimal form with some rounding, we then take the answer to which we multiply by 100 to get our actual percentage. Getting a 90h Charge Vulcan from a Claw on Purplenum in Ruins 2 or 3 is roughly 0.00000053% or 1/1,886,792.45 when properly reduced. You had better not mistekk that Vulcan! EDIT: The rate is probably higher since Claws can also drop tools and not just weps. I dunno what that rate between tools and set drops are tho so I can't add it into the rate.
  10. Adding another little bit to this to let you guys know how to actually calculate how a rare item drops from an enemy (Excluding PDs as those are rare rolls on tools and not an RDR check). First you need to know what the DAR of an enemy is. Let's use a Sorcerer from Ep2 in Spaceship as an example. Let's pretend there's a drop from them and the drop rate for that rare item from said enemy is 1/1137. Here is how you calculate it and it's very easy to do. Assuming there is no drop boosts, you need to form a cross multiplication formula followed by a divider. Ep2 Sorcerers have a DAR (Drop Anything Rate) of 25%. You take 25% and you stick it over 100 to get 25/100. You then take the rate you see on the drop table and stick it into the denominator (Bottom value) of the second fraction which would be X/1137. X in the fraction is the RDR (Rare Drop Rate) of the enemy. So you end up with: 25/100 & X/1137. Multiply 25 (Numerator) by 1137 (Denominator) and then divide by 100. Thus, you learn that a rare drop that is 1/1137 from an Ep2 Sorcerer yields a 1/4 DAR and a 1/284.25 RDR. It just happens that the rate you see on the drop table is the math of those values in calculation. This concludes the PSO lesson. Good day.
  11. Uh, so there are two rolls per enemy. The first roll encounters DAR. Which as already stated, is the rate at which a monster drops anything for you. However, the other side of that is RDR (Rare Drop Rate). Should a monster pass the DAR and fail RDR, you'll just get whatever drops. If you pass both DAR and RDR, you get whatever rare item that enemy gives. The drop table rates are not what you get given an enemy drops something. The rate you see on that table is the calculation of DAR x RDR. Noting which enemies have higher DAR rates for given hunts can help you as opposed to similar rates on another enemy that may appear the same but has a terrible DAR and sucks to hunt from without boosts.
  12. Change blocks in the lobby and try again.
  13. There tends to be a usual concept that advertising and/or promoting this server will help it. It won't and won't ever help it. No matter how many people you bring into this server, the outcome will fall back to the issue it has right now as those new players quit to move onto something else or even defect to another server. No server is perfect but efforts to make a server better is the most constructive way to go. Throwing a ton of new quests and items into the game isn't fixing anything. If the structure of the server is bad, then it will never improve. This isn't 2008 anymore. The amount of decrepit qol that still lingers on Ultima hiding behind all the customs is preposterous. Just look at these threads. Has anyone counted the amount of times a thread has appeared on Ultima forums covering how "the server is dying"? Now I won't go into any details because anything and everything I can say has already been said. My point here are 4 simple things: - HH is a disaster - DTs and WoI are disasters - The QoL needs lot of modern touch ups. - Events need to spice the gameplay and not be the pinnacle of progression. Customs are amazing and fun when kept in check. Ultima power crept the game to the moon though when the game is already easy. All these broken customs should have been relegated to another drop chart in some Post-Ultimate Difficulty. This way, new players aren't gatekept from advancing. Some customs that can help advance into this higher Difficulty could be distributed throughout the Ultimate Mode drop chart year round. Of course, this would shift the meta to a new dimension but that already happened with the release of Blue Burst. This is likely all just going to be words to the wind but it has to be reiterated. No matter what you do or say; if the QoL is bad, then everything else is bad. If you want to read an in-depth take on my thoughts on this server, click here:
  14. Amaranthine

    R-78 shop

    I'm available now at any time.
  15. Amaranthine

    R-78 shop

    I want this ❤️
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