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Everything posted by mudkipzjm

  1. Ad hominem much. Anyway, I agree with saith more on this. There were 10 dts outside of the event for the longest time, I don't see why all of a sudden they should double in price. For item with pretty low utility, 10 dts sounds more fair for this.
  2. Nah, I remember everyone selling them for 10 dts and even lower right after the event ended. At most, he could get away with 10, but know this server, it'll probably get sold for 20. The thing has little utility aside from being another weapon DF users can use to get their health down low. Plus as saith pointed out, this particular one is lows stats and it's not tekked right. I wouldn't exactly call this price reasonable. That being said, he can charge as much dts as he wants, but good luck getting a buyer.
  3. Could Irene possibly be pushed back in ttf ultima like she is in regular ttf. I'm not enjoying getting irene'd again x.x
  4. I'll take the double cannon
  5. Pm me offers, only taking dts. thanks for the birthday wishes btw c:
  6. S> Pyscho wand, 99 pds

    1. Wayne Jones

      Wayne Jones

      :"L buy 5 and happy bday :"L

  7. S> Pyscho Wand

  8. S> Psycho Wand 5 dts

  9. It's definitely a rare error, since it's only happened twice in the 6 months i've been here.
  10. Dw, I sold it for 15 pds.
  11. mudkipzjm

    S> Stuff

    AN 0/0/35/0|45 Limiter 60 pds I want dts, nothing else. Please send offers in a PM, probably won't look at this topic after posting it.
  12. S>60 pds for dts

  13. s>60 pds

    1. Lemon


      I'll give you 50pd for them xP

    2. tru


      i bid 51 pds

    3. mudkipzjm


      Ugly. >Everyone

  14. As far as I know it didn't happen to anyone else, and it doesn't happen anymore, but it's the second time it's happened to me on this server. Tum also crashed later that game, no idea if that has anything to do with this weird error, though.
  15. I was in a roct, around 6:00 pm est, and noticed he was doing weird stuff. It appeared on my screen that he always had a Heaven Striker equipped, and when he did the normal attack, it would do the fighting animation. Don't know what caused this, but though I'd report it. It also appeared always equipped, even when he had other stuff equipped. The lovely ramar there is TumCrooZ, if that information is needed
  16. Yea, the it's trying it's hardest to stop me from playing. That or my failure of an ISP, probably a mixture of both.
  17. I haven't noticed anything, other than the regular amount of people dc'ing and crashing.
  18. I really should learn how to loop oggs myself, but until then, here's another. Haven't decided what ogg I want to replace yet, but eventually I will. Thanks in advance!
  19. I'm kind of confused x.x Do we complete the ttf?
  20. Daily goth that Starlord is a fake reminder.

  21. Will this help/allow you to help the stability issues that the server has(i.e. people crashing while entering rooms/as soon as they join rooms, bank crashes, etc.)?
  22. b>40+ hit frozen shooter

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