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Everything posted by R.A.V.S.O

  1. Made a fake first person view mode in RPGXP, surprisingly enough it makes for great cutscenes http://i46.tinypic.com/95su4w.jpg

    1. Zero


      ta chilo, te quedo bien el fp view sesi xD

    2. Zeph



  2. pues como propuesta.... ocupo poner algo en perspectiva.... ok tenemos a las 3 clases no? hunter, ranger y force. si se habran dado cuenta... las clases del hunter y el ranger han tenido armas que las 3 clases pueden usar y que la gente en realidad SI usa... como el excal, o el LK38 etc... pero ahora que lo veo.... el Force no tiene una arma universal que distintas clases quieran usar.... y si la arma exclusiva de ultima fuera una arma que fuera para los Force en mente pero que los demas pudieran usar? no lo se es una idea....
  3. People making a mess just because they couldn't have it their way... ever heard the phrase strong against adversity? it's what actually makes a gamer stand out.

    1. Biza


      thats the spirit a gamer stands to any adversity and keep on

    2. Zeph


      I don't see any point in it. I'm just here to hang out with some friends and play a good game.

  4. The unseal is ok for me.... but I'll be dead honest right now... I no longer give a damn... I mean if you really wanted to go all out in a desperado bullet barrage you might as well have done a RA and gotten over this mess... but it turns our people would rather want it their way than actually contribute to an acceptable point. then again sadly... if you actually go out and say how you want things done, STICK TO THE PLAN. if you're telling how you want to walk, then actually take the walk! I do see myself actually working out to unseal this LK38 and possibly level up while im at it. also, I would like to take this moment to say I shall no longer get involved in english-side server opinions, you guys made debates like these flame war rooms and personally im getting tired of this so I'll just go ahead and move back where I believe I might be a bit more needed. the spanish server side, so best of luck Elision, Godric Choko & Ckuk. I personally do not like where this could end so yeah....
  5. hmm en terminos de si esta bien o no... pues ahi ustedes... pero no se porque presiento que entre mas cambios le hagan al servidor se pondra mas y mas lleno de bugs y errores y va ser de andar en rollback tras rollback. esque siento que tanto rollback le da fama al server de inestable.
  6. 4 more days of non-stop tests... then time to do some translations XD

    1. Biza


      good luck with that bro well be waiting for your return

    2. Larva


      thank you xD

    3. Biza
  7. PC.... you can play god with it far more easier than on other electronics
  8. Ok pues para hacer esto lo mas corto posible.... esta y la siguiente semana son el INFIERNO en terminos de examen para mi dado a que son examenes de o los que pasas o repites todo el curso de nuevo (en el caso de un profe) pero en si es epoca de examenes volvere a estar activo como a inicios de Junio suerte a todos XD
  9. 1001 posts of pure awesomesauce XD

    1. Veriemas


      damn you beat me....I am still at like 700

    2. Larva


      yoo.. please send me the last tranlastion. would be cool to have this quests by this summer

    3. R.A.V.S.O


      simon nomas que me salga de la epoca de examenes finales y lo tengo listo T_T

  10. The negative man sees the glass half-empty, The optimistic man sees the glass half-full, And the realistic man sees the glass, drinks it's contents and asks the bartender for another round.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Veriemas


      I see it half full and drink it then ask for more :P

    3. R.A.V.S.O


      well if it was acid then you were bad luck brian that's all

    4. Veriemas


      wow chuk just poisoned me with acid....

  11. there's actually a spinoff where you can command 2 of the units against the invading army so it also counts as... games have spinoffs and adaptations as well....
  12. ok to keep facts straight.... that soul calibur has PvE but ALSO the classic PvP mode. meaning indeed Lloyd Irving does successfully appear on a true fighting game, and YES I've called it true fighting game because there's more than 1 SC game, the franchise itself is famous for cameos and also let's not forget some mortal kombats had PvE as well but they didn't stop being a fighting genre because of that.
  13. Technically.... Lloyd's on mugen and he has really good air combos.... so it's official he's on a fighting game
  14. I'd kill to see a Pepsi-man vs Phoenix Wright battle XD
  15. zero and die did.... Im about to givew king ra his RR.
  16. you think whithill's bad? bluefull needs some love too T-T... I mean aside from Heaven Punisher (the only item with a decent rate compared to other ID's) it's trashed down to just that T_T
  17. MUGEN but only with really good coded characters and stages.
  18. Well let's take a look at the odds.... 1. it's possible but the end results wont really change the output... think of those 5 stats as "free" stats 2. Lucky for you there's a skin for that out somewhere.... I'll have to dig for the link eventually.... 3. well in EPIV there's some enemies that look and fight like the player but are renegades.... sadly this only is seen in EP4. 4. sounds handy.... but sadly not possible unless you tweak the game. 5. not really possible at all.... if you want a mag that serves as a gun and even casts techs,,, well there's phantasy star portable 2 try it out, it's a very fun game as well.... just beware of hackers. 6. didn't we have those already? hmm I better take a peek.... 7. if you don't like to constantly spam the trap detection item.... later on you can get a sense plate which has an in-built trap detection system.... it's pretty handy, the downside is there is far better armor out there. 8. the drops change when a season event is on.... then again the best items are mostly on EPII bosses have good drops but later on you can easily outclass those. 9. it's not really possible.... then again if you know how to avoid mobs.... use yourself XD they stop chasing you if you go to another room. 10. concept is good, sounds good.... but sadly would need heavy game tweaking. then again the closest thing we got to this are exclusive mag evolutions done if you give them a special item.... like kit of MARK3, or heart of pian etc...
  19. I know... I kinda thought of the mature tab to keep people like niyuki at bay from spamming out elsewhere.... but I do see how this could backfire... then what about removing the mature tab and keep the other 3?
  20. This topic will most likely end in a flame war followed by a lock.... but in case it doesn't (hope not) well here goes..... have the shoutbox have separate sections, like different tabs.... say the shoutbox has 4 tabs.... PSOBB, off-topic, mature &GM support. so if I log on and want to plain chat.... I'd click on off-topic to plain chat away, if I wanted to talk something server related, like trading or asking something about PSO.... it's get on the PSOBB tab. For users that are having trouble, say got bugged, or want a rollback or plain want to contact a GM, just access the GM tab, where you can only chat with GM's stuff that actually needs the help of a GM. and finally the "mature" tab for users who plain want to vent off and talk about more mature themes like pr0n, and hentai-related anime and whatnot.... at least this way you would avoid getting conversations mixed up and whatnot.... hey this IS a share ideas for the game topic.
  21. season 2 never came because the TV company had a very low budget they got stuck with season 1 and had reruns only.... meanwhile in china.... there's a spinoff of the series which ended surprisingly better...
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