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Status Updates posted by Mimi

  1. I am tired of my life...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trigunman


      It's certainly better than the alternative, pushing up daises sweetheart.

      Yea, life can suck...  But it's only temporary, what you get out of it is usually equal to what you put into it.

      Most people seeking to end their life are looking at a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

      Change will come, but will you be ready to face it?

      I cannot help you other than my prayers, advice and wishes that you prosper in your mind, body, soul and financially Mimi.

      Be blessed hon.

    3. Kotta


      Ah yes, justo remembered the one thing I forgot to add In my first post:

      Remember that "Tomorrow Is another day".

      Stuff happens, but It's not always gonna be that way. That's why every day Is different, so It's better not to stick to the same negative emotions forever. (That Is, unless It's necessary >.<)

    4. Mimi


      I'm Better now... but sometimes i can't bear with all my problems... sometimes i just need someone to hear me... or just give me a little bit of support... Tysm @Emewn @Kotta @Trigunman

  2. I can't control anyone else... but i can control myself. My thoughts, my words, my choices, my actions, my reactions, my future...

    1. Virec


      this is so true.   :)  I used to think of myself as a tyrannical person but then I realized all I was doing is pushing everyone away.  :(   It wasnt until just recently I truly understand what you posted here and now im much happier.   

  3. I just want a simple life. I don't need to be filthy rich and well known, I just want to enjoy nice things, be with the people i love, and make new memories...

    1. Virec


      These types of thoughts is what defines you as a person.   without even knowing you in real life,  I can tell you are a beautiful person from the inside out with much love to share.  :)    The people in your life are very lucky to have someone as caring as you are :) 

  4. I want to live my life without stress or worries. I don't need to be famous. I just want to be happy...

    1. Virec


      @Mimi finding self happiness is sometimes the hardest thing to achieve.  It was for me at least,  I hope you find happiness :) 

      Let me know if you want to play some time :)

    2. Trigunman


      Sadly, stress and worries will always be there, it's a part of the human condition till the day we leave this world Mimi.  Pray not that you will have to endure them but ask for the strength to overcome and grow from them.  While we all seek happiness, it is a fleeting emotion, even though at times hard to find... I seek it where, in what and with whom I can.

      I pray you're having a good week Mimi, be blessed hon. B)

    3. Mimi
  5. I'm at that stage in my life where i keep myself out of unnecessary arguments, so even if you tell me 1+1=5, you´re absolutely correct!, enjoy n.n

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trigunman


      “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain

    3. Zabby


      1+1 is actually 11

    4. Kotta


      Bruh ¬_¬
      If only It were multiplications >,<

  6. If people are trying to bring you down, it only means one thing: You are already above them...

    1. Kotta
    2. Trigunman


      Oh, nice!  Thus sayeth teh Mimi!  :onion108:

  7. If you can't be a pencil to write someone's happiness, then try to be the eraser to remove their sadness...

  8. If you took everything away from me, I could still smile. I value humor, good people, open minds and life more than materials...

  9. It's ok if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire.

  10. Just because you aren't making progress as fast as you think you should does not mean you aren't making progress. Keep going, you're doing fine.

  11. Lo que puede hacer un simple mensaje en la mañana: alegrarte el día y saber que alguien esta pensando en ti...

    1. serverus


      yo siempr epienso en ti aveces me siento mal por q soy un sucio pervertdio luego me acuerdo q tu eres mas q yo y se me pasa XDDD


    2. Mimi


      En estos momentos si alguien me dijese " te quiero así como eres", yo dudaría de su estabilidad mental

  12. Lo siento, soy demasiado complicada, no soy de las que suele tener temas interesantes para una conversación, siempre estoy sumergida en mi mundo, un mundo que nadie entiende. En realidad, creo que ni siquiera yo misma me entiendo, soy un completo desastre...

    1. dzer0b


      Creo que estoy familiarizado con este mundo del que hablas. No es tu mundo, sino uno idéntico a él. Incluso sin nada que decir, tus palabras son hermosas.

  13. Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, know what's even scarier ?


    1. Zabby


      I think spiders are even scarier 

    2. Virec


      I know what you mean,  I just made one of these changes recently :)

    3. RIPBenny


      I'd like to be your big life change

  14. Me fascinan las personas con cicatrices, que hablan de ellas con la frente en alto, que entre sonrisas y llantos cuentan la historia que les marcó tanto. Sí me fascinan así, con cicatrices y buena memoria. Me fascinan, porque ese tipo de personas son las que valen la vida y saben de verdaderas victorias.

  15. Mejoré como persona, trabajé en mis defectos, intenté no cometer tantos errores, comencé a tener sueños, ilusiones, comencé a pensar que la vida después de todo no era tan mala como yo creía y que valía la pena seguir viviendo, pero... Una vez más todo se vino abajo, rompiendo todo lo anterior con una abrupta caída y un ruido sordo que me destrozó el alma...

  16. Merry Christmas Eve to All!!!

  17. Mis cuentas en el foro fueron fusionadas ( la de Termisai ya no existe ) gracias @Soly y @R-78 por ayudarme en la transición.

    1. R-78
    2. serverus


      R-78 can u merge my 2 accs Larva and serverus XD ty

    3. R-78
  18. Muchos dicen que soy fuerte, pero antes era muy frágil solo que aprendí a fingir y brillar aunque este rota...

  19. My mind still talks to you and my heart still looks for you. But my soul knows you're at peace...

  20. Never apologize for how much love you have to give. Just feel sorry for those who didn't want any of it...

    1. nnorton44


      Some people look for love in the wrong places not knowing true genuine feeling is right in front of them

    2. Revelator


      L'amour. C'est beau mais fait souvent souffrir. La liberté c'est mieux. ( Libre et non pas libertin )

  21. Never change to be accepted by others. Stay Weird.

    1. Trigunman


      I'm mostly certainly always there hon, haha! :onion-head11:

  22. Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others...

    1. Ricardof14


      Que menina feia


    2. Mimi


      Você é feio, eu não quero falar com você ...jum!1

  23. Ni siquiera todo el peso del pasado pudo conmigo. Aun contra todo pronóstico siempre me levantaba y continuaba. Pero no todo era malo. Tenía la firme esperanza de que los malos días no fueran tan malos del todo. Y no queda duda de que sin ellos, yo jamás sería la mujer que soy hoy...

  24. Niña, cómo te van a olvidar si después de ti todos son plagios. Si haces de la risa un huracán, del llanto una tormenta y del amor un incendio. Nada queda igual después de que tú lo mires. Desastre natural, revolución al llegar y siniestro total a la huida...

  25. No estoy loca...mi realidad es muy diferente a la tuya...

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