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About Redwizard

  • Rank
    Evil Shark
    Evil Shark
  • Birthday January 18

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  1. S-RED'S BLADE [0/0/0/0|0] 2 NYC Love Rappy [0/140/60/0] [M|E|P] [Red] - RAmar No Units mag 11 NYCL id like these 2 items if still available
  2. Me again. I want the smoking plate this time
  3. Weird issue I’ve encountered twice now. Once when fights fallz, and once when fighting Flo. The video seems to get caught in a loop at the end of a phase transition and displays the same few frames repeatedly until the game is closed. Everything else seems to work, I am still able to preform actions and the sound is running as normal. anyone seen this, or know how to avoid it?
  4. I’ve got a list of things to buy from you. Asteron Striker [50/25/0/0|40] 19 DTs Serene Swan [35/0/25/0|0] 26 PDs Adept 16 PDs Bomb-Chu [0/0/50/0|0] 11 PDs Black Hound Cuirass [DEF: 29/30 | EVP: 0/0] [4s] 3 PDs V502 4PDs Smart link 4PDs hoping to pay in DTs
  5. hey, im interested in that red sword
  6. What you want for that ds/double?
  7. I’m looking to pick up at least 2 more. willing to pay 5DT each, maybe more for a full set of 3.
  8. Can TypeM weapons be modified in any way other than a high grind level? I’m wondering if I can add specials (via gallons or dt) or percents (via dts) .
  9. Can I get the Hylian Shield from you?
  10. My bad, I should've checked before posting. Still want the bow though.
  11. I'll take the 35 hit Sacred Bow and the MG+
  12. whats the price on your soul banish?
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