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Everything posted by Malxerz

  1. Attention seeking subliminally sexual status update with a lewd imgur link

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malxerz


      Comment about fuck boys not directed at anyone in particular

    3. radezz


      Meaningless reply given with or without specific intention.

    4. Starlord



  2. House of cards season 4 :") goodbye health

  3. gelato is amazing u//u

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ultrajerky


      c: T>fat5skills

    3. Voodoo Kitty

      Voodoo Kitty

      ing, we should make super fat characters

    4. Malxerz


      am already super fat so...

  4. Things

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25



    3. ultrajerky


      i can agree to not disagree

    4. SelahIsASpot


      but i only like stuff so..

  5. Am kill x_x

    1. ultrajerky
    2. Starlord


      moiy sanchez is kill?

      malxerz sanchez? XD

      now we know who your bf is

    3. Voodoo Kitty

      Voodoo Kitty


      dun die

  6. doge speak you wouldnt understand starlord
  7. this is me, dude in commenting
  8. Apparently they can walk around saying it though....I'm done bringing it up now c:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheJoker25


      How to unbuy bitcoins?

    3. Malxerz


      idk man, i made 700$ in doge coin c: i wouldnt unbuy

    4. TheJoker25


      Unless I can buy a team of Sled Cappys I don't want these koinz anymore.

  9. you didn't have to be vulgar though xD *edit* Putting it to rest then
  10. That time of night again? also i would count how much it costs from a 3 50% as a starting point lol still doesnt add up, but somehow depreciation matters in a video game xD
  11. I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zoomcat7


      I was undead with ass bones and puffy skin. Every hour I eat my legs, and every evening I eat my arms. At night, I laugh awake in pleasure until my diabeetus puts me to sleep.

    3. under9000


      want to buy some chocolate tho

    4. McLaughlin86



      "I love you."

  12. But you are selling her for a df/dm set D:
  13. No one wants your psycho bride, you were the one who fell for her shenanigans in the first place.
  14. I have nothing against you, when something is off I like to point it out, no matter the person, I make this apparent to everyone, including friends (see mayte and griff at times). Also I love to throw tomatoes for bad acting in dramatic scenarios, its not you. Sorry if that comes off as brutal, but I can't be honest with people that I actually don't like if I don't do it to everyone who causes drama. Just as a hint, understand that no one really quits ultima, they just take variable lengths of breaks, say you are taking a break for an unspecified time lmao.
  15. Apparent Overly deep and inteluctual message about my problems

  16. I read it, what will you do to me now?
  17. Nothing I suggested runs against this when all 4 players can have the same chance of getting the event item at the end of a quest I wouldn't suggest to make all items worth hunting on a quest reward but the event items only
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