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Everything posted by griffeni

  1. S>wd i need the cash

  2. griffeni

    S> wd

    15 dts good buy
  3. S> WD 17 dts

    1. Malxerz


      You don't want to look like a pretty bride?

  4. :3 buy from the lemon for the lemon has good things that you should buy
  5. i got the stuff for my 3rd mah but no gm isa om D: edit pic for proof
  6. this pack as far as i know should be complete but it may not be so im more than happy to hear your feed back http://www.mediafire.com/download/4el4qyp3avd6b7v/UNDERTALE_OGG_PACK.rar download link i will add a spoiler with what i replaced where later as i will have to go back into the undertale files i have on my pc bc i already forgot what went where xD credit to the following saith and the info and guids he has shared with me mayt3 for testing and telling me what needs to be fixed
  7. i will take the hell arms and berzerk arms
  8. pd confirmed on whitil olga smfh this has literaly killed the event for me stupid troll pds and it just started and im already done
  9. so olga dropped a red box for me the first run i did today, it was a pd and my profile picture is the best way to describe how i feel right now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. griffeni


      hi yes i would like to report a rude person in game. oh his gc? he doesnt have one. i want to report olga flow for being a dick

    3. Zoomcat7


      Brb while I go break something

    4. Malxerz


      Fill out a hurt feelings report

  10. red id shambertain valkyeri confirmed
  11. hit on glide is leteraly useless, you are not going to be attacking with it equipped even if melee fo you will either use a sword or techs i am not trying to block a deal im just informing anyone looking that the hit on glide should not affect price
  12. try resetting your router. thats has helped with some errors in the past
  13. ill buy them , im in game now
  14. griffeni


    shameless self bump bc i still need nakas people D:
  15. i have anxiety and honestly i wonder why anyone at anypoint puts up with me. half the time i think its bc people actualy consider me their friend the otherhalf how ever i can only think its so later they dont have to deal with me and because of this i actualy wonder if i will even remotely be happy anymore http://puu.sh/lOTRH/0fbd73a71f.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malxerz


      And yes, it is

    3. Misombre


      You must see a professional coil carp as soon as possible. And a bear if not enough, the russian one's the best.

    4. McLaughlin86


      If people didn't want to deal with you, they most likely wouldn't in the first place. Anyways, feel better homie. A lot of us hit these thoughts/points at some time in our lives, so don't feel alone.

  16. D: cyane how about a lv 1 megid? also for my list -an asteron striker 15 hit -an srank handgun -hit spread needle -a blank stat or atleast no hit heaven punisher -a v101 -some naka cards -a 30+hit yasminkov 9000 for cyane c: -kajex
  17. all i want for christmas is a team to pgf hunts with that wont bail after 8 runs bc all im doing untill all 4 of us has pgf is pgf hunts oh and AND a pd c:
  18. griffeni


    ing pls i just want a zalure gun named boom stick D: im naming the sorting s ranks as i get them from c mode
  19. griffeni


    i need some nakas for a delicious s rank so pls respond <3
  20. topicc can be closed thanks
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