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About onyxdude

  • Rank
    Sinow Gold
    Sinow Gold
  • Birthday 04/13/1995

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    North Carolina

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  1. Damn 1 away from a perfect number 😒 78 pds then lol
  2. Please close trade has been made
  3. Wanting to buy one with pds shoot me a pm if your interested
  4. onyxdude

    S> 2 STAs

    Pm me if your interested
  5. T>Yas 9k 85hit

    1. Yannv


      @R-78 might be interested.

    2. R-78


      What are you looking for?

      Edit: Thanks!

  6. Lemme grab a blue black stone from you.
  7. well theres not many card weaps that hold a good utility weap (besides add spec to id cards) but look at it like fs, you never attack 3 time with the spec cuz the first shot freezes (or you just want that dmg :p).But it could be a handgun or maybe daggers or whatever guilty light is with its projectile.
  8. I have a weapon idea. What about a card wep that freezes like frozen shooter projectile( 1 shot to freeze) and call it Icicle or Popsicle?
  9. did you get a chromatic orb? i think i have one from a while ago if you just want it

  10. B>Chromatic orb pm me plz.

    1. donpepe99



      I sell one in 15 dts

  11. what the title says haha but with hit% and im using dts only. Enjoy the rest of your day!
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