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Everything posted by Zabby

  1. hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know my time on this server is coming to an end. I've enjoyed every minute of this long journey, and i most certainly will not come back -- it's time to put PSO behind me and focus on the future. P.S I'll be back from burger king on Friday, so I'll be on soon :):):):)
  2. Zabby

    Genzu Shop

    Do you have pokemon blue yet? I've been asking and asking...
  3. Question: Why would the bartender say "You know this is a woman's beer, right?" to a woman, as if she didn't realise it was a woman. You should hire @RIPBennyto be your writer/idea-man.
  4. This is how I read your post in my head. I needed a worthy opponent in pool, but no one was worth my time. my bloodstained pool cue "wraith" was sheathed by my side, ready to eliminate whoever came next. my eye caught a really really young, did I mention she was young, like super young, girl at the bar, too young to be in a bar, seriously i'm old and she's young if that wasn't clear, staring at me with intense eyes. She couldn't take her eyes off of me, my rippling virgin biceps were too much for her. I smiled back and she immediately had an orgasm, I could tell even though she was trying to hide it.
  5. Zabby

    PD Hit Shop

    Do you have any pokemon cards for sale? I'll settle for yugi-oh if not.
  6.  5aa58a5bdd973_redbox.thumb.jpg.e126b4485dd8ae40a9bc47bd862c01a9.jpg

    1. yeyy


      Inkling is gonna be a class in psobb?

    2. Zabby


      I thought you knew, it was in the Ultima manifesto for 2018

  7. I love how you've left no doubt that this is your personal favourite
  8. My favourite is Canada Dry Ginger Ale
  9. My chains of oppression have been broken. Shattered.

    Why must I have been treated this way, for defending the newer players of Ultima and fighting for the rights of the community aspect of this server? Unjust.

    I am now free to roam the utopia that is www.phantasystaronline.net/forum but at what cost? I fear my soul will never be the same.

    End journal log #1192 and three quarters

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zabby


      @yeyy watashi wa no zabby san: hyper force zx

    3. McLaughlin86



    4. Lone Ranger
  10. i'll crush them up and sprinkle them on like crutons
  11. My favourite is Canada Dry Ginger Ale
  12. oh cool, are those for me? thanks. youdon'tneedthese
  13. Thanks for the suggestion!
  14. My favourite is Canada Dry Ginger Ale i mean ketchup
  15. Zabby


    Pretty sure you still owe me the TJS from 2011
  16. Probably Barbecue Sauce.
  17. this is honestly the best suggestion in the thread. I don't know what kind of idiot would disagree with this. see, look at the suspense @yeyyhas created! excitement.
  18. Zabby

    S> PGF

    I guess neither of them will end up PMing each other
  19. I appreciate the use of my favourite pic on the internet. You have my full support now.
  20. Zabby

    arg ye matey

    why are you leaking photos of our new pso server? what the heck
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