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Happy Hours are unevenly distributed in this event

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I'm posting this topic to demonstrate how in this years Xmas event so far, the Happy Hours have been distributed in a way that strongly disadvantages certain time zones, especially players who happen to have a "regular" schedule with a daytime job.

I'll explain the table below. Samples were taken from the Happy Hours Alert! topic, based on my own time zone (CET/UTC+1) from which I then calculated the start times in a few other time zones (hope I didn't make any mistakes!). For the first two rows I can't list the HH start times anymore since the forum won't show the post time for entries which are older than just a couple of days - however I do know that I missed both HHs so the start times most likely weren't favourable.

Times that I deem neutral (also taking into consideration whether it was weekend/holiday) are just grey, while favourable ones are green, so-so ones are various other shades of greenish/orange and red is just, well ... crap or "no can do". As you can see, things are quite uneven. I also included the Japan time zone just for sake of completion, though I have no idea how many players we have from that or neighbouring time zones. Seems the majority are from "the Americas".


To illustrate my personal experience as one of the unlucky Central European players, out of the 30 total hours of HH time the event granted us thus far, I've only managed to catch maybe 4 or so - one reason being how Xmas celebrations already start on the 24th here so I was with my family when that HH started at 7 PM local time (I barely managed to catch the last hour of that). The only full HH I got was on the 25th, and that's because the night before, I jokingly asked a GM to give me my own "6 hour HH" after an unrelated in-game chat, so I was roughly aware of the time the next HH was going to take place. For all the other HHs - missed them, go figure.

Edited by Fyrewolf5
removed final line "Let the mud-flinging contest begin."
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It might just be me, but I see HH as a treat, not something to be expected. With that being said I do like the idea of making the times more compatible for people in different time zones and them being more random. good luck trying to make this change :v

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THANK YOU for this post...You have documented a very real problem. Thank you for this.

It's been like this for a while. It seems to get worse during this event.

I am aware we are complaining over something that is not necessarily due to us... But it seems unfair when others get an advantage we don't, and in my opinion, it's always worth talking about it.

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I think the big problem here is that we don't have any European GMs left with Cyane on break or whatever. As far as I know, all of the current GMs are from Central/North America. So to start a EU friendly HH, someone here would have to start it at like 5-6 AM EST. That being said, the distribution of HH won't change unless we get a GM that lives somewhere in EU.

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It's hard to put on HH at a time that is convenient to anyone really. I put it on early in the day? People will complain that they are still asleep or getting ready for work. I put it on in the afternoon? People will complain that they are at work or doing errands. I put it on in the evening? People will complain that they have to get up early for work the next day, or that they work late, or have family obligations. I put it on during the night? People will complain that they are asleep. There is literally no time I can put a hh on where people won't complain that they can't get it. Sure sometimes it may skew towards pst times, but that is only because that is peak hours when there are the most players on the server. There has been many a hh in the middle of the night for me, starting at times later than 3am (even as late as 6am), which would be in the morning and afternoon for EU (9am-12pm, 12-3pm, etc.), that I've stayed up through the night for even though it is really poor times for me. For players that have busy schedules and only have a couple hours at most to play, you will miss out on hh regardless of where you live or what kind of hours you have free. Happy Hour is merely a bonus, you should not rely on happy hour. Maybe y'all have been too spoiled from having a lot of them; even though I've been refraining from putting them on very much this event (and when I did I tried to put them at a time when it was afternoon in EU), plenty of people are still finding every item outside of hh.

Remember, the Happy Hour is a lie meme exists for a reason. You will never get items if you only rely on hunting during hh. If you aren't willing to go and put in runs for your goals regardless of whether there is hh, rare monsters, x5 exp, or whatever else, then maybe you just aren't willing to put in the work to deserve it. Everyone wants to get into heaven, but no one wants to do what it takes to get there.

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 I have maintained for a while now that you really don't see many happy hours at what I consider to be the best times they could be done. Which I think is based off several factors having more to do with than just when gm's themselves are online. I mean they do sometimes come online just to start happy hours. 

First of all, and what I think to be the most important, I think they are often placed when the total numbers of players on the server is higher, this tends to be fairly late in the day as I think the majority of players here are in the US, and are often up late as well. I know this also because GMs have talked about it before, wanting to do happy hour but waiting until we have more people online before they start one. That is what will cause a trend like what you see there.

Then as well, I mean we have not just a few, but MANY players in a range that is from 6 hours ahead of me, to 4 hours behind me. That is a really big range, factor into that the differences in peoples schedules and it is going to be extremely difficult to please everyone, well, impossible really.

That said, I do think some earlier ones should be thrown even if they are at times when the total amount of people playing on the server is less. I think we would still get a lot of complaints but I just think of people I know in europe staying up until 5-6am local time to catch happy hour, and that being really one of the only ways they get it. No it isn't going to satisfy everyone, but there are enough european players on here to justify it.

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