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Everything posted by CFlo

  1. RIP. Doge is kill.

  2. Rumor has it that you like Mudkipz.

  3. I just got back, don't you quit. Canada needs you. Starlord needs you. I need you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CFlo


      You can't outrun the pain

    3. ultrajerky


      no pain plorx :v)

    4. CFlo


      Just remember you can't spell "Grape" without the "Ape".

  4. Hazama is best snek boi

  5. Why is Monday so far from Friday but, Friday so close to Monday?



  6. Snake with hands but somehow not a lizard.

    1. SelahIsASpot
    2. CFlo


      w0w I forgot for a whole month to reply to this. I am terrible at life


  7. Who do? Voo do. That's who.

  8. Normally if given a choice between doing something and nothing, I'd choose to do nothing. But I will do something if it helps someone else do nothing. I'd work all night if it meant nothing got done.

  9. Now if I was to take two 12 ounce sodas and multiply by two, well that'd be twenty four. I don't see what the hell the problem is.

  10. ____________________________

           Reading between the lines.    


  11. Never get into a relationship with a locomotive. They're selfish, greedy, and control freaks. My relationship with a locomotive was a total train wreck.



    1. mudkipzjm
    2. McLaughlin86
    3. CFlo


      Your cringe sustains my life-force.

  12. Coiake. Did you put birthday candles on yourself today?

    1. HHawk4


      naw, i didn't have cake on my birthday

  13. I joined a Brick Layer's union. Please judge me accordingly.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CFlo


      Have you visited Urban Dictionary before?

    3. McLaughlin86


      Ah. Went over my head. I get it now lmao

    4. CFlo


      But you hung in there and got it in the end. I appreciate it and you learned something today XD

  14. I like to Resta HUcasts that use DF.

    1. Misombre


      I like to DF Forces that resta Hucasts.

      In battle mode D:

  15. CFlo

    Favorite animes

    Dude you know I have watched that too and yes I did like it. Have you ever seen Wolf's Rain? That is an emotional trip.
  16. I tried to out run the pain and somehow I ended up back here.

    1. ultrajerky



    2. CFlo


      I ask myself this question every time log into PSO. If life is a full circle PSO must mean I've come full circle in life. I guess it's time to make another lap.

  17. Eyy, I am playing again. So uhhhh, you play too? What happened to Jerkman? Is he dead?

    1. Starlord


      Jerkman died in an endless fapping marathon with overwatch aka overfap. Doubt he will come back and sure I can hop in at nights. Around 9ish our time. Don't mind playing a couple games for old times sake.

    2. CFlo


      They always come back. You know dis. Have you poked around SCHThack? Is our original home what it was before? Or is it crap?

    3. Starlord


      It's crap. Low population. I managed to get a rainbow and crap but too much time I have to invest in re-gearing so I just stay here. I might be on weekends 9pm and up in the game. I just have to cancel my social plans. Lol

  18. CFlo

    Favorite animes

    I agree with Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. Can't speak for the others you mentioned.
  19. It took almost 6 years to finish but, I can finally say I'm done with SWTOR. I think it's PSO time.

    1. mudkipzjm


      I look forward to the impending shitposting

    2. CFlo


      I look forward to seeing old friends and dank memes.

  20. Solah, remember when Jerkman found the one ring?


  21. You guys remember when Jerkman found the one ring?


    1. Lemon


      What is this? Why are bad recorder videos so popular?  This isn't even that hard of a song to play :S

  22. A day in the life of Jerkman



    1. ultrajerky


      you are probably right

    2. CFlo


      where does your shirt go?

  23. Is windows 10 allergic to PSOBB? Have yet to try and see for mai salf :^

    1. Fyrewolf5


      it works, but fullscreen is sometimes a bit finicky, but that's where virtual fullscreen (borderless windowed) comes in.

    2. Yannv


      Yeah, and you can just Alt+Tab to alternate between apps.

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