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Ultima Veteran
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Status Replies posted by Sylph777

  1. Hello Ultima, it's been a very long time. I hope everyone of you are doing well ?

    1. Sylph777


      Hello Mud, yeah i know what that feeling. I have a backlog of like 400 games to play but absolutely no time, nor the will to do it haha.

      Well thank for giving me news, and best wishes to you.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Yo bro! you still play pso?

    1. Sylph777


      Hi, i'm retired since 2017.

      I'm affraid you'll have to play with someone else because i'm not getting involved with this game anymore ( and i'm busy with my work, i have not much free time to play anyway ).

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Coucou,  j’espère que tu va bien ?

    Tiens, je viens de regarder la conférence xbox, et je voulais partager ça avec toi, car je pense que ça peut potentiellement t’intéresser ( en tout cas, moi ça m'a grave hypé )

    C'est plutôt chouette graphiquement, à voir pour le gameplay, mais ça semble très sympa également.

    Selon Sega, c'est une sorte de refonte de PSO 2 en monde ouvert, et nettement améliorés sur tous les points ( y compris la customisation général, qui était déjà complétement démente dans PSO2 ).


    1. Sylph777


      Hum oui, à première vue, ça semble largement au dessus de PSO2 sur tous les aspect ( et surtout, un gros monde ouvert, ça va changer la dynamique du jeu et le gameplay en profondeur ).

      Après, c'est vrai que PSO2 est nettement plus "casualisés" ( et peut même paraitre brouillons aux premiers abords)  dans le système de combat que le premier PSO, je suppose que c'est ce qui te rebute ( et je comprend, PSO2 m'a fait cette effet au début ) ?

      Sinon, oui je vais clairement y jouer, j'aime beaucoup la direction artistique, et les jeux en monde ouvert ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hello Sylph!

    How are you doing?

    1. Sylph777


      Hello man, long time no see.

      I've been doing well ( with some ups and downs, as usual for most people ), despite the difficult times that the world is currently facing... I know that it willl get much worse very soon ( especially socially and economically ), but i'm not affraid the very least because i knew all this was going to happen ( unfortunately ), i will just try to be ready for what is going to happen.

      Also, i'm living in a more healty way since i left this game ( haven't really touched this game since like mid 2017 ).

      Since the grip that this game had on me ( mentally ) left me, i can say that i have changed for the better on certain points.

      How about yourself ? How have you been ?

      PS : If you are still playing this game, i can give you the 45$ donations tickets left on my account ?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. holaaa mi hermanoo 😜




    1. Sylph777


      Hola Dennis, ha pasado mucho tiempo. Me alegra ver que estás a salvo. Qué pasa ? Cómo estás ?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Hi o:

    1. Sylph777


      Oki pate, i'll be coming on discord soon, when i have some free time.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. For people who wanted to see me performing Dual log


    1. Sylph777


      6 minutes ago, McLaughlin86 said:

      You're nuts. I'd never have the patience to play like that.

      Easily impressed, but you're just a scrub at everything anyway ( smash bros included ofc ).

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  8. For people who wanted to see me performing Dual log


    1. Sylph777


      Tu a vraiment l'habitude alors, tu es super rapide lol.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. For people who wanted to see me performing Dual log


    1. Sylph777


      Lol TS2 alien tileset theme. Pas mal sinon, mais comment tu fait en fait ? tu joue avec 2 PC ou 2 PSO côte à côte sur un même PC ? Je suis vraiment curieux de savoir, parce que je te trouve bien rapide en dual log quand même.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. Why isn't there a 24 hour live stream of ultrajerky's life. I would totally binge watch that ape.

    1. Sylph777


      19 minutes ago, McLaughlin86 said:

      You know you want to too sylphy :3

      I'm not interested in those creepy activities mr laughlin and tbh, i'm a bit scared to find out what he does all days xD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Why isn't there a 24 hour live stream of ultrajerky's life. I would totally binge watch that ape.

    1. Sylph777


      you guys are a bunch of creepy stalkers.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Can you confirm stats on Demon needle  ( 10dts ) from your shop post?

    1. Sylph777


      sorry this item is reserved till monday, if the person doesn't show up, i'll sell it to you

  13. The weight of Sin is heavy. One could even confuse it with gravity.

    1. Sylph777


      heavy without forgiveness and repentance yes, erased and relieved with the blood of Jésus :)

  14. You lie in april is 10/10 animés despite the sadness... :(

    1. Sylph777


      16 hours ago, Trigunman said:

      Ahhh geez, if I had known that's how it would have ended I probably wouldn't have watched it.

      Yes me too... on the other hand, even if i don't regret having watched this anime, the final episodes ( especially the last one ) still hurt me, upset me, and deeply touched me.. i still have this image of kaori dying on her bed... in fact, i even want to say that this end is almost horrible... and the only comfort i got was her letter to arima ( although i already knew she loved arima from the beginning ), but needless to say that i shed many tears and :( it brought me to a questioning on certain things and the suffering of losing a loved one in those circumstances. Aside of that, the emotions and feelings related to the musical aspect, the freshness of kaori, the exhortation to never give up and live the life to the maximum, the suffering of arima and the different characters are great, even if there would be material to do more.. especially with tsubaki or arima's future for example.. that's why i'd really like a season 2 .

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Happy 10 years old my cake ;)

    1. Sylph777


      Oh sorry, i always tend to think you're older :(

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. -------------------------------------------

    1. Sylph777


      44 minutes ago, ultrajerky said:

      I find it funny that everyone thinks this actually happened, hue.

      nah we were just messing with you <3


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. -------------------------------------------

    1. Sylph777


      13 hours ago, ultrajerky said:

      My D is so small its an innie C:

      find a virgin, problem fixed ;)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. -------------------------------------------

    1. Sylph777



      good luck but you should refuse to give her what she wants for this sudden offense, poor jerky :(

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  19. are you still looking for an HS gorilla ?

    1. Sylph777


      i'd sell you a 35/0/0/35/35 for 20 dts, up to you brah

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. what happened to the "ultima legend" title, seeing too many veterans its getting boring :/

    1. Sylph777


      these titles and how they are distributed doesn't even make sense lol, shouldn't bother with that.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. My French isn't quite up to snuff, but still a beautiful song.

    1. Sylph777


      Not that bad, i didn't know this artist, where did you discovered that ? xD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. S>Scape Dolls 20 for 1 pd

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