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Sir Rendlan

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Everything posted by Sir Rendlan

  1. Share this video https://youtu.be/2pqKiOZdI40
  2. Havent talked to ya chuk, I have no idea if im doing this post right OwO HOIIII CHUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  3. The only real old players I see is me and saith sometimes frost
  4. What happened now... .-.

  6. @Soly is this how you feel lately? Your sugnatue Lol Signature**
  7. Photon crystals don't mean anything anymore T^T it's now mainly donation tickets or DTs 2-4pcs = 1pd... and 6.6pds = 1dts...
  8. You can change it for dts check the dt list it costs 10dts
  9. Happy birthday zowwwww!!!!!!!!

  10. I regret playing on schthack hahaha that's about it
  11. Yoooooooo how's my mag coming along?

    1. thelionorion


      idk how IS your mag coming along?

    2. Sir Rendlan

      Sir Rendlan

      Your the one making it .-. Lol that agastya 

  12. newbbbbbbbbbbbbb :3

    1. thelionorion


      /ban>rendlan @GMs make this happen



  13. Well you need to plug in the controller and then you start pso. You might have to trouble shoot by trying out all of your USB ports and it looks like there's 2 USB cords on that thing. So it may take you an hour to find the right part to make it work. I personally would just go buy a cheap Xbox 1 or 360 controller that'll work with whatever windows software you have and call it good or buy the Logitech controllers.
  14. O.o well than x3 but I also meant like make a skin out of him for a character
  15. If you don't know the email you can always give info to @Soly about the characters and stuff and then he can tell you the email. If that becomes a problem which hopefully it shouldn't:3 @Soly he's helped me recover my acct multiple times .-.
  16. Okay I will start working on this... .-. Like 2 weeks later .-.
  17. You'll simply see how you are shit out of luck:3
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