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Everything posted by O9B066

  1. I'll buy that visk
  2. O9B066


    I'll buy these all level 20 please Foi, zonde barta Gifoi gizonde Rafoi rabarta
  3. O9B066

    B> some stuff

    added stuff, bump
  4. O9B066

    B> some stuff

    who ever comes with the dts first, its theirs. I know, the donations are down,it sucks hoping by end of week its up myself.
  5. i need: Foi, zonde barta Gifoi gizonde Rafoi rabarta LVL @) disks, please Also, i need a 0/170/30/0 or 5/165/30/0 mag
  6. S> Type/mech 80h demons 50dt

  7. yeah you dont like it, but this is the reality of why this is a great idea... Just remake the game lemon? well i had seaside unlocked for someone he has jungle, just had moutains to go, just remake it though huh thats the best option? I cant really claim i know what you two do, but im not sure your in game as much as some of us, to see or deal with this crap.
  8. If used responsibility, it would benefit some. I'm sure we've all done a RT where at seaside someone goes afk, then magically is back for gal. A team shouldnt have to do all the work and someone come back collect the drops and head straight for a boss. If it's majority votes it shouldn't be a problem. Also, people don't use the password function yet ask people to leave a room cause their holding a spot, which that would solve alot of this also. Or, cause the password system is somewhat bugged, a random guesses your password after being asked to leave still won't, doesn't say anything and stays, some people warrant a kick, atleast i a passworded game.
  9. O9B066


    if using a RA, id recommend a yas9k, especially cast who's hell isnt that great, in 1 button hit you get 3 shots ones going to work and if the first does if somethings behind it generally it dies from that one shot too plus the range is awesome.
  10. O9B066

    S> STA

    @radezz he's looking and also has a list of items for this or dw
  11. I agree with posting it, but the easter event drop table is post on the chatbox, yest daily people still ask where/how to find it lol also when they make a account for the forum, theirs a link saying make a game account HERE, but over see it lol.
  12. i betcha it is your drive. I built a second PC for my wife to play this game with me out of spare parts and her game crashed alot like ALOT. So finally i toook the second drive out and installed it to the main drive in that pc and it worked great. when you do get a new drive, get a ssd drive maybe pricey but they're worth it. Dont go small you'd regret it later, atleast go with 240 gigs min for your c drive, then the HDD you have now, use as your storage drive. Wow they went down alot since i got mine, a 240 gig is under 75 bucks and 500 gig about 120 on amazon.
  13. either in a cpl hours or all day tomorrow i will be
  14. S> Mille Marteaux +12 [30/0/15/0|20]

  15. prolly nothing can be done cause idk when it was but...with that being said, i lost a guardian angel costume but dk when cause it wasnt my main acct, and now i want it for new toon.... check every account every bank
  16. bru you dont need this, i need it lol tryin to msake a set hahaha i always see good lists too late!
  17. sorry havent been on the pc like that lately but yes it is it comes in a whole pack tho where all ramars look like that but different colors, check out page 1 i put it in the wrong area, ill fix it later, go to character, ranger racast then its in their if you need it just to replace 1 char and the rest normal, lmk and ill make that file for you. Actually here, this is the picture of em all Click this to download, but it will be them all.
  18. noo i want that mille myself
  19. Wut Hey if you want a Db sword I have a cpl w 50 hit you can have and maybe some other stuff depending on your class.
  20. so as many of you who've been here awhile know i play only casts unless its 100000000% that i have to FO...i made a ramarl so far fun and it realy is easy to solo ttfu vhard lvl 80 up...so anyways i dont know much about fleshies nor ramarls so whats a good load out? i know DM but what else?? i currently have. AN MF BTornado(cuz of demons and for lizards i like to melle too) Vivienne ( lol cool lookin thats it) Frozen Shooter Baranz launcher, i guess for bosses, but havent used it much Lvl 1 frame, till 99 and sam armor C/B A/Arms Adept C/Pwr ( i swap this out for 502 or cure units as needed) Genepi then max stat mag for ramarl I maxed out matts already, so whats good armor i can use the magic rock armors what, any help is appreciated idk what to load out on her. For hell is she good with it? I have 80 h hell yas9k ( dont laugh its awesome) and UR
  21. i need at the moment: Frank the bunny costume or a RR Ophielle seize with native ab and hit or hit and one of the two n or ab... 0/170/30/0 or 5/165/30/0 mag... paying in pds/dt cure paralysis and cure freeze too
  22. i play too, well was but didnt know anyone except terrybriggs, same name their i might hop back on again
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