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Status Updates posted by leezy

  1. someone trade two lame with stats for these two noob/hp or i take 20pds each for it

    1. Kush


      noob hps are not worth 20 pds more like 5 .. they drop like candy 

    2. leezy


      i just seat on it,,one day someone in need of one to complete their collection ,,will pay 20 for one,,


  2. larva pls x5

  3. S>noob/hp (x2) 20pds each


    1. Callum Johnson
    2. Kush


      really 20 pds lawl

    3. Midori


      Only 20 PDs? That's cheap. Congrats, Callum.

  4. dam i love this mag event,,,i got two chao one with all mind,and one for my fomarl,,and a Geung-si with 195 mind and 5 def hell yeah thx cyane love you


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyane
    3. Shisui


      na you cant make a kama mag with those stats xD

    4. leezy


      even the chao you need a all 35 stats to use the cell


  5. S>10 part for 1 pds have over 50


    1. leezy


      all gone


    2. rayblasterx


      can i get 50 of them parts pls? dw

    3. rayblasterx


      didnt refresh :v nvm

  6. WHAT if ZANBACON  can tranform,,,like lame to excal,,, ZANBACON  turn to BURNBACON with 20million kill count

  7. demon shot or mechine gun? 

    1. mudkipzjm


      demon mechs first, then shot. they both are pretty nice

    2. leezy


       i wish i own both 


  8. What if,,Sega made a game console ,,that play all their old and new game?I think my life would be ruin

    1. Carsomyr


      What if SEGA never dropped out of the console wars to begin with... :D

  9. My wife is the best brain doctor I ever experienced,,love you baby 


    1. dmoney1969


      Her name isn't Mary Jane is it?

  10. i have found alot of tech lvl 25 to 29,,,if you need any just ask me in lobby,,, free of charge,,,if i have it,,,no i dont have any grant or megid,,,happy hunting guy and ladys.


  11. t>tjs 100 ab/m 80 hit for 2 excal with 50 hit and set stats and c/b


    1. velociti


      would you do 2 c/b's? I don't have any excals with hit, one has 40 machine only.

    2. leezy


       we still in the event so i only need one


  12.  wish i can change all the name on this account 42150526 to leezy,,,would be lovely,,

  13. t>tjs 100 ab/m 80hit for  100 statsx3 PR must have native and dark

  14. Running RT yesterday,,as a fomar,,With two other  humar,,one was trying to use his special on df,,the other humar was spamming resta to heal,,if you see a force not casting resta to heal,,what make you think your lvl 15 resta ,,fuck it levi god

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dmoney1969


      Did you tell him what he was doing wrong. Maybe he just ignorant and not realizing that you need low hp to use special on DF lol

    3. R-78


      I know that feeling when you spam Girasole special non stop and someone still keeps healing you

    4. mudkipzjm


      you see me intentionally get my health down and you resta me. Yes, because i totally would fight gal with 10% hp for fun

  15. T>PGF for db or pb+c/battle

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. R-78


      It's not DBs saber ... it's Dual Bird

    3. Shisui


      no youre all wrong..

      its delsaber's buster

    4. McLaughlin86


      It's Dim Brand

  16. t>80hit type me charge for type me demon 80hit

  17. t>df,100n/m,50hit/tjs 100ab/m,80hit,80hit type me charge,for sta and pb,db,or dm,any one of the dw

    1. Mr Noob

      Mr Noob

      Are you trading the three of then for one Dont Worry?

  18. t>df,100n/m,50hit/tjs 100ab/m,80hit,80hit type me charge,for sta and pb,db,or dm,any one of the dw

  19. T>df 100 n/m 50hit for pb,db,or dm,

  20. T>dm 100 n/ab 80hit for max df (any stat) or pb or db

  21. T>dm 100 n/ab 80hit for max df (any stat) or pb or db

    1. Paw


      this is my mirror dm D: i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it

  22. T>dm 100 n/ab 80hit for max df (any stat) or pb or db

  23. t>tjs,charge type me 80hit,for set charge yes 9000m and yas 7000 hell max hit

  24. Give me your dw for my dw now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mudkipzjm
    3. rayblasterx


      dw is priceless and unique to everyone. Trading isn't recommended but good luck :"L

    4. radezz


      all for dw and dw for all.

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