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Status Replies posted by Starlord

  1. STA is off the market

  2. Going to Ireland to study.  Any advice on what I should take my weekends to go and see?  I hear there are cheap airlines that will take me to Europe.

  3. It is incredible how stupid money rules this server. A mag cell, that doesn't do anything better than others but looks cooler being sold by items with 700+PDs value, while other cells you see being sold for 1/2 PDs. How stupid some players could be? I'll NEVER pay 700 PDs for a mag cell. Sure, people are free to offer what they want, and I'm free to say this price is dumb.

  4. S> ricos parasol, 0/30/0/40/30 lindcray. Pm me amazing offers or perish forever :o

  5. S> ricos parasol, 0/30/0/40/30 lindcray. Pm me amazing offers or perish forever :o

  6. That time of the year where DTs supply are running low...

  7. I totally want to auction stuff :3

  8. Tip of the year: if you want to make money on this server, you don't sell your items, you auction them.

  9. Starlerd are you a mutha fuckin starboy?

  10. So I turned my min RR into some bunny ears...looks good for Halloween, but, how do I get my RR back? Never? Alrighty then...

  11. So I turned my min RR into some bunny ears...looks good for Halloween, but, how do I get my RR back? Never? Alrighty then...

  12. S> hylian 99 pds.

  13. When you been away for so long players forget who you are.... :unsure:

  14. If I did a special giveaway I wonder if people would want a Tsumikiri J Sword or a Master Sword more.

  15. Monthly reminder that other weapons besides DM exist.

  16. B > Chromatic Orb 5 DTs each.

    You're welcome to spit on my face but please be respectful while doing it.

  17. T> max df set for max dm set

  18. Stupid song stuck in my head....  All I do is win win win LOL

  19. The squad is back @ultrajerky will be hunting with me. Hopefully we can get the attention of other apes and or agents.

  20. Spin Doge, tell me a what for.

  21. B> STA. Got force, ranger and some hu stuff to sell. Name your price in pm so I know what you value it or list your wants.

  22. I require adoption, my real daddy left me on the side of the road so he could become a pornstar. i can count to 10 and tie my own shoes (sometimes) pls halp :c


  23. S>Iron Faust 60 hit & Zalure Needle

  24. When construction wakes me up on my day off, it makes me want to slingshot a small child to the sun.

  25. Beware of scammers, there's peoples asking items out of the game and then they won't give you what they promise.(CoD weps etc, for DTs and other items)

    If you see anything suspicious report asap.

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