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Hello !
I accept everything in my wishlist (but I may have forgot something so...feel free to make an offer!)

Calibur +1 [40/0/0/0|55] [Lord's]    10 pdCalibur +1 [0/0/0/0|50] [Charge]    10 pd
Dragon Slayer [0/0/0/0|25]    3 pd
Dragon Slayer [25/0/35/0|30]    4 pd
Dragon Slayer +34 [0/0/35/35|35]    6 pd
Dragon Slayer [0/30/0/0|35]    5 pd
Dragon Slayer [35/0/0/0|40]    7 pd
Dragon Slayer [0/0/30/35|45]    8 pd
Raygun +15 [0/0/0/25|40] [Charge]    4 pd
Gatling +9 [0/0/0/5|45] [Charge]    10 pd
Stag Cutlery [0/0/40/0|40]    2 pd
Stag Cutlery [0/40/0/0|40]    2 pd
Lavis Cannon [0/0/40/35|0]    1 pd
Lavis Cannon [25/0/35/0|0]    1 pd
Girasole +3 [0/25/30/40|0]    40 pd
Girasole [0/0/40/0|0]    20 pd
Flight Cutter [30/0/0/15|40]    4 pd
Zanba [0/40/0/40|0]    10 pd
Zanba [45/0/0/0|0]    5 pd
Zanba [40/0/0/0|0]    2 pd
Demolition Comet [30/10/0/0|35]    2 pd
Demolition Comet [0/40/0/0|35]    2 pd
Demolition Comet +25 [0/30/0/0|40]    2 pd
Demolition Comet [0/25/0/0|40]    2 pd
Demolition Comet +25 [0/15/10/0|30]    2 pd
Jizai +40 [0/0/0/0|0]    5 pd
Daylight Scar [0/35/0/0|30]    5 pd
Daylight Scar +9 [30/0/0/0|30]    5 pd
Sue's Coat [DEF: 1/EVP: 6] [Slots: 0]    11 pd
Sue's Coat [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] [Slots: 1]    10 pd
Sue's Coat [DEF: 3/EVP: 15] [Slots: 4]    12 pd
Centurion/Battle    28 DT
Three Seals    5 DT
Syncesta    5 pd
Soul Booster    10 DT
Last Swan [0/45/0/0|0]    5 pd
Last Swan [0/50/0/0|0]    5 pd
Frozen Shooter [35/0/0/0|30]    3 pd
Frozen Shooter +9 [0/0/25/0|35]    4 pd
Frozen Shooter +9 [0/35/0/0|30]    4 pd
Dual Bird +21 [0/0/0/0|0]    5 pd
Ophelie Seize [0/0/0/0|30]    3 pd
Ophelie Seize [0/30/0/0|20]    2 pd
Dreamcast [Purple] [5/195/0/0] [Empty | Empty  | Empty]    10 pd
Sato [White] [5/75/45/64] [Mylla & Youlla | Farlla | Pilla]    10 pd
Sato [Cyan] [5/61/59/75] [Golla | Estlla | Pilla]    10 pd
Moro [Turquoise] [5/63/51/36] [Mylla & Youlla | Farlla | Pilla]    10 pd
Rappy [Purple] [5/0/45/150] [Mylla & Youlla | Leilla | Pilla]    15 pd

DT, PD, PC (4 PCs = 1 PD, 7 PDs = 1 DT)
Ignition Cloak
Anything stronger than i have ♥

Thank you for reading everything! I'll update the list from time to time,

Feel free to post here or pm me


Edited by Noopy
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38 minutes ago, O9B066 said:

I'd buy the soniti from you for 15 once it's finished maxing that mind out

Sorry, I was not planning to max it.

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  • 2 months later...

SPREAD NEEDLE +14 [35/45/45/0|0]    6 pds sup i want this , lemme know when u are available to join and meet up, thanks GL

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