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rules when Playing with Dark Flow owner


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On 8/8/2016 at 9:03 AM, Misombre said:

Hum, well I was half joking in my post before.

There is many issues. Forces and basically any character that can use resta (so everyone beside droids) are used to heal themselves with resta. Some people do use trimates, in dire situation because it's faster, but generally speaking not enough people. I should say that we rely on resta a bit too much.

Why too much ? Not because of pesky DF user that will rage quit if you heal them, but because trimate and dimate are a good way to manage your HP without using TP. It's kind of like reverser and moon atomiser. Moon atomiser is faster, like waaaaay faster than reverser and you will unlikely be interrupted while using it. Most Forces (at least good one) do not use reverser, not until they run out of moon atomiser at least.

We should use resta with parcimonie. I mean, sure resta is good, but trimates (though they're limited in number) are better. And sometime just a dimate is enough to heal you too.

I used to be so bad that I was constantly using resta. Because I was feeling like it was infinite. But it is not, and when you use spirit skills it can be tricky. The most important point being that resta is slow, compared to di/trimates. Against certain foes, if you use resta, you don't even have time to attack.


Now, trimates cannot be bought anytime we want so... it's a bit of a downside. But still slight.


Now, DF users should also be more tolerant. DF is not your only weapon (or so I hope...). People need to heal themselves (but yes to a certain extend they can use di/trimates). You can gently teach people why they should avoid using resta near you during a run. Raging about that will make you look like a fool, and people will not want to make any efforts to please you if you're being a "trou d'cul", like Quebecers usually say =)

Indeed, I didn't just make my picture for a joke. It's also to show off that you already can cast resta without healing the other guy next to you. If you had to cast resta at all, it usually means you made a mistake anyway; mistakes will happen of course, but sometimes a lot of people have an over-reliance on resta to the point where it's a crutch (detrimental to their gameplay) rather than a tool (beneficial to their gameplay). There are certainly times when resta spam is a useful thing (e.g. de rol le when nobody is using flow and everyone wants to do immediate zerk with excal/zanba/dob/etc), but learning to play without having to use resta multiple times in every room and having to pay attention to your teammates' positioning can only help improve your skills as a player.

But as sylph says, stuff going wrong in a game is not the end of the world, just gotta keep going and continue having fun.

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I wouldn't say DF is horribly designed, but it's not the best either. The health requirement to use the special is a bit stupid, and honestly if it didn't exist, well this topic wouldn't exist.

Anyways, DFing is kind of a two way street of cooperation. It takes the other people in the party to be considerate that you're actually trying to DF and try not to resta around you. Then it takes you, the DFer, to play decently and not die every 10 seconds trying to DF everything in sight. I mean there are several great/decent DFers out there that can do it with minimal amounts of death(sadly I am not included), but if you're sucking ass at DFing, then don't be surprised if people are going to resta you I bit more than you'd like. I try to be a considerate player and not DF in places I don't know the spawns of, or just places that have too hard of spawns for me to do it well. Also, there's some places where you may want to DF but for other players, it's kind of a burden. For example, in ROCT when an epsi spawns, you probably want to DF that thing to bits, but for every other player there unfortunate enough not to have 100 EFR, they're going to run out of mates pretty quickly. If you're understanding enough, you won't mind them restaing while the epsis are rafoieing so they can conserve their mates for something more important. 

Also, raging because you got restad while trying to DF is pretty childish. I mean all it takes is a FO underestimating their resta distance or them just not realizing you were around them and all of a sudden, no more explosions of light for you. All it takes is a little patience and understanding to not rage every time someone accidentally heals you. But that can be turned around to them, too. If you politely ask them to stop restaing you and they just flat out refuse, then you have a right to be somewhat mad at them. 

Anyways, that's just a rambling for someone who doesn't even own a DF, do with it what you will. Either way, everyone is here to have fun. Just try to be a semi-pleasant person and we can all enjoy this game together.


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 I mean, okay I kind of see why this post is made. My guess is durring leveling maybe? newer people using resta on you a lot? I can see that

 My experience with df users is usually no issues, in fact I usually have more problems with using a star atom on them because I meant to use trimate when playing as a hucaseal, but even playing on a force it isn't THAT hard to avoid using resta on someone who is using DF.  As a force, will I use a trimate to avoid using resta on you? hell no, I have trimates ready to rock but that's for when I literally do not have time to resta and still save my own ass, they are not for your benefit. It's the same with moon atoms, moon atoms go on hotkey, reverser in the tech menu, one for dangerous situations one for more relaxed. I don't see why anyone should have to change from what is the ideal way to play to suit someone else. I think both players need to be aware of ranges, as well as if the force is using resta, they are probably being damaged, if you are close enough to them to get healed, then you are most likely also at risk. You lose your special, but you could be dead too. DF still does kick ass damage on normal and hard attacks.

Honestly, although it'd be nice for more people to know why not to resta dm users, probably all the people that are gonna read this already know haha

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Are there even any DF using pros in here (Sylph is not allowed to comment) I know maybe two more but I dare not mention their names. Well make that 3 I forgot about one that quit.  DF is fun and sure people have other weapons which if you have played with an experienced veteran you will see them utilize all of them. Speciality weapons, boosting weapons, demon, arrest etc. trust me people still use other weapons but they still keep their health drained. They have dis and tris to heal unless otherwise stated. 


God if I miss this place.


the era of the starlord will rise again one day hopefully :(


miss all of you guys 

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