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Status Updates posted by Mimi

  1. One day you'll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don't really matter...

    1. Trigunman


      The story of our lives sistah... *sigh*

      If only we were more concerned about the things that truly matter, maybe this world wouldn't be such a bad place.

    2. serverus


      en la vida uno aveces hace las deciciones correctas o malas deicisiones, lo q importa es lo q aprendiste sobre ellas. En general lo q hagas o no siempre es bueno siempre tendras una buena historia q contar y cuando te acuerdes esos momentos te vas a reir por como la cagaste la vida es eso poder reir de uno mismo y mejorar 

  2. Falce's Song... That's what i hear in my head when i go support...

    Don't you die on me You haven't made your peace Live life, breathe, breathe

    1. Trigunman


      \m/ \m/

      Ever listened to any Lacuna Coil, Nightwish or Arch Enemy Mimi?

    2. Mimi


      Nightwish and Arch Enemy x3

  3. If people are trying to bring you down, it only means one thing: You are already above them...

    1. Kotta
    2. Trigunman


      Oh, nice!  Thus sayeth teh Mimi!  :onion108:

  4. At the end of the day, remind yourself that you did the best you could today, and that is good enough...

    1. Virec


      @Mimi -  thats it I demand that you make positive post like this once everyday.   :)   I swear I am logging into the forums just to get a positive uprise daily from your profile wall :)     LOL

    2. Kira Note
  5. Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough...

    1. Trigunman


      ...And remember, the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train!

      It is instead a directed energy weapon from a US Naval Destroyer.:onion-head05:

    2. Trigunman


      OMG Mimi I just realized you've got Rea-san from Sankarea as your background!

      I'm almost through watching all of it, it's a great and interesting anime take on a "zombie movie".

      Much love for zombie Rea-san, haha! :onion-head11:

  6. The strongest one bleed in silence. Have no one applauding their growth. Have no one watching their healing process. They bloom in silence...

  7. Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others...

    1. Ricardof14


      Que menina feia


    2. Mimi


      Você é feio, eu não quero falar com você ...jum!1

  8. I am going to concentrate on what's important in life. I'm going to strive everyday to be a kind and generous and loving person. I'm going to keep death right here, so that anytime I even think about getting angry at you or anybody else, I'll see death and I'll remember...

    1. Usagi-chan


      La tienes inspirada @PhantomJAZ

    2. serverus


      es bueno ver q no todos los dias pones puras cosas tristes sigue a si nee-sama!!!


  9. To that one soul reading this. I know you're tired, you're fed up, you're close to breaking but there's strength within you, even when you feel weak. Keep Fighting...

    1. Lone Ranger

      Lone Ranger

      feels like I have been running on empty for the last 20 miles

    2. Trigunman


      Preach it sistah. :onion-head11:

      Whatever does not kill you will only make you stronger.

  10. Hearing old music you used to love is like getting in touch with an old friend.

    1. Trigunman


      Alot of the older music is literally the soundtrack to my life Mimi, I am very much a child of the 80's myself.

      Cliche' as it may sound, they truly don't make music like they used to anymore.

    2. Mimi


      Yeah i like the old good music too ( 70's~90's ),  its better that the shi*** music from now xD

  11. Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path...

    1. Trigunman


      And remember, that light at the end of the tunnel is not a oncoming train...  But instead a high-powered chemical laser from a US Navy Destroyer.  :onion108:

  12. I just want a simple life. I don't need to be filthy rich and well known, I just want to enjoy nice things, be with the people i love, and make new memories...

    1. Virec


      These types of thoughts is what defines you as a person.   without even knowing you in real life,  I can tell you are a beautiful person from the inside out with much love to share.  :)    The people in your life are very lucky to have someone as caring as you are :) 

  13. A veces me preguntan; ¿Para que existes?. Yo sólo pienso; No lo sé...Lo mismo me pregunto...

    1. serverus


      todos nosotros existimos por q mama y papa se tenian unas ganas el uno al otro y a si XD

  14. Nobody is too busy. It's a matter of priorities...

    1. Virec


      Time management,  responsibilities, and putting the ones you care about above all else.    :)   True Priority

  15. I Love u <3

    1. Mimi


      Yuki me quieres matar ? u_u

  16. Un abrazo para todas las personas que últimamente no se han sentido bien, un "tu puedes" para quienes piensan desistir, un "cuenta conmigo" para aquellos que se sientan perdidos, un café y una charla para quienes no encuentran un sentido y se levantan cada día. Porque tú y yo tenemos algo en común; Nunca vamos a rendirnos...

    1. Kira Note

      Kira Note

      Es lo más hermoso que he visto en toda mi vida. XD

  17. Feel the feeling but don't become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it.

    1. Trigunman


      Ahhh, this reminds me of the meaning of stress!   XD

      STRESS:  The mind's ability to override the body's natural desire to choke the ever-loving crap out of some idiot who desperately needs it!

      Methinks you need a creative hobby to release stress with Mimi, for me...  It's annoying my neighbors with my guitar and a rather large, loud and obnoxious 100 watt all-tube guitar amp head and 4x12 cab halfstack.  That way, everyone can hear and feel (from the bass frequencies) my STRESS AND RAGE!  XDDDD  Hope this helps!  Take care Mimi. :onion-head11:

  18. Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason...

  19. Volver o no volver... ese es el dilema xD

  20. Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more.

    1. Virec


      I am going to start looking to your page for wisdom,  all these posts interests me to check it out every day.  :) 

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